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March 2017

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Well CD1 again for me. I was hoping to stay in the February group but a late ovulation pushed me just out.
Last month was emotional as I had a lot of different symptoms than previous months. Also had some excitement at the end the to a longer cycle than I'm used to. I'm really hopeful for this cycle as it will be my 4th month trying and I will be doing natural insemination with my donor to hopefully increase my chances.
Anyone have any other tricks to try? Maybe epo or red raspberry leaf tea? Anyone used those? I used preseed last cycle and will be using it again this time.
Last month my insemination timing got messed up as I injured my back on expection ovulation day and ended up ovulating 2 days late. Hoping for no complications this month.

212 Replies • 8 years ago



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Happy to have you here Rachel
Chicks, next month will be yours.

7 years ago • Post starter

does having window a/c in bedroom affect my bbt? should I have the thermometer under my pillow or something? so its not so cold when i take my temp? my temp last two days was pretty darned

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7 years ago

Trying. That's a good question because my temps ran low all cycle and at night I keep my house at 64. With bbt sitting by my bed.

7 years ago

@ Fruit........girl had a BAD day. So emotional and my MIL pushed me to the edge of no return.

7 years ago

A (small) temp dip and another for me this morning...

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7 years ago

12 DPO Bfn for me to Rachel. I know AF is coming I'm not in any doubt of it. I just know my body so well. It's just I have this elcheapo test and plan on using them up. Got 2 left. Woke up literally lashing out. I was dreaming a big rattle snake bit my DD and it was chasing me. Needless to say temp was useless at 3 am. But anyhow it was 97.91 I stayed awake for about an hour and then slept til 745am temp at that time was 98.2. I will chart the first one. Still waiting on MD to get back with us. I went ahead and shot him over an email yesterday asking to give us some type of help. I'm also thinking of ordering preseed for next cycle. Went over my chart with DH and educated him on how things work and what it means by everything I'm doing. He is sad we are not pg. very willing to have boys tested. Also told him at first site of ewcm we will have to start BDing and at least do it everyother day past O and I. Going to have to stay rested and lessen my stress level. So next cycle instead of sitting around the house all day I will take baby girl to the park or go visiting. So ladies that's my next cycle plan. Keeping positive.

7 years ago

I'm sorry Chicks :-( I feel like might be right around the corner for me too...cramps are coming on strong. I hope you're MD gets back to you with some good news. Sounds like you have a wonderful plan going for next cycle. I'm going to have to take the next cycle off for surgery, but I still plan on doing some things that might help in the future - daily walks, limiting the caffeine/alcohol even more than I already have, and finding walks to stay as stress free as possible.

Question for everyone. Like I mentioned, I'm scheduled for surgery on 8/11. Has anyone gone until general anesthesia and had it mess with your cycle in any way? Last time I went under I was 17 and don't remember much other than my hair falling out in clumps Hoping it doesn't mess me up as I'm just not starting to feel like I'm understanding my cycle.

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7 years ago

Been under twice and no effect with me. Had boobs done and had gallbladder taken out besides severe horrible nausea and vomiting for a few days I recovered without any changes to period. Good luck to you.

7 years ago

Just got good news. Spoke to my doctor and he is setting DH semen test. I'm really excited.

7 years ago

We ladies I feel bad for you that it's so hard.
I tested this morning at 9dpo and it was negative. Thought I had a shadow yesterday but didn't want to get my hopes up. Period is due next wednesday so I still have time. I was up with my son the last two nights as he's severely constipated and today we are fighting with a glycerin suppository. He has sensory issues so anything new is tragic and disastrous. Temp is still up at 98.42. Boobs still hurt like crazy. Random sharp pains in my left pelvic area. Still a few days till I will know either way.

7 years ago • Post starter

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