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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Haha yeah Im horrible at waiting and thats all that ttc is... waiting for af to be over, waiting for opks to turn positive, waiting to o, tww, waiting for a bfp, waiting for af. lol If you dont shake it up a bit sometimes it can get very monotonous. O is about a week away for me, so not that much longer. Thank you and Ill do the same for you! Best of luck to everyone for their bfp!

10 years ago • Post starter

Good morning is cd11 for me.....I have started with a new supplement today advanced ambrotose glyconutritional......DH and I are also starting with a fertility eating plan from today for 2 weeks.........I am so ready to O this month......

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10 years ago

Im on cd10 now... My dh and I also started fertility vitamins today, I think its called fertiliaid. i can already tell it has increased my energy :] Im so ready to O too, its taking forever to get here. Good luck with your supplement I hope it does the trick! :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Just started a new cycle today by the looks of things. :( According to my BBT chart I ovulated on CD 24 well I guess it was actually CD 17.

We started trying in January. Had a miscarriage in May. And then a chemical pregnancy shortly after that.

If we catch this cycle I should be due around the same time my 5 year old son was 6 years ago! Hoping that gives me good luck!

Good luck to you all!

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10 years ago

I am on CD9. Started using OPKs yesterday (couldn't stand waiting any longer to use them!) Still getting hot flashes at night after the course of clomid (which I finished a couple of days ago). I wonder how long that lasts? At least it means I absorbed the hormones I was supposed to! About to go away for a ski trip weekend. After that, everything will happen quickly with blood tests, scans and hopefully BDing!!! Of course, I will be back at work too which will make things interesting... I am watching out for signs of fertile CM. The clomid supposedly dries it up so we shall see.

I feel both oddly in control with all the extra steps to help me get pregnant, but also out of control, like I'm on a roller coaster and going wherever my body and the medical people take me!

10 years ago

Morning ladies....DH and I started with a fertility eating plan yesterday, and I must tell you I feel good today.....we taking our fertility vitamins daily since April of this year.....this morning I took my 1st Opk test with a not so faint positive it's not as dark as the test line but almost there. I know I am not suppose to O until the I will definitely keep on testing every morning
Till then. DH and I have been baby dancing this week just to make sure we get all the possible days.....what he doesn't know there will be more baby dancing everyday till 2 days past O.....I don't think he would mind......I can see the smile on his face already!!!!!

Shelob and the other ladies good luck with using clomid. My heart really goes out to you sister is also using clomid because of her irregular cycles and to help her O....she was very sick when she was a little girl and the doctors had to remove all of her ovaries and only left her with half an ovary on the right side.....they told her she could never be pregnant but had her 1st born a boy about 3 years ago....she is now trying for baby #2....She is also using clomid, and I know all about the emotional roller coaster she has been riding the past 6 month......all of you are in my prayers....just keep faith look at the positive and speak positive thing over yourself and your womb....I know it's easier said than done.....I need to remind my sis everyday aswell it does get better just believe dust to all.......

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10 years ago

Good morning ladies :]

bluerose- sorry to hear about you starting af...Its always such a bummer to see the first signs. Sorry to hear about your losses :/ And youre right! That would be very cool for them to have close birthdays! Good luck :]

shelob- Good luck with the clomid! I hope it does the trik for you! I heard people say the same thing about it drying you up. Good luck, I hope this is the month for you! :]

Dixieheart- Good for you and the healthy eating! Its so tough to stick to but so good for you! We started our fertility vitamins and also started running in the mornings and I cant already tell an improvement in my mood and how i feel over all. Today is when I start my opks too! Be sure that you know that you dont o when they turn positive but usually 24-48 hours after your first positive which is usually when they start to turn back negative ( 48 hours for me). I didnt know that for the longest time haha. But if you temp you dont have to worry bc ff will tell you. This cycle we are trying to bd with a different approach than usual for us. Usually be bd every one of the fertile days, this time we are doing every other day until the opks turn pos then every day and the day after o. Good luck to you , I hope this is your month!! :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Liz wow thank I did not know that.....thanks for the advice! Sure looks like baby dancing recipe is a better one I think DH and I will also take the same approach.....if you don't mind us copying you! That is so cool you guys running togehter in the mornings. I am also running in the mornings but on the treadmill's amazing how soon you can feel the change in your mood and body after starting something healthy......I'm really having a hard time with drinking all the tablets......I'm allabout herbal medicines, and natural medicines and eating healthy.....but I soon realised that I am not consuming the right amounts of calcium, omega 3,6 to do the trick to prepare my body for our little pinkvoet....but I know why I'm taking the vits so it does not bother me inasmuch as it would normally do....I did another Opk tests this morning....the test showing a not so negative positive patiently we wait again......what is it smith the waiting all the dust to you and the other ladies aswell......

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10 years ago

Lizhaley and Dixieheart, thanks for the good wishes. I so hope this works too!

Dixieheart, that is incredible that your sister has had a baby with only half an ovary!!! How terrible for her to have thought all her life she couldn't though. I would have really struggled with that!

I wouldn't get hung up on the "not so negative positive" type interpretations of OPKs. I have found that they can go darker, then lighter, then darker etc. I always have two lines, and it is only a positive if that second line is as dark or darker than the control. Also, you mentioned you were using them in the morning in a previous post. Are you testing after 11am? If not then you might miss the surge. Apparently testing early afternoon is best if you are only testing once a day. I test around 4 each day and have had one good positive each month.

10 years ago

Hi Shelob I did not know that thank tomorrow I will definatly test after 11 in the morning..........will let you know on the outcome of the test result tomorrow.....
I only test once a day and that normally before 9 in the mornings.......thank you for the advice.....

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10 years ago

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