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October 2016 Babies!!

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Well, I'm onto the next cycle....AF arrived today.
Hoping and praying for an October baby....

164 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi everyone!

Nice to meet you

I'm on CD34/18DPO and have started getting a little stronger aches, similar to those I would have leading up to AF, so I think I will be out this month.

TTC #1 since August '13. 44th cycle started 8th January '17. Currently in the process of an IVF cycle. 9 eggs collected 23rd January '17. 1 egg fertilised and looking at putting this fighter back on 25th January '17.

8 years ago

Hi to all, how you doing kellytorr, still no for me either but getting 's, want to start so can begin the clomid grr so frustrating, think I will today but also still waiting for test results of partners sample, love n luck to all you ladies

8 years ago

Kellytorr don't give up just yet - I had awful af cramps before my bfp with both DDs. It could still go either way?!

Pinkster123 fingers crossed for a good sample result from DP!

8 years ago

My temp also went down but I did have a very restless, rubbish sleep last night. Could that have affected it?

I am going to the doctors in one hour so I will see what happens then as this pain could be associated with the 'growth'. It's also strange that the pains have stopped and where (TMI warning) have very, very loose stools just before AF arrives I have very hard stools.

I have no idea what is going on this cycle. It has by far been the weirdest, strangest cycle I have had.

Good luck to everyone.

TTC #1 since August '13. 44th cycle started 8th January '17. Currently in the process of an IVF cycle. 9 eggs collected 23rd January '17. 1 egg fertilised and looking at putting this fighter back on 25th January '17.

8 years ago

Well it looks like so many of you are already either getting you BFP or AF arrived, so congrats/good luck to all of you I am actually still waiting to ovulate (on CD 16 now) which is usually around CD 17-20 for me. I am using a fertility monitor, but we have been BD every other day since last Thurday just in case! Looks like we will be doing a lot of that this week leading up to Valentine's Day Don't want to miss this opportunity. This is our first cycle trying again since my partial molar pregnancy last January, 6 months of methotrexate, and 6 months of non-trying to clear out my system from the metho. Before that, we had been trying for a year - so, it's been 2 years. To say that we have been waiting is an understatement. Trying not to feel too much pressure because I know stress can affect the body and fertilization, so I'm channeling zen Again, good luck everyone, and to those who have their !

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8 years ago

Hey all. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm out this month. AF cramping started today. I'm 11dpo and not a freakin' shadow on multiple tests - and I've never NOT gotten something by 10dpo. I should start AF sometime in the next two days and I'm super bummed about it.

My sister is 38 wks pregnant and could have her baby any day. I hadn't realized I had this internal goal of being pregnant before her baby came so I could deal wtih it better. She found out she was 5 wks pregnant the day before my son died, so we've both been struggling with the guilt and the joy and which to feel when. I really wanted to give my DH a Valentine's present of a , but that looks like that's not going to happen.

I'm sorry for all the other ladies disappointed this month too. This sucks.

8 years ago

Hey everyone

My heart goes out to each and every one of you who are TTC. I never thought TTC would be the emotional roller coaster that it has been. Being on these forums and knowing I'm not alone has really helped me in so many ways.

I've been going through and reading all your stories and each of you have been incredibly strong given your circumstances and I just wanted to send you all a hug .

8 years ago

Aww wishingforviolet what lovely words, thank you and your right this site has been amazing and little do most people know just how supportive, helpful and kind people are around the world to complete strangers going through similar problems
Kellytorr-how are you, ready to burst yet lol &
Hang in there calvingirl, you may still be in with a chance and I hope you are, like you I was hoping to surprise DH with a super duper valentines pressie
Happy BDing Mrs Beefy now everything cleared hoping this will be your month and get your Nov baby

Thank you sunnysky-still waiting to get result of DH test but also still waiting for 16dpo tom, have been getting cramps and but will test again tom morn if nothing happens over night, sorry supermom2 but onwards and upwards, in your new cycle

8 years ago

SuperMom2 - Don't worry, there is always another cycle!

Pinkster123, Kellytor don't give up just yet! Keep fingers crossed. for you!

I'll be going to obgyn today. I've been bleeding for 12 days now and still passing large clots after clots. This is a pattern am observing for the past 4 - 6 months. In fact, my Dec cycle I was bleeding for 35 days. So I'll be going in for a consulting today. Hoping for miracles.


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8 years ago

Aquapd thankyou and ouch sounds nasty, my friend had probs with her af's as would go on for ages and then not turn up until alot later, she swears by these natural tabs shes taking last 2 months, ill ask what it is she takes? -x-

8 years ago

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