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You might be a TTC lady IF ....

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So, I thought we could all use a little laugh at ourselves right about now.

This post is going to run a-la-the Jeff Foxworthy Redneck jokes, "You might be a redneck if ..." but instead, this is where we can come to find out "You might be a TTC lady IF ...."

Feel free to add your own "if's" afterward and lets have some fun!! :)

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

You can form a sentence that makes no sense to any of your friends and family, i.e. "Hoping AF doesn't come since we BD'ed when the OPK was positive and I am now at 12 DPO."

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

to you, the phrase "sticky bean" has absolutely nothing to do with cooking.

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271 Replies • 13 years ago



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If you position yourself in strange sex positions for highest chances of conception rather than spicing up the the bedroom.

12 years ago

- You see your RE more than your GP
- Your family can tell by the pee sticks in the trash can where you are in your cycle
- Diaper commercials make you cry
- Pregnant teens are suddenly evil beings to be avoided at all costs (even though I was one, once)
- You spend more on conception aids (lube, pee sticks, monitors, supplements, softcups, etc) than you do on groceries
- You consider buying prescription fertility drugs online, even though you know it's not legal or safe
- Your stress level increases with every cycle you remain not pregnant

Thanks so much for this outlet. So nice knowing that I'm not alone on this insane ride

12 years ago

*when you have to start shopping at a different Target because the pg tests are right in front of the pharmacy counter and the pharmacist surely noticed you buying 2 multi packs this weekend already

*when you've already bought maternity clothes (because they were on clearance) but haven't taken them out of the bag because it would be bad luck

*when you burst into tears at the sight of a BFN and then wonder if being overly emotional is really a sign that you are pregnant

*when it annoys you if your husband wants to have sex and you're NOT ovulating

*when you get a + opk and tell your husband that you are having sex NOW, you don't care if he has a headache

*when you are so distracted waiting for him to finish that you forgot you were supposed to enjoy sex too!

*when you dip an hpt and an opk in the same pee cup just because you're curious if that "opk as hpt" thing really works...and then when you see 2 lines on the opk you forget it's an opk and you're thrilled for exactly half a second until you realize your mistake

12 years ago

You might be a TTC lady IF ........
Every time you get an evap line on the HPT, you scream out "" aha! i knew i was pregnant because i farted last tuesday! "

... Don't lie. You know it's true.

12 years ago

LOL! I love this.

if you and dh are suppose to be having a movie "date", and he's the only one watching while you are in the bathroom POAS Or you're on CTP...(guilty)

You have a pregnant woman radar, and can spot a pregnant woman a mile away...and it seems like everything has something to do with pregnancy or babies.

When nothing else but Oing "turns you on"

When you are willing to try anything...even if it includes standing on your head for half an hour, while singing and encouraging the "little guys" up the stream and to the egg!
Good laughs!

~Hoping to be a mommy~ User Image

11 years ago

When you wonder if poking your cervix too often is what's lead it to close up rather than the fact that you've Od.

When your toilet bin has enough opk and hpt wrappers in it to wallpaper your entire bathroom with!

When AF arrives and you think that it might actually just be breakthrough bleeding, even though it's heavy and bright red and ARRIVES RIGHT ON TIME! Lmao.

User Image

11 years ago

Good ones!

You know you are a ttc lady when after you have laughed at these, you stop and think, "Wait, that's a good idea."

~Hoping to be a mommy~ User Image

11 years ago

hahaha @thinkPOSITIVE!

this thread has definitely made me laugh.
i think it's much needed on this site (:

11 years ago

You might be a TTC lady if... you frequently switch up the stores you buy HPT's from, just so the cashiers don't think you're crazy.

11 years ago

... If you hide all of DH's "tighty whitey" underwear, because he keeps forgetting he shouldnt wear them TTC!

I did this today...

User Image TTC since June 2012. DH: 32 Me: 29 October 2012: DH diagnosed with varicocele and low morphology 1-2% to all!

11 years ago

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