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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Carol - Yes! Last month I only had 1 so I'm happy to see I have 3!!! The nurse this morning told me that I will be giving myself the HCG shot this month and I instantly thought of you. I'm glad I have the one with the small needle!!

10 years ago

While - I'm CD15 today too! Yay for cycle buddies!

Cotton candy - Welcome! and Good Luck!

Kot - Sorry your colposcopy was painful, but glad it went well. And AMEN for the green light on still TTC!

Rebecca - Chin up girly. We will all have our moment one day or another.

I received terrible news from my cousin (who is like a sister) last week...Her and her husband were expecting their first child, a baby girl on 1/11/2014. She was 35 weeks along and suddenly lost her baby girl. Monday morning my cousin went to work like normal and felt the baby moving, but at dinner she noticed baby wasn't moving. So she went to the ER - they confirmed no heartbeat :-( The doctors have no explanation. She had a textbook pregnancy and was so healthy. Emma Rose, was born a stillborn at 35 weeks + 3 days at 6lbs 7oz, 19 inches long. There was nothing physically wrong with her, she was fully developed. The cord was not wrapped around her neck, nor was there a knot. We just don't know what happened. My family is completely devistated. I was hesitant to post this because there are alot of us who have suffered losses, but I need to tell someone. It's been weighing on my mind very heavily and I know you ladies will support me through this difficult time.

AFM: CD15 - My doctor called on Thursday of last week and told me that my progesterone levels are low, so he siggested progesterone cream. He told me to start on CD12, which I did. Now, after reading some previous posts that it shouldn't be taken until after O, I'm concerned that it will mess up my O. I usually O on CD 14 or 15 (yesterday or today). I have had O type cramping for the past few days so maybe it hasn't messed up my ovulation. IDK. I am temping this cycle so, I suppose I'll find out soon enough if it has messed up my cycle. If the P. cream messes up my O this cycle then I'll definately be taking it post O next cycle.

Still no results on my 3 month check-up PAP. I'm starting to get worried :-/

10 years ago

Hello Ladies, Hopefully it is ok that I am posting here. I have been watching this site for some time now and decided to finally join. I am 34 and have 3 boys 15, 13 and 10 I am trying for #4 with my Current Husband, AF was supposed to be here yesterday and never showed, I tested sat, sun, and today all BFN. My boobs don't hurt, but I have been having some vivid dreams and waking up in sweats, some cramping, headaches all things that come with AF.

If we don't get it this time than I would be due in Sept if we make it the next time around.

Crossing my fingers I get a BFP soon, I am never late so this is just strange to me.

10 years ago

Five - Omg how awful to hear! So heartbreaking.

As for your progesterone, I mean, if he told you to start on CD12 then you should follow his instructions, but to me it's just weird because your progesterone SHOULD be low pre-O. Ovulation is what causes progesterone to rise and then it falls again when AF starts. From what I understand if you take it prior to O your body falsely thinks you have already ovulated so ovulation either gets delayed or skipped completely. However, maybe what he prescribed to you is different? I'm not as familiar with the creams. I only used a cream for one of my cycles but I couldn't absorb it through my skin. I needed something more heavy duty so I switched to the suppositories.

10 years ago

Penny - I agree with you 100% about the progesterone. I suppose a phone call to my doc is in order. I just don't want to screw things up more than they already are. I mean he told me that I am O'ing but my progesterone levels are to low to sustain a pregnancy...hence why I haven't be able to get pregnant. I think I'll call just to clarify that taking the cream pre-O is not going to mess anything up.

10 years ago

Firsttimemommy - welcome and thanks! I actually saw the RE today and asked about it. More on that below.

Fiverson - I'm so sorry to hear about the loss. Unfortunately I had an acquaintance (previous coworker but weren't really close, kept in touch on FB) have something similar happen, and I don't think they ever found out what happened. My thoughts are with your family.

Welcome to all the new ladies. FX for all of us to have those BFPs!

AFM: CD17. I just got back from the RE. As many may remember, I had blood work done about a week ago. The results from that are that the DHEA was high, as was the free testosterone. Otherwise the results were good. Ultrasound along with the bloodwork confirms I do have PCOS. For being CD17, and LH surge usually around day 18-22, I have no maturing follicles. I had 30+ small follicles on each ovary. More bloodwork today to look at a couple of other things that weren't tested before, as well as to see if I am a carrier of any genetic disorders. I have a script to start Metaformin once all the results come back. She stated that Metaformin would be better in my situation than Clomid, but now I can't remember why. She did state that she wanted to go right to IUI (assuming DH's SA comes back normal), but I think we are going to try on our own again just with the Metaformin.

I also asked about the Celiac/Gluten intolerance issue. She stated she would test for the antigens, although I forgot to confirm she put those on the request when the blood was drawn. She said most likely that is not what is causing my issues, but would test for it, and then I can do the elimination diet. If she didn't test for it this round, I'll ask for it to tested when I go in again at the start of my next cycle.

I really like her. She was up front about everything, and is being proactive. She stated she would want to do an HSG sooner rather than later, but we would wait to see what my bloodwork says and what DH's SA says.

[baby_dust] [sticky_vibes]

TTC #1 DH: 37 Me: 31 CP July 2009 Diagnosed with PCOS December 2013. My Ovulation Chart

10 years ago

Fiverson - I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss. I know that has to be devastating for everyone. I'll be praying for them.

Genie - I'm glad you feel comfortable with your RE. FX'd everything comes back ok, or if there's a problem it can be resolved easily.

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10 years ago

2more4us - wow 4 advil? they mentioned taking some prior, but wow that's a lot. Did it feel like super AF cramps?? Let's hope I don't need to have one done in February!

sugar - fx it's the right ovary!!!

wifey - fx we get to be preg buddies! I'm also CD12. Nothing exciting here yet, but should start in the next couple days. Hopefully would O on Thursday-ish.

GVMDL - hope you get lucky during your break!

penny - good to know about progesterone. we're supposed to check mine 8DPO this cycle.

While - wow you guys did awesome on BD'ing! i'm hoping to be as awesome as you guys this cycle ;)

cotton - GL!

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Some sad news sorry to hear about it.

Praying for all you ladies!!!!

Went to gynecologist to confirm the ovarian cyst a regular doctor suspected Friday. cysts!!!! Ovaries look great. Everything looks good. Gyn advised possible kidney stone and will test urine, but didn't see a need to have a CT scan done like regular doctor suggested. Saved me a ton of money. I have very minimal pain and it's not constant anymore.

Only bad news about the visit was BFN!!!! So heartbroken since we really tried this past cycle. I will try again before 2013 is gone forever. DH said one more year of trying and then he's calling it quits. I don't blame him. I just pray it happens.

Gyn said to continue taking prenatal vitamins and keep BD'ing.

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Genie - Do you have the actual cysts that go along w/ PCOS? I forget. I also have PCOS and am on a form of Metformin. Just keep in mind Metformin is not a monthly drug like clomid. It's a cumulative med that can sometimes take 6 weeks to 3 months to see the effects of. It definitely helps regulate my hormone levels that were high due to the insulin issues but it hasn't done anything to help me grow follicles or pop them out each month. I still need extra help in that area.

10 years ago

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