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August 2015: IUI/IVF

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Let's keep those BFP's coming ladies!!!

Prayers, Baby Dust and Sticky Vibes to everyone

TTC 2+ years Me 29 DH 30 4 cycles of Clomid + Trigger BFN 3 cycles IUI with Follistim + trigger BFN IVF #1 Chemical Pregnancy :( IVF #2 BFN FET #1 BFP!!! Beta Numbers 4.1- 168

451 Replies • 8 years ago



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Thanks While! It is scheduled for Friday. Seems so far away! Trying to get in sooner, but they don't seem to be in a hurry to respond.

8 years ago

Tubal - A HUGE belated congrats on your beautiful baby Tucker!

BabyAngel - Thanks for asking :) When are you testing?

Bens - I agree, try to wait as long as possible, or to test out the trigger. I had a false positive from the trigger and it was really tough. Good luck Wednesday!!

Jeska - I agree with Margie, I’d go sooner than later to the fertility clinic. At least get the ball rolling. I know for my clinic I had to have all the bloodwork resulted for them before they would start any treatments. It alone took weeks.

Jackie - Can’t wait to hear how your blood results go!!

Margie - I’m sorry you feel out this month, but don’t loose hope yet! There’s still time. I was SURE AF was coming the month I got my BFP. I even went to Costco the morning I tested and bought a Super size box of tampons! Let us know when you are going to test.

Kethryes - I’m excited you’re approaching your time to start IVF! How are you feeling?

BabyPath - A HUGE congrats to you! As I said, I had a feeling :) I can’t wait until you get your numbers!! I also can’t wait to find out how many you’re having!!

While - so glad you had a wonderful U/S today! Isn’t it amazing? Are you measuring accurately according to your dates?

Basia - Can’t wait to hear how your U/S goes! I’m sorry you had horrible cramping over the weekend.

LS - I miss you, hope everything is going well <3

Thanks for those who asked how things are :) We have an ultrasound on Wednesday this week. I’m very excited to see how this peanut it measuring and growing :D The medication that I’m on seems to have settle the nausea/vomiting. The past few days I’ve been feeling much better and yesterday I worked a 12-hour shift in the hospital which ended up working ok!

8 years ago

@catMate - I was thinking 6w 4 or 5 days, and he said 6w 3 or 4 days, so pretty close. Maybe next week if things still look good he can measure again and we can get an EDD. (-:


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

8 years ago

Cate - thank you! So glad to hear you are feeling better!! So excited to hear about your US on Wednesday! What time so we know when to start hounding you!? ;)

I believe there is going to be only one little jelly bean in there. :) I'm excited to see it though!

8 years ago

While - Oh that's wonderful :) I'm so happy for you and your DH. I'll continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy for you and the others on this board. Do you have another U/S next week?

8 years ago

@cat- we appreciate every prayer! Yes, we go back on Monday. One day at a time.

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

8 years ago

So much has gone on with our board today!!! Wow!!

Babypath~ yay!!!!! Congrats girl!!!!! I knew you would get it!!!!

While~ so glad ur ultrasd went great!!! How r u feeling?!

Basia~ Have u had ur ultrasd yet?!

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8 years ago

So much exciting news!! I hope we can get a heartrate measurement this Friday! I was happy seeing the little think pulsate on the screen though- at least I know it's beating!

I'm just over here sucking on a preggie pop trying not to throw up on patients.

We might be taking announcement pics this evening! If we do I'll post one so you guys can see :). My dog is so stinkin' cute let's hope she'll cooperate for a good pic!

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8 years ago

Babypath - It's at 1:45p on Wednesday. So late in the day!! haha

While - That's great that they're doing frequent U/S's. I find it really reassuring. I hope you do too.

Chaffins - the morning sick in full force? Love your idea of pregnancy announcement! We haven't thought of something to do yet for ours, we thought a picture too (because I'm a photographer) but haven't thought of something "creative" enough. I love that you're having a pic of your dog too!

Shan - How are you doing?

8 years ago

Hi ladies!!! Sorry I was so quiet! Life was so busy, and work was just insane (which is usually when i come on here!). I am a legal assistant and my attorney was in trial. Phew, all done now!!

@Babypath- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!! Congrats lady! Thats a beauty!!! I was reading your post about your test being white, and i was wanting to say...don't give up yet! I got a late bfp! Even know we did IVF and they say you implant pretty quick, i know i didnt.

@jack-I was on progesterone until almost 10 weeks. The reason we are on it after an IVF cycle is because our bodies are dictated by medicine, our body doesn't naturally produce progesterone like it would in a normal month. Once you you hit 8-9 weeks, the placenta starts producing progesterone and you no longer need the supplements. My doctor keep you on until 10 weeks or just before ( i was probably 3 days shy of 10 weeks when i used my last one) just to be safe. It may be annoying, but it is SO important! It's what keeps that baby in there.

@tubal-Congrats on your little man!!! That sounds like a very scary time and i am so happy that you did not have to have a hysterectomy.

Jesk-You might feel like you are getting ahead of yourself, but sometimes just getting in to meet with the doctor can be a month or so out, so i would for sure get that going. It kind of provides you with a game plan and then you figure that out. Just because you meet with him

@margie-I am sorry you are not feeling this is your month. I know you have been iffy about it from the beginning. I hope you get a very pleasant surprise!!! We have had a few of those in here :)

@basia-you are probably experiencing RLP. I had that very early on also.

Ok, I totally know I am missing people and I am sorry! I am excited for everyone's upcoming ultrasounds and blood work! These positive and happy updates are SO much fun! I just love them all! I am feeling pretty good, just having some pain in my groin area. I feel like i got punched down there, ha. Oh the things you all get to look forward to! I think its from sleeping on my left side. I slept on my right side last night as i just could not do it. My pelvic area was throbbing. Sleeping on my right side was much better!

8 years ago

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