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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Kotikd: I had a colposcopy. They really suck! I hope the results are good. Glad you can still TTC.

sugar: Are you on a break and testing and charting? I had an ealy OPK on about CD 7 too, but it got lighter when I tested the following days. In my calendar, I put "+ OPK?" because it was so dark. I ended up with a + on CD 21 I think (really late for me). The Dr suggested to start on CD 10. It is possible to O early though. So just DTD just in case. A smiley on a CB is usually accurate, right?

SMC: How long have you been TTC? I know it gets frustrating. If you need a break, you should definately take one to keep your sanity, then get right back up and keep trying.

Rebecca: Sorry for your BFN and losses. :( That must be really hard.

Firsttime: HSG HURT SO BAD!!!! Take 4 ibuprofen an hour before at least! Try your hardest to relax. I have heard some women say it did not hurt. I still have the photos from mine. They look really cool and are a comforting reminder that I am clear. :)

DH just had a vasectomy reversal in May this year. We are waiting until January to test the swimmers. They said it could take up to 6 months for his sperm to return to normal levels and normal movement and up to 3 years to get pregnant. Last cycle, I tried OPKS and Egg Meets Sperm Plan. This time, I am trying 80 mg Soy isoflavens along with the previous things. I hope I didn't mess it up. I forgot to take them last night so I took them this morning instead and will take them again late tonight. I'm not feeling any side effects at all. I think I will double it next cycle, if I don't get my September baby.

I scheduled acupuncture, but the soonest they could get me in was in January.

I need to start using my gym membership again.

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10 years ago

Hi 2more- Yes, taking a break and BD as per normal no extra effort..:P That could explain my missed out temp and folic acid as well...
Yes, am charting and testing at the same time since I have 7 kits left.
lAst month was my first to use CB digital.. Previously was using the stripes. ( you can view under my HPT images )
So I am going to test again later. Am if its CD7 OPK(+) I am not sure if I am still in time to check for dominant ovary.. Praying hard its not the left as I am tubeless there.

Normally, based on 2 months testing... It will not be invalid test. But I guess the surge was not detected hence explained this result..

acupuncture in Jan sounds good for you. meanwhile head to the gym first?
I am planning my next zumba session with my cousin... :)

All the best to you!

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

2MORE4US_ we have been trying for a year and a half.

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

10 years ago

Hi ladies! I hope everyone had a good weekend [smile]. I got some Christmas shopping done so I'm feeling pretty good!

@koti, glad you were given the green light to continue TTC. That sounds like great news on all fronts. FX for some peace of mind while you wait for the official results over the next few weeks.

@sugar, any more + opks? What kind of digital were you using? I've had a false positive on the CBE advanced before, that can be so frustrating!

@Rebecca, sorry for the weekend bfn [sad]. Have you tested again since then?

@penny, good luck with IUI this cycle. Let us know how that follicle looks!

@kara, a Christmas O! That's so exciting [smile].

@firsttimemommy, welcome! CTP gives me the same EDD, 9.11.2014! FX we can be pregnancy buddies!

How are the rest of you doing?

AFM, cd12, and I got my first blinking smiley on CBE advanced digital yesterday evening. Also had a huge temperature dip today (one whole degree!), so I'm hoping O is actually close, and that I'm not gearing up for a whole week of blinking smileys! It's pretty early in the cycle for me to start having O signs, so I hope this is the real thing!

Wishing everyone a lovely week! [heart]

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

Kot! I missed your post... so glad that it went well!
Great news tge green light ttc

My baby had a weekend filled with fun, gifts n party!

Told you tge 13th was a lucky day!!!!

Cd4. Nothing to report. Im taking a break from ttc n not doing a darn thing! Not preventing either.
maybe i will give it another shot in the spring or summer but for now im taking a much needed mental break.
I cancelled my re appt.
Im not going anywhere ..will stay in tge forum!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

So, a week or so ago I was questioning if progesterone supplements can affect your ovulation. Or more so NOT affect your ovulation. I had read that even if you keep your period from starting with the progesterone, your ovulation still stays on schedule. Well, it seems to be true!!

I am CD12 today and have 3 good follicles measuring 20, 18 and 15 so I will likely trigger tomorrow or Wednesday based on my estrogen blood test results today. Normally this would not happen until about CD17, but my period was 5 days "late" last cycle due to the supplement. Had my period come on time I'd be CD17 today and right on target.

Interesting to know. I don't know if it would apply to all, but it certainly applied to me.

SO for those of you who keep AF away with progesterone, be aware you may be a bit early with your next cycle.

10 years ago

@pennylane - I think it depends when in your cycle you take progesterone? IDK - i had some cream I used one cycle and I used it before I ovulated and I'm pretty sure it caused me to not ovulate, so I think you are supposed to start it after ovulation? Unless of course you need it for some other reason? I'm no expert.

Well, according to dates, today should be 1 DPO, but I haven't been temping so I can't really tell you for sure. I have had positive OPK's for a long time this cycle. It's kind of weird - I don't know what to make of it!

We did really awesome at BD this month. We BD on CDs 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and will again today. I supposedly ovulated on CD 15.

Anybody close to me in cycle?


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago • Post starter


Was in the august board but someone (sorrrrryyyy, forgot your name) suggested to move to this one, so here it is.

I'm new to this whole thing, but talking to someone about it makes it so much more real.

Just to let you guys know where I'm standing: Had to use OPK because ovulation is still a bit crazy after the BC (gonne off only 2 months aho, this is third cycle). Got positive OPK on dec. 7th and BD before that day, day of, and day after. Sounds good. Let's see what happens.

Tecnically I should test on the 21st, but since I'll be away, travelling for work, I don't think I'll test. I rather be home and test only Christmas day because it would make tha day just more special than already is, not sure if I can wait or if I'll go crazy first.

If positive, baby gets here August 30th.

Hoping it goes by fast. Husband and I made a deal not to tell anyone until my 3rd month, if possible.

All of that if AF doesn't show before.

Lots of luck to everyone!

User Image

10 years ago

Penny- How interesting! We mess with our bodies so much with this aggressive TTC stuff, it can sometimes nudge right back. Will keep that in mind if I end up needing those supplements.
Glad to hear you have THREE good follies!!! Didn't you say last cycle you only had one? I'd call that WOOTWOOT-worthy!

Sugar- Praying extra hard that it's not the left one. COME ON RIGHT OVARY!!! Also, I have gotten early positive OPK's in the past too. Like my body was gearing up to ovulate and then changed its mind. But I kept testing and a week later, I got another positive. Just keep going as long as you can!

2more4us- I have a feeling I'm headed toward HSG in the near future. If so, I'll definitely take your advice about the 4 ibuprofen...and maybe add some Tylenol on top of that. My left ovary is so hard for my RE to find using the transvaginal ultrasound and it stings like mad when he's trying to maneuver on that side. I can only imagine how an HSG would go. Thanks for the heads up!
I also did the soy isoflavones a couple cycles back. Definitely helped me O sooner. I have short cycles, I generally O late, and have a super short luteal phase (usually 7-9 days). I might have to go back to that next cycle as I still have most of my old bottle left.

pbc910- I have heard so many women who have the HSG become pregnant almost immediately! I hope you're next. Fingers crossed super tight!!

Question...has anyone noticed emoticons not showing on posts? I keep seeing the names of emoticons in the brackets, but never the cute pics. Just wanted to know if it was just my computer.

AFM: Today is CD15. Yesterday, I had two internet cheapie OPK's come up positive and yet the ClearBlue Digital still said no. But to be fair, I've had that digital stick forever so maybe the sticks are out of date? The cheapies have an expiration date sometime in 2016. Any-hoo, we still dtd and will continue to do so until later this week. Now it's time for me to get ready for work. Yippee...but not really.

Baby dust, everyone! May we all bathe in the stuff! :)

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

While - You are correct. I'm talking the progesterone given to support a luteal phase defect. For those of us that have a short luteal phase or low progesterone our doctors will give us progesterone supplements (usually vaginal suppositories) to support the luteal phase and keep AF away long enough to allow us to fully implant. Progesterone pre-O would definitely cause you not to ovulate. I believe when you are TTC it is strongly recommended to never take progesterone pre-O.

My dr today said that although the progesterone keeps the actual act of the uterine lining shedding from happening, if you are not pregnant sometimes your ovaries will still, like clockwork, begin to make new follicles as scheduled. Not always of course, but sometimes. So it's just something to watch out for.

10 years ago

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