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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Yeah its not great news. The doctor explained how cysts can give you pregnancy symptoms so that explains why i have had all these symptoms lately but no positive. He said its a complex cyst so that means its part solid and part fluid as where a regular cyst is just fluid. He said there is always some concern when part of it is solid because of ovarian cancer but he said 9 times out of 10 they are benign. He said that it is quite large which isn't exactly normal but isn't necessarily bad either. We will just have to monitor it to be sure it doesn't get bigger. Once AF shows I will go back for another ultrasound and do my blood work also to schedule a dye test to make sure my ovaries aren't blocked. He saw some scarring on my uterine wall but he didn't seem to be too concerned about it. I'm just hoping my cyst goes down and if non't that its benign..

Sorry to hear about your excessive work load I hope you will be able to get some rest and relax. Try not to get too stressed out!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies.....

DH and I had such a lovely day at home was a public holiday today we celebrated heritage day.......we slept in got up and went for a long walk through our neighbourhood.......I just love spending days like these with my DH......

Shelob wow thats hectic.....taking on extra work load you must really look forward to your trip just to get away from all the craziness.....Goodluck with the extra work......

Liz I'm so sorry to hear about your bad news.....luckily you are in the right hands and the problem will be sorted as soon as possible.....I can't even imagine to think what you must have felt and emotions going though.....I'm sure your DH did everything possible to comfort you........things will work out just fine and Nino time all will be sorted and with a little baby on the way......

I'm waiting for O should be any day now.......good luck ladies and baby dust....

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10 years ago

Hi girls. Lizhaley that is really sad news. I do hope you are looking after each other and that it does get sorted soon. That makes sense about the pregnancy symptoms, I have read that too.

Dixieheart that is fantastic about your day off. So good to do that. I hope O comes as expected :)

I am at CD 6 and waiting... I started using OPKs today as I have lots of shart pains in my ovaries all day. Way too early so just probably ovaries being stimulated. One more clomid tablet this cycle. I look forward to doing away with the hot flashes! They will probably last another week or so though.

10 years ago

Hi ladies!

Hope you are feeling less stressed today shelob. I bet those hot flashes are awfully annoying, I hope they go away soon!

Glad you had a day off to spend with your DH Dixieheart. It sounds like you enjoyed it. I hope everything goes great and you o as expected.

Thanks for your kind words ladies. It def was shocking news, I am feeling a lot better about it now. At first I was really upset and afraid it would make it so that I couldn't conceive but I have read up a lot about it online and talked to some of my friends and I am feeling a lot better about it. There is a lot they can do these days medically to treat them. My friend even had her ovary taken apart and put back together an it is perfectly fine. So as long as it is nothing malignant I'm sure it will be just fine. In a few weeks they will insert a camera into my uterus to get a better view of things and also give me another ultrasound. The absolute worst case scenario is that since it is partially solid that it is something malignant and in that case they would have to do a complete hysterectomy. But like I said i'm trying not to focus on any of that. Dh has been incredibly supportive. Thankfully he was there for my appointment and has a 4 day weekend. WE have been really enjoying our weekend together and its even cold enough we can start using our fireplace :] And in two weeks we are going on vacation which will be nice and something to keep our minds off of things.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls! I am getting very excited. Leaving for my trip in just over a day :) I started packing tonight. I picked a whole heap of clothing and put it in the suitcase...then my husband said he hoped he'd be able to do with only one shirt as I had filled up the suitcase! I need to rearrange and decide just how many dresses to take!

I have been very emmotional the past few days. Just a bit fragile. Low energy (glad it is time for my holiday!!!) and yesterday two friends posted on facebook that they are pregnant. I was NOT happy. I know I should be happy for them, but they are not close friends and all I felt was jealousy and frustration. It made me want to quit facebook altogether just to not have to deal with that.

How are you two doing? Lizhaley by the time I am back from my holiday you will probably be on your vacation! Dixieheart have you ovulated yet?

10 years ago

That's so exciting that your trip is so close!! I can't wait until it is time for me to start packing :]

Ugh facebook is the worst for that!! I see all the time of my friends posting they are finding out that they are pregnant again and all of the pictures of babies. It can definitely be upsetting on more emotional days.

I'm doing good. Af should be here in about 5 days. About 3 days later I will have all of my blood work done. It will be nice to confirm that all of my hormones and such are in order. However, I am quite hesitant about the other tests. They ordered a test where the doctor will put a camera through my cervix and if he sees something he doesn't like he will cut it out and remove it. I don't know how I feel about that. I know that much about the test because looked it up on the internet. The doctor didn't tell me anything about it. I fill like having something cut out of me deserves a little more explanation than just handing me a sheet of paper with test names on it. He was also quite vague when talking about my cyst. Which is why I think Im so worried about it. I feel like I would like to sit down and talk about it and see if its going to be monitored or if he plans on removing it and the extent of how bad it is. He also wants to do the test where they but the dye through your ovaries to make sure they aren't blocked. I don't think I need it considering I was pregnant before even though it wasn't a successful one. I also don't doubt that I ovulate. But I understand that test is basically a standard procedure everyone has done. I have also read that it is VERY painful. I'm not really worried about the dye test I just kinda feel like we need to discuss what they are fr and what the doctors plans are instead of it all being a surprise the day I go in to have it done.

I know that probably sounds crazy of me but I am really nervous and would like for the doctor to discuss everything with me and to give me a little more information about this cyst. I have read that cysts usually correct themselves and many women have very successful pregnancies while having cysts. But anyways that was my vent for the day haha. Good luck with your cycles ladies and have fun on your trip shelob!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

It is totally understandable for you to be nervous and want more information about what is going to happen to you. I would be the same! I wouldn't say no the HSG test (the dye one) because your tubes can get blocked up after a pregnancy. I have read stories from some woman who have had more than one of those to check if they have become unblocked. Also, you can get pregnant with your tubes blocked as the egg can migrate through other tissues apparently! It does make it harder though.

With the cyst they do need to be careful because you don't want to get pregnant if there is a chance it is malignant. Tumours like pregnancy.That;s why with molar pregnancies you have to wait a long time before you are allowed to TTC again.

I really hope things turn out okay and that this all gets sorted quickly!!!

10 years ago

It's not that I want to say no to either one of them I would just like my doctor to discuss it with us esp the one with the camera because I want to know what his intentions are if he has the ability to cut things out of my body. And I want to know the extent of my cyst. On my bloodwork sheet he didn't order the tests to test for cancer which the levels would be very high if it was malignant. After he told me I had a huge cyst he basically just left and the nurse gave me sheets to schedule the appointments. I think overall I would just like to be better informed I guess.

Have fun on your trip!! Hopefully the fun will do the trick and you will get your bfp!! :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies.....

Yes I did O as scheduled and on time I'm 2 dpo today and counting the days to my BFP ......we had such a lovely and DH had our birthday party on Saturday with a house full of family and friends.....our birthdays are 15 days apart in the same month so we oonly do one party end of September since we''ve been together......everyone left after breakfast this morning so me and DH had a nice quiet day at home after a busy weekend.....

Shelob what exciting news, packing for your and your DH must enjoy every minute of you well deserved vacation......

Liz I can only imagine your frustration with the doctor.....he should really take the time to discuss everything with you.....i think sometimes they forget that the patient is not the one with the Dr degree.....Goodluck with all your upcoming tests......keep us posted on all of them....

Good night ladies I'm off to bed it's was a crazy weekend.....

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10 years ago

Hi Ladies

How have you guys been?

Liz how is things going? Any tests done, any news?

Shelob hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise......

Sorry for not posting much this past week, but things was kind of hectic.....I'm so busy with my sewing project and I need to finish them by Thursday because it's my best friends babyshower this coming Saturday....

This week I was also a bit sick, it started on Sunday and only got better by the time I did not know what was happening with me.....felt like I was hit by a train......but today all of the weeks craziness came together.....I did a clear blue digital pregnancy test angst my BFP.....I was so excited......I packed a picnic basket and told DH we should go to the Ecopark close to our home......while we where having fun I took out the test and showed him.....the look on his face was priceless.....for the next few minutes he couldn't stop kissing and holding me.....and the rest of the day kept on touching my tummy.....we spent the rest of the day talking and planning our baby's future.....

Ladies I just want to say thanks for all the talks and support it really helped me the past 5 months, it really has been great.....this will be my last post....I just want to leave you guys with this never give up, always stay positive.....never listen to results doctors give you, because the plan that God has for you is much in Him above all else for your miracles....and believe you me it's will be yours.......

Baby dust and lots of hope and faith.....

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10 years ago

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