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7 days late and Negative HPT test, including First Response Brand.

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Is there anyone out there on this forum that can tell me if they experienced the same while pregnant, and how long it was until you got a POSITIVE? I have a Dr's appt this coming Friday (4 days from now) so I've already got that covered. And I've also taken to First Response tests which were both negative along with 2 lower quality brands that were also negative.
Symptoms are minimal. BBT is 97.5 Farenheit/ 36.4 Celsius, and symptoms are similar to when I get my period (mild breast tenderness, fatigue, nausea- yes- these are PERIOD symptoms for me!)

Anyone out there that can share their experience with me? I promise to come back and update the results once I know for sure.


12 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

11 - 12 of 12 Answers

So I'm now an official 10 days late. Had my dr's. appt this morning and pee test was another BFN :(
They ran a couple of blood tests, so i'll know by mid to late next week. He's also referring my hubby and I to a fertility clinic. I'm scared :(

I don't feel pregnant, and I can't explain the ten days even if I did ovulate late because even if I did, my average luteal phase is 16 days and I'm now past that. Trying to stay positive but at the same time realistic, so that I don't set myself up for major disappointment.
Y'all know how it is!! :)

I'll keep updating on this so whoever needs some insight can get it from my experience.

Baby dust to you all future new and repeat mommas!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! I promised an update so here I am. Unfortunately, On Friday past midnight (of course, AFTER I went to my dr's appt for bw), AF showed her ugly face. Of course, noone could console me for the entire weekend. I really thought this was it. I've been very depressed bc it always reminds me of our twins we lost. I'm NEVER that late. It was a 41 day cycle for me this time, and I don't think I ovulated. I mentioned my concerns to my dr, and he thinks my DH and I are eligible for a referral to a fertility clinic. It scares me a bit, but f I can ensure that all is OK down there, then I'm happy to get the chance to see a specialist.
Anyway, while I wait for my first Fertility Clinic appt, I decided I'd be proactive and do whatever I could to prompt ovulation this next cycle. I stocked up on soy milk, eggplant and buttermilk, my accupuncturist made me a detox tea, and I bought Zestica at my local drugstore- a lubricant that assists with fertility. We'll see. Thanks for the support!!xo

10 years ago • Post starter

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