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June 2015 Babies!

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Starting this now for anyone who is out for a May baby, as I am.

Post here if you're try for a June baby.

(I'll still troll the other forums, but I thought I'd make this one in advance)

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

853 Replies • 9 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

211 - 220 of 853 Replies | Last Page

Good morning!

jjgibson - Thanks! and

TTClate -

Lolo - vibrating underwear! Lol! I like your idea about basing everything off the second date. That probably what I will do. I have my cycle on here set like I O'd on cd 8 so I'll just be a higher number dpo than normal. Glad you are feeling better!

Marcie - Lol! Got to love comments/questions from the DHs. I just don't tell my DH where we are in the cycle unlees for seom reason he really isn't into it and its an important time. Sometime it helps some times it doesn't. He's be in a much friskier mood recently so keeping him in the dark seems to be helping!

I'm feeling really good about this cycle too! for us!

RPope - you temps stay up!

Basia - Hopefully your chart is so steady because this is your cycle!!

Bumpin - I can't remember all the details of my dreams the past 2 nights. But I remember that I am very active. Running around, stressing out, all sorts of different things. I wake up so tired. Its like I didn't sleep at all. It sucks!! Would much rather be mad about jolly ranchers!

Laicdogg - Welcome!

AFM, I am going to do my best to wait and act like I didn't ovulate until last Thursday. That way I won't be tempted to test this weekend and won't have the opportunity to be disappointed with a BFN! So now to wait at least another week!

to us all!

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9 years ago

Hi ladies. My BFF just gave birth about 30 minutes ago. She got PG literally a week after taking out her IUD after had already been TTC for over 2 years. So yeah I needed a hug when she got pg and today is even harder. 3 of my nieces are pg too by men they just met. Found out about 1 of them last night. Breath is all I keep telling myself.

On another note, I am due for my annual pap today and I get to meet my new OBGYN. Fill her in on my journey and see if she has any new insight for me. You ladies have any suggestions? I have the regular testing done, but cant help but think someone has missed something my throwing me straight to chlomid and IUI. My last OBGYN retired so my last pap I just saw anyone and he sent me straight to an RE. That RE went straight to IUI. I now have a new RE and he is going straight to IUI as well unless I chose to have Lap. My choice he says. I asked him to order a sperm defragmentation test and he acted like he was not interested in that test. I asked him to give me the antibody blood test and he said that test has not been done in so many thousands of years even though Ive read about it online. I wish I had a doctor that would check for everything even the small stuff even the rare stuff. Ive heard this OBGYN is really nice so I am hoping she will be an angel in my journey.

9 years ago

good luck on your new OBGYN 10years! i know firsthand how hard it can be to find a good doctor! i lucked into my really awesome OB, but finding a regular doctor has been a lot harder for me. i've gone through quite a few in the last 7 years that i've lived in this city, but i finally found one of those that i love too. FX for you!

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9 years ago

10years - is he/she at least doing HSG before IUI?
They need to do that at least before they perform IUI. Also sperm tests are great idea.

My RE did a lot of testing before my first IUI.
whole bunch of blood work (a lot of blood work)
DH did blood work
sperm analysis

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago

TTClate: I would dream of tiny dead baby animals. Like every night for a week it would be different animals dead floating in a fish bowl. Another time, closer to my MC I dreamt about my husband's deceased Aunt (which was a good friend of mine for many years and was ran over and killed by her neighbor back in April). I came home from somewhere and got in my car for something and had words with black permanent marker all over the dash that said, "tonight is your night" and "death is knocking at your door" and "watch your back". I was terrified and ran in to tell Dh who was in the bathroom. All of the sudden, there was a knock at the door. I went and answered it and it was my DH's aunt. I was thrilled to see her so I hugged her and told her how I missed and loved her. She then pulled a gun on me and said, "you know I love you, but tonight is your night". I cried and told her she couldn't kill me bc I have a family and a new baby to take care of. She replied with, "God didn't care that I had a family to take care of" and said that it wasn't God who sent her :(. I then woke up from my dream balling and couldn't go back to sleep. I was so scared and to this day still bothered by it.

After my MC, I had another dream about her. I saw her in the grocery store where we worked together for many years. I was terrified and wanted to run, but she came to me and said, "You know I love you and would never hurt you."

The last dream eased my mind a bit, but I will never forget the terror I felt. Sorry for the long reply.

Marcie: It is good that you both got a good laugh out of that! Oh, and yes! Nobody messes with my Jolly Ranchers! HAHAHA.

Danielle: I really hate those dreams that make you feel like you haven't had any sleep. I have those often, mostly work related.

10years: I too get sad looking at all the pregnant women. My sister and sis in law are both pregnant. My sister is 32 weeks now so it won't be long until her baby boy gets here. Not sure how I will handle that if I don't conceive before then.

I am going to try a new Ob as well. The one I used during my MC didn't act like she cared about me at all. I mean, I know they see that all the time, but I wanted to be cared for as an individual.

AFM: I am still getting some cramps, but no other Af signs. Still lots of creamy CM and felt nauseous when I stood up a minute ago. That is probably because it is lunch time and all I have ate was a granola bar.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

speaking of dreams - last cycle I had a dream repeating 3x in the same night; basically in the dream I was peeing on pregnancy test and they were coming positive. When I woke up I was soooooooo excited and I run to the bathroom and took a test. It was BFN and I started to spot (which for me is a very bad sign).
Yeah.. I am not sure what those dreams were about but they made me so happy for just one night.
But still I rather dream of kissing a boy and losing him to somebody else or getting my candy stolen then getting my hopes up like I did last time.

Is anybody testing soon?

... lots of this month

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago

bumpin-- that is the most disturbing dream i think i've ever heard of. how terrifying!!! hopefully you don't get any more of THOSE this time around!!

basia-- won't be testing until at least next wednesday. that'll put me at 12dpo. i MAY take one on tuesday, but i'd like to wait until wednesday :)

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9 years ago

Marcie - I think I will start testing Tuesday or Wednesday as well. That will be 11/12 dpo :)

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago

Basia-- Look at us! Cycle buddies! :)

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9 years ago

Basia, Yes, my HSG came back ok. I did blood work and only once did my prolactic come back high and was put on bromocryptin because she "thinks" I was not ovulating all of the time. She never did the test again. My new RE says she should have run it again and they dont think I have high prolactin that sometimes it can just be high when they do the lab. I need to redo that lab. DH has not had any bloodwork done. He had a SA done 2 years ago, the nurse calls me and rushed through the results. Said all was fine but his 2 hour was not as good. I asked her what that meant and she could not explain but repeated all is good. Ugh, I should have asked her to have his dr call me but I didnt I dropped the ball. Now we are waiting for his new insurance to kick in to have another one done at the fertility center with an antibody test and Im trying to get the RE to request a sperm dna damage test too since DH has been a smoker for many years. We both have children from previous relationships the youngest being 11 so I know it is possible I just cant figure out what the exact problem is. So my plan now is to go to the new OBGYN today for my annual and give her my run down and see if she is willing to take a second look at all of my tests again because my 1st RE gave me alot of conflilcting info when she did my bloodwork and my new RE requested all of my records and is going off of those and when I ask him did she put me on progesterone/estrace for my IUI was it because they were abnormal he tells me he cant tell by the file so that is why I asked him to run them all on his own at my 1st appt with him and he said he did not think that was necessary. Very frustrating. If she helps me great. If not then I am going to have DH repeat the SA with a sperm antibody test and dna damage test. If that all comes back clear then I need to figure out a way to afford my 20% for Lap I guess. I have done 2 IUI in March and April that did not work for me so scared to keep spending money there. If yall see anything I have missed please chime in. Ive tried accupuncture too. I had a fertility massage last month and it was very painful on my left side. She said my uterus was misplaced. THat is was low and on the left. She said that she massaged it back into place. I do believe her because it only hurt on the left side when she did it. I was so hopeful for this past month because I felt I had fixed the problem.

9 years ago

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