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CD5- Need a Buddy! I am officially Despirate.

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So i've been stalking this website for the last 3 months. I've been able to calculate my cycle length (30 days).

My first day of bleeding in march was 3/21 and ended 3/24 (short bleeding this month). This leaves me at Cd5 (please correct me if i'm wrong, still getting the hang of this).

Last month I couldnt track O because of a cold I had, BD and I were taking penicilin before our anniversary trip to cut the infection and we both got a yeast infection (yikes). This was exatly during my O week and I had some icky thrush.

Going out to buy OPKs for the first time after work today. (so nervous)

Anyone want to join adventures? :-)

225 Replies • 10 years ago



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I'm holding onto my pee for dear life here and I'm gonna test with another digital opk later this after noon like 4:30ish. I've read the same thing but I also get mixed reviews on the topic so I clearly am clueless right now.

10 years ago

Yeah I hear ya..I've read so many things but I'm no doctor and don't claim to be one lol. Either way though sounds better to me than being negative about it! Wouldn't it be awesome if we both got our positives this month!? I've actually had a bit of cramping today..then again it could just be in my head..Hope not!! Keep me updated!

10 years ago

Keep checking back around 4:30ish maybe 5

10 years ago

Will do lol! GL!

10 years ago

Ok first I must apologize for being so short in my last message I had to run out and do errands. Ya that would be super awesome if we both got out BFS'S this month. How's the cramping? I keep getting some weird feelings but whateva lol. Anyways I just got and poas and that thing is still flashing a smiley at me. Kinda freaking me out the way clowns do lmao. So idk what's happening here. As I type my sides are killing me and I took some Advil before I left and it isn't touching it. Well there's my update let me know what ya think

10 years ago

Haha!! No worries! I've been busy myself today! Cramps have been on and off but not bad..barely hurt just something I keep noticing. Just a little annoying lol. Prob just in my head! What weird feelings are you getting? I can't believe the opk! Seriously two back to back?! So weird! Although I think clowns are more freaky lol. Well keep me updated..feeling really good for us both this month!

10 years ago

I'm more anxious to see what tomorrow's opk looks like with FMU!!! Taking a hpt is like on the back burner now...I'm way to curious now. I'm having some weird stuff go on...cramps,lower back pain,achy hips,gassy (sorry) and my nips hurts and kinda sensitive,headache.....oh my the list is a mile long lol

10 years ago

Up early today lol..couldn't sleep, so back on this website lol! I'm pretty curious about these opk's too! I've even thought about going out a buying a few cheapies just to try out. Sounds like your symptoms are looking promising! I wish I had some lol. Who knows, I'll probably start imagining things soon enough haha! My temp is still climbing and if they don't stop, my damn thermometer is going to tell me I have a fever! Anywho..when are you trying the opk? Keep me updated. I'm really starting to get the itch to test even though I'm only 5dpo :/

10 years ago

OMG I'm gonna flip my shit!!!! FF has gone and lost her damn mind again. Now it's saying I ovulated on CD17 instead of CD14 just like this site!!! NOW if this were true which it isn't why would I get a positive OPK on CD13 and then again on CD21 IF I ovulated on CD17. Ugh I'm about done with charting! I'm doing a OPK and HPT once the house clears of noise around 8. I'm seriously washing my hand of this whole cycle for real man. I'm so annoyed and frustrated.

10 years ago

WTF!? That's jacked! What was your temp? I don't think it's right...I mean c'mon...that's ridiculous. Now I'm convinced that I'm going to take an opk today just to see. I think you're preggers and that's why the + opk's. You check CM right? I mean did your CM change after CD 14? FF is really f'd up sometimes ugh! I'm mad for you lol!

10 years ago

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