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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Mine's been averaging 30 days but I've had a 27 and a 33 since I've been trying. FX for us that this is our month! The worst part is all the waiting TTC involves!

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11 years ago

I'm with you smp. All BFP's no one moving to the next month.

11 years ago

Hello everyone!
I have been ttc since July 2012. My husband and I are getting very confused and upset by the whole process. I really wanted to have a June or May baby because I am a teacher. At this point, I will go for any month. My due date would be August 7th this time around, which is my birthday. It would be a great 25th birthday to have baby. I am in the same boat as many of you. Both my best friend and my sister in law are pregnant right now and got pregnant on their first month of trying. In october, I really thought I had it, but on my exact excepted period on halloween my period came. This time it was old tho. It started out brown, which has never happened, and then I was bleeding through a tampoon every 45 mintues for several hours. I called my doctor and she told me to go to the er. When I went to the er, they took my blood and urine. They said I wasn't pregnant and my blood test were normal. They told me I was just having a heavy period. Still very confused by this strange occurance. Anyways, I took a opk on 11-13-12 and it was positive, so I am only a few days dpo. Crossing my fingers! Good luck ladies!

11 years ago

Hi Karen u are on the same schedule as I am. I started my period on Halloween and got my pos. OPK on the 13th and is due on August 7th also... And also my name is Koren... No it's not misspelled. Lol

<a href=

11 years ago

Jess- sorry sweetie! I hope its not af!!! Keep us updated on your doc appt. Like I said earlier, hope you get answers soon!

Lynn- ahh girl! So sorry praying for you!! Maybe next cycle will be the ONE!!!

Graaaaants! WE MISS YA MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you????

Mommawannabe- Hoping it was implantation lady!!

tgpreg- Get crackin' girl!!

smp- I'm ALL for that too!!! for all of us!!!

AFM- been feeling a few tingles here and there but not trying to symptom spot, no idea what dpo I am but we PLENTY! I so hope we caught it... oh and bottoms up too Cristi!! Did plenty of that too!
I also have my 2nd acupuncture appt. tomorrow!!!

Much love to all!!

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11 years ago

I'm sooo sorry I abandoned you girls. Thank you so much for everyone who asked after me. I'm sorry I worried you. I guess I got kind of burned out. And bummed out. First the chemical preg, then the never-ending cycle with the mystery O-date. It took it out of me more than I thought. I guess don't do well with stuff I can't control. I just needed to step away for a bit.

Then I skyped with an old friend of mine who moved to England with her new hubby. She never wanted kids but she told me now she's knocked up. She whined to me for two hours about how it was a mistake. She's been on BC since she was a teen and only had like four periods in the last couple years. She went off BC for a month to see if she could get her period back and they had unprotected sex once and oops! Seriously, who gets pregs under those circumstances??

She told me that when she got the BFP she laid on the floor and sobbed til her husband got home. Then she wanted me to talk her into feeling better about being a mom (which I did). She jokingly said she'd tell the kid she didn't want it. I'm pretty sure she's joking, but it hurt my heart to think of how often babies are conceived by people who don't want them. And here we are girls, wanting to give them all the love they need and we're testing our pee, sticking thermometers in our mouths before we're awake, and having our blood drawn and scrutinized to figure out why our babies don't stick.

Dude, I think I'm having an existential baby crisis. This conversation really upset me.

Anyway, I guess I just needed time away from the old TTC job. But the good news is that I'm only 11dpo and I already got a High on my CBFM this am and I have what I think may be an almost positive on an opk tonight! That made me feel much better. Makes me think my parts might be starting to work better this mo. I'm definitely going to attack the hubby tonight.

Sorry for the whine dump. Felt like I owed you ladies an explanation. I'll try to catch up and see if I've missed any BFPs or questions. If you needed me for something feel free to ping me again on here and I'll try to be a better forum member.

Love you ladies.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

I am sooo hoping to be an August mom! My husband and I got married August 11th of this year! We would love to have a 1 yr anniversary baby!!!

Baby dust to everyone!!!

11 years ago

Welcome back Grantsmama!

Welcome Candychic

Going in for an u/s this morning to see what's causing the pain in my lower abdomen. Fingers crossed that its something affecting my fertility.

11 years ago

Can't wait to test! 8dpo

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11 years ago

Hello everybody I'm also hoping to be an August mama currently cd11 supposed to O on thanksgiving..that should be fun lol

11 years ago

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