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TWW- 1dpo

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Day 1 of the loooongest 2 weeks ever...just wondering if anyone else is at the beginning of their 2 weeks and would like to go through it together :)

260 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thanks Caridura! I'm feeling some what better today. One of my close friends just had her littler girl so, I got some baby therapy yesterday! Spent 5 hours holding her most of the time lol! She's precious made me so happy to hold her and know one day I'll have my own little one to hold! We all will! I'm so happy for you that hubby is ready to try again that's great news and a little puppy to love too!!! Good luck I'll be praying for you! I hope you get your BFP this month!

10 years ago

Thanks Ashley! I'll keep you beautiful ladies posted!!

DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

Well ladies, went to the dr today and found out that the clomid didn't work this first round. I did not ovulate. So now she is upping the dose to 100 per day of clomid. This should be an interesting month. Hot flashes here I come.

She wants me to go see an infertility specialist. Just the word scares me. Infertility. Never thought I would be a statistic. Today has been an awful day but DH came home early from work and took me for ice cream to try and cheer us up.

I'm nervous about starting this second cycle and terrified it won't work.

How is everyone else?

10 years ago

Hey Mrs! Sorry to hear that. Keep your spirits up and stay busy. I haven't been thru any of that so I'm probably not the best to give advice. When I'm going thru rough times like 3 months ago I read, listened to music and such. Keep yourself busy. I actually found out I was preggo last time when I wasn't so worried about actually getting preggo. Good luck on your new cycle and I hope you get your bfp soon! It will happen and I'm praying for all of us.

Well I am on my third cycle since my miscarriage and hubby finally gave in to try again (last few posts). I am in my tww so I'm about 8dpo or so. I wasn't keeping count. I'm just trying to let things happen I guess. In 2 weeks it will be my 1st year wedding anniversary so that's keeping me preoccupied during this crazy wait!!! Ok I must confess I took a test today and was bfn but it's still too early and I knew that, so I'm not bummed.

How are the rest of my ladies?!


DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

im doing good , been busy working but i am prayin 4 u ladies , please keep me posted , xoxoxo gl this cycle

10 years ago

Oh Mrs. Bishoff I'm sorry to hear that. I hope this second cycle goes much much better! I hope you get some answers if you decide to go to the specialist. I will pray for you! You never know what could happen :)

Caridura I hope you've been well! Have you taken another test yet? I would have definitely taken one by today if I were you, I have no patience lol! I hope you and hubby have a wonderful anniversary together!

Hope you're feeling well Mama!

Today I am 7dpo so just waiting to see what happens. My best friend Brandi, her husband David and their 2 little girls Charlotte and Lily are finally home and done with the Army so they are straying with us until they find jobs and their own place. I love having them with us getting time to spend with their beautiful daughters and my friends that I've missed for far too long. I'm hoping Brandi rubs off some of her baby dust onto me because she is super fertile lol! Who knows maybe having them all with us will finally distract me enough so that I don't stress about trying to get pregnant so much. We shall see!

10 years ago

Welp AF came on Monday! Booooo to that! But I'm not stressing and will try again this next cycle.

That's good to hear Mama! I'm keeping myself distracted and busy at work too. Thanks for the prayers! ;)

Ash, send some dust this way! Lol

DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

I'll definitely send some baby dust to all my ladies hopefully it'll get us all lol!

I am 14 dpo today CD 30. Since TTC I've never had a cycle longer than 30 days except when I got pregnant and then had the miscarriage. No sign of AF so far but I'm a freak and have tested for the past 4 days including today and all BFN. So, I'm kind of just waiting for her to show up I keep running to the bathroom every time I feel something to see if she's arrived. I'm hoping she doesn't show and I'm finally pregnant again after another 4 cycles but, I'm thinking not with all of the BFN's. I'll repost again when she comes or if by some miracle she doesn't!

How are you ladies doing?

10 years ago

awww , ash , i hope its it 4 u , i did the same thing with the testing to early and even after my af didnt how the test were still neg 4 a week , let us know what happens ,

10 years ago

Still no AF as of now no signs of her either. My bbs normally hurt until she arrives but they're hurting less than they have been this week and no AF. I'm confused don't want to get too excited but I am excited that maybe we did it this month! I'll keep you all posted!

10 years ago

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