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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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Here is what I found online. True or not, take with a grain of salt.

Increases blood flow:

Blood flow and circulation can greatly help boost fertility levels and the chances of conception because they help provide sufficient oxygen and vital nutrients to the organs responsible for getting pregnant. Increased blood flow helps the uterus, ovaries, the brain (responsible for beginning the ovulation cycle in the hypothalamus) and more to function at a higher rate. The more blood, and the nutrients that are found within it, the more a body is able to work properly to help regulate everything from reproductive hormones necessary for ovulation and conception to thickening the walls of the uterus for embryo implantation. Baby aspirin provides a solid base for increased blood flow and circulation that can help to boost fertility with an end result of conception.

Reduces risks of miscarriage:

For women who have already experienced a miscarriage the thought of another one is of a particular worry. In the days leading up to implantation of the fertilized egg onto the uterine wall lining, the chances of an early miscarriage (known as a chemical pregnancy) are fairly high. Baby aspirin works to reduce that risk by helping the uterine wall lining to thicken to an optimal thickness so that the egg is better able to find a solid “home” that will provide a safe environment for the growth and development of the baby. Women who are at risk for miscarriage or chemical pregnancy may have what is known as antiphospholipid antibodies which can cause coagulation problems that interfere with the thickening of the uterine wall and later on threatening the development of the baby. Baby aspirin helps to thin the blood so that coagulation isn’t as likely.

How much baby aspirin should you take:?

Brands aren’t important when selecting baby aspirin, however the dosage is. Baby aspirin is only beneficial if it is taken in the right dosage – 81mg; anymore and you risk thinning the blood too much or causing other problems that could risk the pregnancy. Be smart about your dosage of baby aspirin and the benefits it will provide you can help to not only increase your chances of conceiving, but help to prevent miscarriages as well.

I read that red meat is good and Brazillian nuts are also good for the lining and pineapple core is good for a few days after ovulation but stop before you get a BFP as it could be too much intake.

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6 years ago

Hello ladies! I didn't expect anyone so quickly. I figured everyone would wait out their cycles and I'd see people show up as AF came. I'm at the end of AF and still in a lot of pain. This has been my most painful AF ever. I usually have minimal to no cramping. I'm wondering if maybe it was a chemical, which would explain the faint lines.
DH is home this weekend, too bad it's the wrong time :-/ If I had a short cycle we'd have a chance, but I don't so we wait.
I went to mommycon atlanta over the weekend and they had his/hers fertility vitamins in the goodie bag, so yay for free supplements! LOL
I'm on CD5, have about 20 days left if I can plan O right.

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6 years ago • Post starter

dragonfly- i was trying to read up on as well, thank you for the info.
im not to familiar with brands of opk i use $1 ones and the pack of dip sticks.

callmecrazy-I'm right behind you! I'm on CD4 today, I should be coming to an end soon. Wish TWW would go as fast as AF shows up and ends LOL

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Your welcome. Hope it helped in some way but I am sure the info you found is good too. Never in my life have I gone to the dollar store to buy OPKs or Pregnancy tests. I just got back up from the grocery store and they don't have any OPKs, just Pregnancy ones. I will have to check a bigger store as the hospital location is small. So, hope it won't be too late if I go tomorrow. But I can agree on one thing about having the tww the same as AF. It's like time is standing still.

@callmecrazy. I was going to reply as soon as the forum went up but didn't think I could as I am in the tww still.

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6 years ago

Mind if I jump in here? I haven't been active in the forums before, but dh and I have been trying for a year and I'm ready for some ladies to share with.
I feel positive about this cycle. I'm cd 4 and I ovulate day 25ish, so we're cycle buddies this time callmecrazy. In my extended family, about 50% of us have August birthdays. I always thought I wouldn't want my children born in August or December because it can be hard to share your birthday with every other celebration, but now that it's been much harder to get pregnant than I ever thought, we will welcome a little one whenever they come. Maybe I have a little August magic in my blood?

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6 years ago

@dragonfly I'm sure you are in the was just to be sure..and you're right..the whole time its like things are standing or O or a BFP!

@beautiful thanks for the info as well..guess you're just waiting for O now!..Its really great when the hubbys are on board!

@callmecrazy sorry AF was so painful!..hopefully you are feeling better and just waiting for O..i hope the timing works out for you..

@krista welcome to the this your 1st?..have you been doing anything else besides trying bd on time i.e opks or temping?

Nothing to report symptom wise at 5dpo..just trying to keep busy

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6 years ago

kristalovestruffles- Welcome to the Group!! How long have you been trying?

dragonfly-i understand, your probably in the tww, best of luck and baby dust!!! Hope this is your month!!!

AFM, I'm on CD5 and NOTHING to report. Temp 97.7. Just Waiting!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I think so too. I was able to find one OPK test at home and it was one of the strips. So, did the test and only the one line came up. Won't be using those again.

@purplesummer1205. Yea, it's like time can't go quick enough. Hurry up already

@kristalovestruffles. Welcome! Are you trying for your first?

AFM. If you ladies don't mind, I will jump back and forth between here and July. AF due Nov 10 and this morning my temp is at 98.6. Last night I had a little bit of acid reflux. Never had that before and not sure if that is a early sign or just whatever I ate earlier. Today, feeling a little crampy still and my boobs feel a bit fuller and achy.

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6 years ago

dragonfly- i hope you get your implantation dip soon, not sure if everyone gets that or not, but did see most ladies see a temp drop and then a rise. Keep tempting though!

This weekend i will go buy my items to start my upcoming ovulation period/fertile week!

Question: DH wants me to stop tempting after i get a confirmed 3 high temps after Ovulation. He says that should hopefully reduce some stress and wondering. But to still log symptoms and what not. Do any of you stop? what do you think? i want to see an implantation dip though LOL!!! Just want some opinions! good and bad!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I don't remember the last time when I was pregnant if I got the dip or not as I lost all my stats; which could be why things are so confusing for me now when TTC. I am still going to keep temping. I'm just anxious to see a temp dip as I think to myself that AF is on its way. To answer your question. I would keep temping no matter what. Yes, it will reduce stress a bit but the mind will always think, what is my temp at today? and will want to temp to ease the mind.

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6 years ago

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