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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Blushing - haha, that's funny. There's a radio show I listen to on Sirius sometimes that has a little bit of a cult following and the one host says it alot. So I just wondered. :-)

10 years ago

My BFF says "hey girl hey" ALL THE TIME. It's from that Tila Tequila show (A Shot At Love). One of the girls on it repeated it endlessly!

10 years ago

Question to all you ladies - how much folic acid do you take? Do you think you can take more than usual 400 or 800 and it be okay? With my two losses I'm just wondering how much I should take.


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago • Post starter

yogamomma and blushing - I am glad to see others that do acupuncture! I have heard of great results with invitro. I hope the results are great with traditional TTC methods too. I start in January and am a little nervous, but willing to try anything at this point.

While in waiting - I take a pre-natal vitamin. I hope that is enough. Does it benefit to take more? I think most vitamins just make for expensive pee, because we cannot absorb more than our bodies can use/need, but that is my 2 cents. Didn't look it up.

I am not feeling any side effects from the Soy Iso I took CD 2-6, I am CD 7 now. I guess I was expecting to feel the starts of O pain now. Wishful thinking I guess. For those of you who took it, what CD did the O feeling start? Can it make you dry? I wonder if I should get more pre-seed. Never had an issue before, but want to be prepared.

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10 years ago

Hi ladies, sorry I've been missing, I have been busy with work and stuff and don't have time at the moment. Just wanted to say hi and wish everyone tons of baby dust.
I hope to catch up on posts tomorrow.
In the mean time, today is CD1 for me, pain is the lowest in years (must be the acupuncture). I am excited for a new cycle.
Hope to catch up tomorrow, good night :)

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10 years ago

Blushing - thanks for wanting to help! I don't know if either temp would have really made a difference, I just got overwhelmed with this feeling that I had to make sure my chart was "perfect". Ha! :)

Kotikd - sorry for all the busy-ness you're having, but glad to see you're looking forward. Baby dust to you, too.

While - I take folic acid in a dose of 800mcg, then a multivitamin that has 200mcg in 1000 mcg all together. That's what my dr recommended.

Afm - 13dpo. Took a digital Hpt today (which I've never used before, so that was cool), and of course it came back negative. Boo! So I guess I'm technically on the Sept board now. Although with the timing of my next fertile period while I'm at my MIL's, I should probably just skip Sept and wait for Oct. My dh said he didn't want me tracking and charting while we were there, because he didn't think he could handle the pressure. At the rate I'm going, I'll be the first lady out here who's looking for a 2015 due date.

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10 years ago

Okay ladies, I need your input/thoughts on what my body is doing right now...

My last AF was Nov. 19, I ovulated on Dec. 3 and I should have gotten my next AF on around Dec. 15 by my cycle - but I still have no AF and I took a HPT this morning and it was a BFN. Two nights ago my DH and I did the deed and when I peed after there was a little pinkish cm when I wiped - I figured that was my AF on it's way, but it's still not here 2 days later. Also when we had intercourse it felt different to me then usual - it was like a more sensational, intense feeling and I climaxed much faster than I usually would (sorry if TMI, trying to get to the bottom of this). I no longer am having cramps, but my bb's are still swollen but not tender, and I don't think I have any other symptoms of AF or pregnancy.

So strange, this has never happened to me before. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm no longer feeling cramps and I'm not sure if AF is on the way or not. I guess if I don't have it by Friday I'll take another test. Any help or insight with this would be much appreciated!

Only other thing I could possibly think of would be maybe AF is delayed due to stress/emotional time of losing a family member recently, could that throw it off/make me not get it this month?

Do you think I could be pregnant??? :)

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10 years ago

GB1020 - emotional stress can DEFINITELY delay your cycle. Usually it does this because the stress can delay ovulation though. How certain are you of your ovulation date? Also, what kind of HPT did you use? At 15 dpo you should be able to get an accurate result. I hope you get an answer soon!

10 years ago

I ovulated on Tuesday, December 3rd, I used a digital clearblue easy ovulation test and it was the kind that says if you are and if it's "peak" time, and the 3rd was my "peak" time and we had intercourse that night about an hour after I tested. I also double checked with a different clear blue easy ovulation test the one that just says if you are ovulating or not and that was a positive that I was ovulating. I just recently bought the newer ones so I'm still using old ones up too.

For the HPT, I used First Response Rapid Results test this morning and I used First Response Early Results test three days ago. I have two Rapid Result tests left at home. You think the Early Result ones are better than the Rapid ones? Also when I tested 3 days ago I tested at night time - not sure if that would make any difference.

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10 years ago

Blushingtc: My cycles are usually 30 days and while i'm on a 6 day cycle of clomid i O alot earlier. Last month i O'd on CD 11. But with no meds i O on cd 16 or 17 or not at all. I caved this morning and tested and it was a BFN. So we will see. I'm just going to try and be patient and see what happens. Thanks

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10 years ago

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