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BFP! Babies due in May 2019 and after! I’m due in August!

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Hey ladies! of your !!!!
My name is Renée and I wanted to start a new and current group for those who finally got their and those that are due in the summer of 2019 and after!
Some info about me,
The Mirena was removed at the beginning of September, and I’m currently 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Im due in August with my 3rd child. This is my husbands first child. We were married at the end of September. Symptoms right now- I only get nauseated while riding passenger or when I’m hungry, my nipples sting but boobs are still the same size, bummer lol. I’ve been bloated beyond belief every since I found out I was pregnant and look like I’m 3 months even though baby is the size of a blueberry currently.
Now let’s see all those success stories! Look forward walking this journey with all of you!

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450 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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@ renee we are having a little girl!! What are you hoping for?

@ ttcmyrainbow welcome!!! I know being pregnant after a loss can be very very scary. This is my rainbow baby as well. I just have to stay positive that she will be alright.

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5 years ago

Congratulations to all! My husband (Tom) and I have been married for 8+ years. We had our first boy, Colton, on 12/16/15. I went off the pill in September and "magically" got pregnant in early December. I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days. I had my first ultrasound yesterday and confirmed the pregnancy (attached a pic). I had a blighted ovum back in December 2014 - January 2015 and then got pregnant with our Colton in March 2015. Since I had a loss previously I am still nervous about this pregnancy and just want to get to 12 weeks and worry less, hopefully! I'll admit, this one wasn't as planned as Colton was. I went off the pill in September as we were going to start thinking about having another one but then we had a night without our toddler (grandparents are the best). Add some rum and cokes to a kidless night and, BAM!, preggo! We are very excited, of course. I did have PPD and PPA with my first so I am nervous about that but I will discuss it with my doctor!

Right now, my only symptoms are breast tenderness and fatigue.

Hope to see all of you ladies over on the countdownmypregnancy website! I'm already set up over there, haha.

Congrats again everyone!

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Colton "Casually" TTC #2 Go Bills!

5 years ago

@ttc- welcome to the group and congrats after a miscarriage! I’m praying everything will be fine for you girlfriend! When is your first appt?

@rooroo- a little girl how awesome! I have to boys myself, 11&7. So a little girl would be awesome! But of course, I’ll be happy with another boy as well. What were your symptoms, is it true what they say that if you have a lot of nausea it’s prolly a girl? I get nauseated when I’m hungry and during car rides but that’s about it thus far.

@Mal- welcome to the group too! And congrats! I stopped my birth control in September too! I’ll be 8 weeks tomorrow! Did you tell your little one already? Does he want a brother or sister?

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Renee, congrats! Haven’t told our toddler yet because he’s got a big mouth lol. Will wait a few more weeks. I’m anxious to know if he wants a brother or sister though!

Colton "Casually" TTC #2 Go Bills!

5 years ago

@mal welcome to the group and a big congrats to you!

@renee actually I haven't had any true symptoms lol. I very rarely will get a wave of nausea but it goes just just as quick as it comes. Besides the fact that I'm showing now and I feel her rolling around in there I wouldn't believe I'm pregnant lol. I hope you get your little girl!!!

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5 years ago

Hey ladies! After loss in Feb we finally got our rainbow baby! I am due May 19th. TTC journey was hard almost took a year, and 6 months after loss. I al having a BOY! We have already named him Elijah Daniel. I love the movement i feel from him currently its amazing. This will be my 4th...but i have a 16 yr gap from my last child. Starting all over

to all you all!!

5 years ago

@beautiful!! Hey there, glad you came to join us! How is little Elijah doing and how are you?

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5 years ago

@renee my precipitous labor happened with baby #4 and because I live over 2 hours from the hospital they don’t want to risk me delivering on the side of a road lol.

5 years ago

@beaut-welcome to the group! What an adorable name! I love it! I know how you feel about starting all over! It’s a bit scary, I haven’t been preg in 8 years Seems like forever! I had postpartum hemmoraging with my last one so that pretty much scared me for a while. My dr didn’t seem to worries about it when I first started seeing her a couple years ago.

@lindsay. Oh my gosh! Two hours away! Yeah I don’t blame them, that would be scary! How long was your labor when that happened? Did you even get anything for the pain since it went so fast?

@rooroo! Thanks! I’m hoping! I keep having dreams with a little baby girl in them so fingers crossed! I also don’t recall getting all this nausea with my boy pregnancies. I did this ring trick with a Locke of my hair and it told me I had my two boys and ended with one girl. I did that last year before we started trying. My Chinese gender predictor says girl too.

Have any of you guys tried the gender predictor?

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5 years ago • Post starter

@renee I made it to the hospital with 13 minutes to spare and that’s with my dh driving like a race car driver lol and didn’t have the time for any meds!

5 years ago

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