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Trying for April 2017 Babies

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AF showed her ugly head today right on time, so now I'm waiting for ovulation. Looking for cycle buddies for this month. I had a ton of symptoms and now feel crazy for thinking I could get a BFP on my first month trying. But hopeful for next month, and better timing. We only BD once and I think it may have been after O so I think we will try harder and time better this month. So here's to April Babies!

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218 Replies • 7 years ago



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hugs: When was the last time you poas? I don't think I would be able to resist doing it every day if I suspected IB took place

overthinker: This is my second cycle TTC as well, I'd have edd of April 26. I'm not too far past you :) I have long cycles it seems like so I feel like I don't usually match up with anyone

Sarah: I gave in and tested last night, bfn so I'll try again probably Friday or Saturday as well

7 years ago

Inked, how long are your cycles? Mine are longer too (32 days) and last month my luteal phase was 15 days. I feel like I never sync up with anyone either because of that!! My EDD is April 24, which would be perfect (I'm an elementary teacher)

Sorry about the bfn, but def test again! When is AF due for you?

7 years ago

Sarah: Mine vary 30-31 days but I have had a few go 32 days. I have no idea how long my lp is, or even when I for sure o'd, just a guess but that's what gets me to somewhere between 7 and 10 dpo lol. I've gotten edd of April 24 or April 26, so we would be right around the same time! I work for a neurologist, so any time is a good time lol. I like to fish though, so before fishing season would be awesome.

I've been feeling lightheaded different from how I usually do the past 3 days, so hoping thats a good sign! AF is due around the 18th this month, you?

7 years ago

Inked, mine is a consistent 32 days....I only know my lp from last cycle because I knew the day I o'ed. Nice, yeah I'd be happy any month, but if I have a baby over the summer I don't get any maternity leave which sucks. I would LOVE to have some or most of it fall at the end of the year and spill into summer or Jan right after Xmas break ;-) My AF is due this Sunday (the 14th) so not much longer! I've been off bc since April but didn't ovulate until last cycle, so I'm 2 cycles TTC. This has been the quickest TWW so far, probably because I've kept myself busy and am not symptom checking or anything. Trying to decide if I want to test Friday or Sat or just wait and see....hmm....

That's cool you like to fishing or "regular" (haha, not sure all the different types!) I'm a runner and my very first full marathon at the end of October, so part of me is ready to get that BFP and the other part almost hopes I don't get a positive until AFTER. I know it's safe to run during pregnancy, but 26.2 is a lot on the body (let alone if you're growing a bean!) so I'd be worried about something happening.

7 years ago

Sarah, lucky, I thought mine was a consistent 30 day cycle until a 3 months ago when it was 32, so I started rethinking it but maybe it is 30 consistently and that one was just out of whack lol. My sister thinks I might have had a CP that month, which I feel like she might be correct :/ That would be pretty nice, you'd have a longer summer break then! I have actually never been on bc, I was prescribed the pill once a long time ago but never used it
I'm casually symptom checking, if that makes any sense.. lol

I wouldn't be able to wait to see if I missed AF, I'd be testing every day probably if I had a stash of wondfo's or something!

Salmon fishing currently, went halibut fishing a week or so ago, but during silver season we get up about 430 throughout the week to go fish in the river a couple hours until I have to go get ready for work. Makes for a long, tired work week! Increased migraines too, as we don't go to bed early enough for me to get at least 8 hours before we are up to fish

Oh man, 26.2 I can't imagine! I can barely do a 5k without having to stop constantly from stitches in my side :P

7 years ago

Inked, yeah could be a CP or maybe something was just "off" The hardest part is not knowing....even with TTC (we are actually NTNP at this point) but I can't help but worry in the back of my mind that it may not happen for us...there's no way to know if/until we hit the year mark and can get testing-hopefully I get a BFP before then

That's so cool about the fishing! I can imagine how tiring it can be though with early mornings and work! Yeah, I'm excited and nervous about the marathon! I've run 6 half marathons, but YIKES!! a full is serious business! It'll probably be a one-and-done bucket list item but I might also love it! I'm running the Marine Corps Marathon in DC so I'm sure it'll be super emotional and of course the scenery will be amazing

7 years ago

Sarah, for sure, it was a lot heavier and more painful than any have ever been for me, that's why my sister and I kind of suspected it :/ Would be rad if we both got our BFP this month!

Oh it is SO fun! Even when I don't catch anything haha. I live in Alaska, so there's always something to do. Tons of marathons up here too, my sister lives in North Pole and runs them with her two kiddos! She's dying for me to give her a niece or nephew hah. I actually moved here from the DC area :)

7 years ago

Jumping back in here because I've been reading all the updates on the board :) I'm due for an early May baby now since I got AF on Aug 1, but I hope y'all still accept me here lol

Inked - hubs and I went to Alaska for our honeymoon a few years ago and LOVED it! I'm so jealous you get to live there! I know its cliche, but we still swear to this day the best salmon we've ever had was what was fresh served to us there! lol

As for TTC stuff I'm on CD10, haven't yet ovulated. Still taking fertilaid and (TMI) hubs said his "stuff" was more white than its been the past year, so we think that indicates his count is up! I have a LOT more hope for it happening this month than other months, this is our first full month with fertilaid so if that is what that means then it did what it was supposed to!

7 years ago

Inked, small world!!! :) I bet Alaska is gorgeous!!! We used to live in Denver and absolutely love the west (we can't wait to move back west eventually-really leaning towards Seattle!!)

I hope we both get out BFPs this month!!!! That would be so awesome :)

7 years ago

babybump, totally, I think we are left with the hedd late april now in here lol. I don't think I have had salmon anywhere but Alaska; I've lived all over (army brat) and Alaska is by far my favorite place! I can be up in the mountains in 30 minutes for snowboarding, snowshoeing, hiking, blueberry picking, etc. My boyfriend is going bow hunting for moose and caribou here soon as well. What parts of Alaska did you get to see?
Good luck with the fertilaid! I still haven't tried anything new except a couple days trying Mucinex, but I forgot to take it the rest of my "fertile window" so we will see!

Sarah, Alaska IS completely beautiful, last few years have been weird for weather, but I still love it :D Fall is officially here! I love Seattle, my boyfriend's family is all from Washington and PA :D Mostly Washington though. I love it down there!

7 years ago

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