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FM2B TTC#1 Onto Eposide 2

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Are you TTC #1? Do you often feel like there isn't a place you can go to where you feel comfortable enough to talk about whatever it is your going through without Mommies TTC #2+ is breathing down the forum boards with the woes of motherhood and TTC? Well, we ladies feel this way. That's why we want you to share with us and join our team! We share our TTC emotions, problems, joys, hopes, fears, it, we share it. We have all kinds of mommies2Be, just starting TTC, making their one year mark, over the one year mark, etc. We are very open and welcome ALL Future Mommies2Be. We even wanna keep our new pregnant mommies since they are our cheerleaders now.

We, Future Mommies-2-Be, do not know what its like to be pregnant/carry full term, or to have a baby in our arms. Therefore our journey is completely different by that one aspect and its a big difference.

If this is the place for you please do join us and share along in the TTC Journey to becoming a MOMMY!
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291 Replies • 12 years ago



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So based on the ticker thingy ill be 6 weeks when i go to doctor. Im sorry for the ones who have not gotten a bfp. I feel bad and i feel like im rubbing it in ya'll faces not meaning to. I think Ill stop talkin about it because i dont want to upset any of yall. I that ya'll dont get the when it comes to it I hope yall get a

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12 years ago

max, wints, and wooz: CONGRATS ON YOUR BFPS!~ Share the wealth LOL.

Hi everyone!~ Hope you are doing well. Tonight DH and I did our first bd with preseed. Hoping that after the hsg appointment I had on last friday that using preseed will me out a lil bit. For anyone who hasn't used preseed, check into it. We loved it ;)

Waiting to hear all the info still on the results from my appointment from friday. the radiologist and xray techs are not allowed to diagnose but they didnt see that they saw any blockage. I did hear from another girl on cdtp that they said no blockage showed up but dr said that they found only one functioning fullopian tibe :/, hoping for better details than that but it is still possible to get pg with only one ovary and one tube so haha thats good to know.

As for me took opk test this morning and no ov yet, but i am really hoping that my time is NOW!! I am ready! haha like almost 2 years ago ready.. MEH

Bug- keep ur head up i was really pissy last cycle toward the end and esp when af showed up ruining EVERYTHING. i understand how you feel and thankgod for this forum because no one understands like you ladies.

AND by the way, since we are so close to thanksgiving, I am so thankful for all you ladies who have been ttc with struggle to help me and listen to me rant and complain. we all need to stick together! no one that i know understand what it is like for me and how i feel like you guys. I always crack up because sometimes i read what other ladies type on here and think wow, i was just thinking that!!

anyways take care ladies and have a good thanksgiving.



Proud USMC Wife to Joshua TTC #1 since Feb 2010 User Image

12 years ago

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Kelly, I love you so much. You mean the world to me and I'm glad you took the time out to say what you had to say to me. Hugs to you. And you are very welcome.

Oh by the way, Dec 7th is my birthday and I'm so excited that your appointment is on that day what a joyful day it will be. I'm glad your feeling good totally cool that you can feel your uterus stretching.

Woozle, Sometimes doctors are so rude. Don't think that. We may get upset but its not because your rubbing it in our faces its just sad tears because we want it too. I'm so happy for those who have gotten their s!

L, I hope your results come back all clear. I'm trying to keep my head up. Thank you so much. Hugs.

Beca, I'm doing good just staying away from the site for now. I'm sorry you have had such a terrible start to your day. I hope it got better.

Max, that is a very strong !

It's funny as long as I have been on I have never been in a forum that has this many bfps in a row. Keep them coming.

I'm thankful for all you ladies and I'm glad I started this forum.

I will be away till Monday. So, I hope those that are in America have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Bug Im just soo weepy for some reason. I have been apologizing alot in the past couple of days and what u said made me cry. I didnt think i would get a bfp because after a week all my symptoms went away like they were all in my head. Just today im crampy like af is gonna show and my left bbs hurt but not my right bbs lol. And I am constipated which i know is tmi. I really hope you get ur bfp soon along with the other ladies who are patiently waiting. I did notice something though with my first preganacy me and dp waited 3 months before we had sex i cant really call it bding because we were not planing on having a baby at the time and when i lost it i made him wait another 3 months before we bd. I was told by a friend that if you make a male wait that long all the sperm build up and make it a better chance to concieve i dont know if its true or not but me dp have been together since i was 16 and in feb i will be 26 and its just now happening. Just a thought that i thought i would share with you ladies. Thank you all for the support and Im here if you need someone to talk to.

prayin2BEaMaMA- Its okay to rant, it helps take the edge off a bit.

but now im gonna go lay back down, got up super early to take another test and im still tired. just wanted to come on here and write yall.

Have a good thanksgiving everyone. Hoping for some good news when i come back :)

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12 years ago

Hi ladies,

I just want to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you that celebrate it, and I hope everyone on this list gets their BFPs SOON!

Just spoke to my doctor - FINALLY. I have a 10cm fibroid and she did not seem too pleased when I told her I was pregnant. I think I might change doctors. Really the only thing that ever happens when I talk to her is that I get anxious and scared ... and if any of you knew me in real life you'd know that I'm usually pretty lax and a glass-half-full kinda gal. She didn't even want me to come in to confirm or anything; she said to make an appointment for my 7th week for our first visit. I think I'm just going to call up my friend's ob/gyn who delivered her baby last February, even though she's a bit more inconvenient to get to.

I don't want this to be more stressful than it already is. Not for nothing but being a doctor is about more than just knowing stuff!

BFP 11/2011; missed m/c 12/2012; D&C 1/2012. Surgery to remove fibroids 4/2012. Trying again 7/2012~ --------- I'm on a quest to live life as if every day were vacation. Follow my journey at

12 years ago

el-my doctor who i am seeing on the 6th is a dick head and i hate to say that but he is. with my last preganacy i bled from 6 weeks til 9 weeks and he told me it was normal and told me when i was 9 weeks that he would order me an u/s so i would stop worrying and thats when i found out my baby died at 6 weeks and 6 days so im kinda iffy on if i wanna see him or not anymore. So i might end up changing doctors behand.

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12 years ago

wozzle, I'm feeling the same.... Have a horrid cramp like AF, but I know it's in my disgestive tract, it's closer to where my appendix used to live.
I must be one of the lucky ones when it comes to doctors. The 1 I saw yesterday (we have a 24hr free no appointment needed surgey and my GP happened to move there) was happy to see me and confirm my preg, even though I'm only just!
We're blaming our gyno for this months BFP.... She did my pap smear and told us to go home and bd, so we did! She is fantastic too. Wish I could pachage my docotrs up and send them over for you.

So, now for something that you all might find a bit weird. DH and I are telling parents while we're home together and then waiting till he gets back from work (late Jan). We are having dinner with his tonight and I got a small pair of booties we're wrapping up for them. Just our way of telling.
Mine were called last night, and my mum already knew! We told her we were growing a bean sprout and she said to dad "I told you this morning they would call and tell us they were having a baby!"

I'll stop now, I don't want to upset anyone either, but for the last week and a bit you have all been my ears to bash (or in this case eyes).
to everyone

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12 years ago

and Max, woozle, and el!!!
That' so amazing you guys!! May your little beans be healthy sticky ones! Sending you all much much !!!

El- I hope the fibroid doesn't cause any problems for you! Will be ing for you sweetie, and yes your doc sounds a little bitchy... I would change her too!!

Praying- I hope preseed helps you!! I've hear a lot of great things!! Will be interesting to see what happens! Good luck and happy ing!!

Greek- sorry for your bad day yesterday but hoping you had a better day today!! Good luck to you sweetie!!

Bug- hope you're doing good! Just take the time and relax, I've heard sometimes that's key!! Stress free!!

AFM- Don't know how many DPO I am cause I never got a positive on the OPK... been noticing that I'm hungrier (but that could be in my head too) and had a huge acne break-out in my face! I even got a cold sore on my lip! I'm really hoping this will be it for me but don't want to get my hopes up too high just to fall in my face when the which shows up. She's supposed to come on Monday 11/28. Been pretty bloated but that's nothing out of the ordinary for me! I guess wait and see...

Much and HAPPY THANKSGIVING girlies!!!

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12 years ago

I hope you ladies had a good thanksgiving. I know i did spending time with family and friends. Just seem to never get full well i would get full but like 30 mins later i was hungry again. Well I hope to hear good news in the morning from you ladies

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12 years ago

Hey ladies!!

hope all those who celebrated thanksgiving had a wonderful time with family and friends!!

I am in a GREAT mood today!

The last few days have been kind of rough on me with work and my car and financial stuff.

The hubby has taken notice. He did some laundry last night. Took me out for a nice dinner and then while I was in the shower set up the bedroom with candles all over and took good care of me :)

I am happy to say that although I am still waiting to O, I have entered my fertile period. Been getting some watery and EWCM and we BD'd last night! Since its friday...I am sure we will BD again and hopefully for the next few days since its the weekend. (less stress from work)

I hope everyone else is doing well.
Just wanted to let you all know how I am doing since I havent posted much. Been waiting for this slow ass wait to O and now its just around the corner!

YAY to it being friday. I work tomorrow but only for a few hours and then sunday is my girl friends son's first bday party so I am kind of excited for that since I am in charge of decorations. Its Thomas the tank themed.

I never realized how expensive that stuff can be! I guess its a good thing I will have people (like family and friends) to pawn off all those expenses on! hahaha

Missing all my ladies...where you all at?

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

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