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Future Mommies-2-Be--TTC#1

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I started this board for ladies who are TTC #1. Not that ladies who are trying for #2-7 aren't important, it's just a totally different ball ground and I wanted a place we Future Mommies could come to and share are feelings since "we" aren't Mommies yet. We, Future Mommies-2-Be, do not know what its like to be pregnant/carry full term, or to have a baby in our arms. Therefore our journey is completely different by that one aspect and its a big difference.

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297 Replies • 12 years ago



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hey there everyone!!

not been around for awhile as sadly my hgh temps were not a good thing but an indication of the start of a bad sickness! badddddd stomach virus (still off today and its been six days!)

no idea what my temp is now as havent been sleeping very well for very long without having to spring up and dash off to the toilet!!

but feeling better today so am hoping for a proper night's sleep and a good temp indication in the morning!! but not going to hold my breath! will be very surprised if anything survived being in that vicinity over the last week!

good to see more recruits onto the thread hope this thread helps, even if its just a place to vent about crappy doctors, unfeeling family and/or friends or just someone to listen because no one else knows! i'm sure there is at least one other person on this thread who can understand where u r coming from.

FS appointment in 2 1/2 weeks!! excited but also apprehensive. just fix me already!

sorry for all those or . it does make u want to punch something just make sure it a pillow and not the DH!!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

thanks clivencleo!! you're right; it's not over yet! for 2 weeks i'm the eternal optimist.

i'm going to have to try the Vit E/selenium next cycle if this isn't it for me. i feel like i keep adding new things every cycle, but i want this to happen already!

this morning i got a teeny bit hopeful because my temp snuck back up a little bit... but of course when i tested it was a very clear BFN. Boooo! still no sign of AF, though she's not really due until tomorrow, so we'll see.

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BFP 11/2011; missed m/c 12/2012; D&C 1/2012. Surgery to remove fibroids 4/2012. Trying again 7/2012~ --------- I'm on a quest to live life as if every day were vacation. Follow my journey at

12 years ago

Hey ladies!

Bugg - Sorry about AF! I know how much you were looking forward to this month. But we are in this together! Maybe you are a winter conceiver! I heard one lady's TTC story somewhere... She had been TTC for a long time and decided after doc appointments and fertility specialists she was going to use a surrogate to have a child. Then a few months later she found out she was also pregnant with Twins!!!!! So now, she has 3 kids..they are only a few months apart!

Just something to shine the light on your rainy day...I hope that helps. Just when we think its over and we are never going to succeed God gives us what we have asked for. Sometimes I think its almost like a game with him.. Because he tests our Faith. He wants to make sure he is giving the right people the right things... That we are worthy. I know it sounds cruel and unusual but he does work in mysterious ways.

We also have doctors and specialists who are here to help. I know you still have a way to go before you would need to see one...but dont give up yet. Just when you feel like giving up...that could be your time to shine.

I hope that helps Bug, because I dont want to see you give up or get down on yourself.
You could become an Ontario Citizen and get free healthcare! Then the insurance thing wouldnt be an issue! And you could come visit me! hehe

Brad - Its possible that your O could be delayed...but it doesnt always happen. My O day was late by 5 days last cycle...but the cycle before that I had a few arguments with the hubby and I was two days early! The only thing you can do is use OPK's if your worried that its going to be late. That way you make sure to BD as much as you can...or just do it every day from CD 10 or 12 to CD 20 or 22..that is my personal recommendation.

Clive - Sorry AF showed..I was in the same boat as you! now im just spotting a little so AF should be gone by tomorrow!! Right in time for the weekend which will be the start of my countdown till O..and maybe we can get some MUCH needed BDing in!

I will be praying for you for next cycle!

Jess - Dont give up love! I know its frustrating and can bring you down but try to keep your faith!
Are you seeing a Fertility specialist? Perhaps they can test if you O'd? Are you charting as well? maybe that will help! Also, just keep BDing like you normally would and perhaps that little miracle will happen for you. Good luck hun - Hope you do/did O this cycle.

El - sorry about the temp drop! but as long as it stays above your coverline there is still hope! keep your chin up. I know what you mean about feeling icky...I have been going to bed the last few nights feeling nauseous and waking up feeling like i didnt sleep at all!

Krunchie - Iv been wondering where you disappeared to! Glad your feeling a little better but sorry you had to go through all that sickness. Seems the stomach flu and such are going around. Just glad I havent caught anything yet *knock on wood*
what CD are you on?

AFM - CD 5 - Just some spotting so I'm hoping AF will be gone by tomorrow! Havent been feeling myself the last few days..been kind of grumpy and feeling ill..l Feel like I havent slept in a week! Iv been waking up in the middle of the night sweating! and feeling waaaay over heated!

But nothing else really to report. Just waiting to O...

to those who are still not out and on the next cycle for those who are...

Hope I didnt miss anyone!!

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

Morning Ladies


Sorry about AF, Im glad that she is being kind to you this time.
New month, and I hope you get your BFP for a July baby xx

Hi love I hope that you are having a good week, I had just one qusetion for you, You said that you had your progesterone tested and you are O but not good eggs? Was that from blood work? or a combination of tests? I was told I didnt O but they didnt mention anything about my egg quality?
Thank you in advance xx

Never out till the big fat AF sings xx FX'd

Bug, I am truely sorry about AF coming x This rollacoaster of emotions is not a fun one. I hope that you feel a little better today, just know that we are all here for you as you are for us.

Im sorry that you had an argument with DH the other night. I hope that things are better. I do believe that stress can delay O but I know that you are a happy lady and im sure everything is still on track.

Stomach full is the Worst! Huh
Im glad that you are feeling better.
Its always good to have answers to questions. Life is just a big waiting game though sometimes isnt it?

Always brightens my day with wonderful stories, Thank you. Im happy that AF is pretty much gone, but bad sleeping patterns? are you coming down with something? I know where we are the weather is really changing and people are really starting to have the winter illness. Im planning on getting a flu shot really soon!!!!!

4th day of clomid. Havent had any symptoms. Feel just normal really. So we shall see. Dr says best days of fertility are 12th-16th? So ill be charting everything throughout this time.

Good day to you all

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12 years ago

Hi ladies :) This is a busy thread!

Sorry bug and cleo! Sending tons of for your new cycles!

bradsummer, usually if stress is going to manipulate your cycle it's going to be super high stress. But it's always possible to O at different times. I O'd more than a week early this cycle and would have never known it if not for temping and OPKs. I wouldn't have completely missed. I have been Oing around CD27. But it seems like once I think I have an idea what my cycle is going to do it changes up on me. Hormones are changing all the time. I can't remember if you are charting but Temping and using OPKs can be a real peace maker since you know when you O'd and you can time BDing better. I hope you got that egg!!

katie, i hope you are feeling better! I don't think illness effects pregnancies....but I don't know for sure! Hoping you caught that eggie and it's still safe and sound!

beca, hope you're not catching something! Maybe it's the weather :)

AFM. Spotting is getting heavier and cramps are getting stronger. Woke up the morning and nearly threw up. Thank goodness i never actually throw up! THat's the worst feeling!! Then I fell back asleep and nearly slept through work! Someone texted me or I would still be sleeping probably! Not sure what's going on but the last week I just want to sleep ALLL morning. It's probably this coooold weather and all the storms. Can't sleep enough.

Yesterday and the day before I was extra crabby so I'm guessing AF is just around the corner. I'm really expecting her later today or tomorrow.......

Hope everyone who hasn't gotten the gets their soon!!

We're 27, TTC since we got married. No pregnancies, 3 fur babies. Male & Female fator infertility. Daisypath Anniversary tickers

12 years ago

Aby, thank you. Stress can cause you to O later which in return will make your AF late. Just remember if you don't know how long your Luteal phase is its hard to say. But one fight will not cause it to be late.

Jess, I tried Vitex last cycle and it says it can take up to 3 months to work. So, this cycle I'm trying the soy instead of vitex and going to see what that does. I have heard lots of good reports of soy working after 1 month and hoping that is the case with me.

Cleo, thank you. Your right we have to keep on trying cause a baby is so worth trying for and having a family. Prayers are wonderful.

Katie, I'm so sorry you have been so sick. God speed in getting better. Yea about your FS appointment. It will be here before you know it.

Elle, I'm the same way about adding new things or trying new things each cycle. I hope AF stays away.

Beca, it's okay. I'm better today knowing that next month will be the month. I hope. As for the lady, I have actually heard the story on a HGTV show about disney yards. It's crazy huh.
That is a crazy way to look at it because I look at it differently, since, so many young teens get knocked up so easily and I don't think that has anything to do with God. Because why would God want one of his children to be raised up in a horrible situation. However, there are two forces at work,so, in that situation it could be the devil.
Thanks for being there for me! I'm glad to have these wonderful people on these wonderful sites. LOL, moving to Canada isn't an option, my DH hates the cold lol.
Glad Af is out the door. Waiting to O sucks big time.

Kelly, I do feel better today. Thanks! I really hope this is your month and that clomid works wonders for you.

Connie, thanks dear. I really hope that its not AF but a bean growing inside you. Fx'd Af stays away.

So, today is technically, CD 1 AF didn't show up yesterday, she decide to play tricks on me and make me go insane yesterday. Well, shes really here now and she's being a big butt. I have gotten all my goodies for this cycle, my opks, preseed, and this cycle I'm trying soy.

My Dh and I got in an argument last night because he feels I leave him out and that I share everything with you ladies. I told him that he couldn't give me the support I needed like you girls can because he dosen't know what its like being a female and trying month after month and feeling like a failure/inadequate not being able to become a month. When you feel broken and haven't a clue why. So, I was like I tell you what I can and he was like you need to included me its are child and family and I was like you don't do the things I ask you to do like wear boxers or take your vitamins daily. But his thing is he's afraid I'm not going to included him once the bean is in my womb and we start shopping for things. He's crazy. He's such a typically male.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Bug, It's normal for the hubby to get nervous that all the attention will be away from him, I know my hubby felt like that. I just told him that I love him very much and that I would always have time for him. Sometimes men need reassuring as much as women do, whether they want to admit it or not ;) Just keep having faith in God and I know that he will bless you with an amazing perfect little baby.

Greekmum, Connie and Wints, Thanks so much ladies. Yesterday later in the afternoon I realized I had some CM!! I'm excited!! The only problem I'm having is that I still haven't gotten a + on my OPK tests yet. I know my usual ovulation date starts tomorrow, but I'm worried I won't get a positive. I feel like I'm on track especially because of my cm. Either way DH and I are BDing everyday. Any thoughts? Also I'm using OPK test strips, should I get a different type of OPK? I'm almost sure that "O" will be coming soon either tomorrow or the day after.

This is my first month using an OPK so this is all still new to me. I normally would determine when I would "O" by my CM, which seems on track. Sorry for the novel.

Krunchie, It's good to hear from you!! We missed you on our forum!! lol!

Prayers to all you ladies!!

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12 years ago

Aby, you are right men do need reassurance and that what he tells me. I made sure he knows that and he understands that I need yall to talk to because he turns his nose up to me when I start talking TTC talk. I'm sure you will O soon and that the +OPK will come. I use the answer Opks cause I know what they are suppose to look like for me. If I tried another brand it would be different. I was going to try the clearblue smilie ones this time around but they are so expensive.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Bug, Men, Men Well We will always be here for you :) and I know it's the same for my hubby, because I talk about it so much, after a while he gets annoyed. It's understandable, but that's why we have this forum, for the times that he gets annoyed lol!

As for OPK's, I know what you mean about the Clearblue digital, They are so expensive!! I want to try and find a coupon online that can justify me buying them. Right know I'm just using the test strips but because I'm new to this it can be confusing!! grr!! Hey, if all else fails, I know my body doesn't lie, I'll just keep BDing lol! But hopefully I'll get at least one positive since I know my body is doing something! God Bless!!

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12 years ago

I just had to jump on again!!!

Wints - Good luck this cycle with Clomid... hopefully it works for you and those fertile days sound pretty good! I'd say as long as you BD in and around those days you should be good!!

Glad you like my stories. I try to keep everyone cheerful just like you guys to do me... Its such a hard time for us all we need a little joy in our lives.

Connie - Do you always spot before AF? Have you had any other symptoms besides feeling sick?

Bug - I didnt mean move up here!! Although its only cold in the winter months... lol but maybe get dual citizenship! Then just come here when you need stuff like to see a specialist.

As for the whole teen mommy thing I get what your saying and I agree there could be two forces working at it. Think positive tho, I truly believe everything happens for a reason...and there could be some divine reason for the way things turn out. For example... the child of that teen mom (born perhaps in not so ideal conditions) could grow up to be the man who solves world hunger. Or the woman who finds a cure for cancer... we dont really know until it happens.
I dont disagree with you one bit but I just try to stay as positive as I can even in my darkest moments... I know its so hard because it feels like we will never see those two lines and be stuck baby-less for ever but one day it will happen for you. Try not to think negatively. The stress of TTC is enough and stress isnt good for any body.

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

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