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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Scooby h&h 9 months! Congrats!

Five im sorry for ur cousins loss. I pray she finds peace after this terrible loss. It will take time... sorry hun...

Rebecca the temp still ip may be a good sign that af will stay away n u end up with a bfp!!!! Are u testing again? Were u on progesterone supplement i cant remember ...

Blushing, thank u dear. Ntnp. After lots of consideration i cancelled my re appt. And im at peace.

I think i finally baselined on my hormones .. somehow. This is yet a difficult time as i would be holding my baby next week or so if we didnt have the miscarriage.
my edd was 1/1/2014. On that day i will do a special celebration ..

Rebecca i like tge pendant idea to remember the angel babies...

Smc, sorry af came. Just dont give up hope!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Blushing: son is good, he will be leaving for Memphis tomorrow to see his sister until the 23rd and then he will come back here for Christmas and go back on the 25th or 26th to have Christmas with his sister in Memphis and probably come back before he has to go back to school on January 7th. I found out she is only 9 years old, I think I posted she was 10 in my earlier post. There is a page on Facebook - Praying for Helen if anyone wants updates.

Please continue to pray for this family!!!

Nothing new to report for me. Waiting on [af] to make her appearance in a few days. Hoping to get back on track with ttc after Christmas.

[baby_dust] [good_luck]

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

@aclark, I'm at cd13, just one day behind you! Thanks for your reminder to keep it fun. I am stressing big time this month, and I just don't feel like DH and I are going to get it done because of that. When we did get our bfp at the end of last month, that month had been really carefree. How do I get back to that!?! Lol. I hope you're doing well, and that this is your cycle :)

@fiverson, I didn't say anything before, but I wanted to express how sorry I am for your cousin, you, and the rest of your family. That kind of loss is heartbreaking :(

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

Scooby - we must have posted at the same time this morning, I didn't see it until I came back on just now. Congratulations! Super happy for you, dear!! :) H&H 9 months...and please keep us updated.

GV - thanks! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but its darn hard. I will be praying for you extra hard as your due date approaches...I know how that can be. Remember you are loved.

SMC - I'm sorry AF came! :( Keep your chin up, we're all here for you.

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10 years ago

Well, I was really hoping to be pregnant by Christmas, but I started spotting last night so I know my AF is on the way any minute now :( wamp wamp. So now I'm hoping for a September 2014 baby!!! I'm going to try and exercise at least 3-4 times a week this next month and see if that gets things moving along a little better - I haven't been doing much exercise at all and maybe my body thinks it isn't ready or it's a little too chubby to carry a baby healthy! So cheers to all of us and good luck, baby dust! September 2014 or bust! lol

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10 years ago

Hi All, some of the updates after the ranting yesterday.
I managed to get an appointment with the gynae and he did ultrasound scan on me. He suspected that OPK pranked me... As based on the scan, left ovary is small. right ovary is at 10+mm ( good news is :This month is - RIGHT OVARY ) Just that its not the right size yet hence, the suspicion on the NOT O yet and shouldn't be positive.
Scan shows that womb is good, however can see some clustering. Gynae unsure if this is infection or just water retention. OR maybe DH's swimmers? Cos we did the deed in the morning before going to the gynae ( HEE HEE )

Anyway, gynae prescribed antibiotics for me just in case it could be some infection around the ovaries. BUT TO BE consume only if AF comes next month ( HOPE ITS NOT COMING!) The two meds are: FLagyl (200mg) & Doxycycline (100mg )

Today is CD9, have not do any testing. I am left with 2 CB test and 1 normal strip. which the latter will be tested on CD12... 3 more days to go and hopefully that it will not disappoint me. Reason cos, if right ovary is only at 10+mm its not the right size and dimension hence will be wasted. I did suggest to do another scan on CD12/13, however gynae said its ok. : This month is the right side. TRY. ( he said )

What you ladies think? For those who have seen the image on my HPT images. Smiley versus that faint line is too misleading...

Wifey- Not testing today, I am going to test on CD12, based on past 2 cycles surge appeared on CD12. I was using CB digital when solid smiley appeared on CD7. However, based on the ultrasound scan, gynae feels that I have been pranked.

MissCarol- This month is RIGHT!!!!! Yeah!!!!! Hopefully catch it and I am still doubtful about is OPK (+) on CD7 is accurate as ultrasound showing otherwise. I will use OPK on CD12 again and see if I can detect the surge...

Firstti- Right OVARY!!! Gynae feels that it is not anytime near O due to the scan result.. It should be about 16mm should it be O or approaching O... Hence, suspected that OPK tricked me...

Blushing- Gynae said shouldn't be due to the short cycle that OPK turned (+) on CD7. He still thinks that based on the scan, it is not close to O as per earlier mentioned. Right ovary is only 10+mm and left ovary is very small... :( Yeah I am ranting and ranting...

Should I hope that OPK(+) on CD7 is good sign that I am O-ing anytime soon? ** worried tooo at the same time if ovary not in the right size**


Should I hope that OPK(+) appear on CD12 to make me feels better? BUt at the same time, gynae is sure that this month is on the right and need not do the scan again? Cos I am curious to know if the size will grow by CD12/13...


Anyway, thanks for listening....


xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Scooby- Congrats!!! Happy 09 months... :)

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Hi girls, First time posting on this website and i have a question. After BD on CD22 I had a very small spot of blood on the toilet paper. I am now CD25, not sure what DPO bc i didnt use OPK's this month but i had cramping on both days (CD12 & CD17) My boobs and nipples are so sore i can barley touch them. I have also had back pain for a few days now. What do you think Implementation Bleeding?

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10 years ago

Hello ladies

Thank you all so much for the prayers and well wishes. We are all taking it one day at a time and hope to have some answers soon. We are planning a memorial for little Emma Rose on her due date, which was 1/11/2014. My cousin is doing ok. She has her moments of inconsolable crying, but she is surrounded by so much love...we will help her get through this.

Scooby - Congrats dear! Wishing you a happy & Health 9 months. Keep us posted on your progress dear!

Rebecca - I've used that BBT temp adjuster before and it made made my chart look perfect. But that's the must be 100% honest when you chart because if there is an issue, usually you can tell by your temps. So if you are adjusting it to what it "should" be then it isn't completely accurate. So, if I were you, I wouldn't use the adjuster and just be 100% honest; even if you do take your temp late.

SMC - Good luck with looking into adoption dear. I hope it works out for you. I truely believe God has a plan for all of us.

AFM - CD16 and still no ovulation detected on my chart. WTH? I think taking the progesterone before O was a big mistake. But it's what the doctor said so I was just following instructions. I did read that sometimes doctors prescribe progesterone cream to stop ovulation for a few months so that the patients hormones can level out. So, then after about three months the cream is prescribed for only after O. There has been a very high pregnancy success rate with this. Who knows...? All I know is that I'm highly irritated that I was Oing on my own and now all of a sudden I've screwed it up with this damn cream...sorry for the rant. I'll be taking the cream only after O next cycle. Dang! I really wanted a September baby :'(

10 years ago

Scooby : CONGRATS!!!! I love hearing of BFP when you have been trying for so long! :) What did you do differently this time? anything change? This is inspiring!

Stevi : Implantation happens 3-7 days after ovulation. If you BD and had blood after that, then it was probably just from tearing. Tearing happens a lot during sex, but most people don't notice or feel it. There is no way to tell when you ovulated without testing. Assuming, a big assumption here, that you ovulated on CD 12 when you had cramping, then the implantation could have been CD 17, 5 days later. If that is the case (again big assumptions without BBT or OPKs), then you would be 8 DPO. The First response 6 Days sooner test can detect HCG starting at about 7 DPO. However, if you are really having symptoms, then you might have the pregnancy hormones already going through you and can test and get a faint positive. Iâ??m a POASaholic, so I test at 7 DPO, even thought I try to hold out for 10 DPO. Safe to test at 14 DPO. How long have you been TTC? Let us know the results.

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10 years ago

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