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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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What a bummer having to restart your TWW, RPope , but what a luck you happened to test and get a confirmation from temping. Imagine the frustration around expected AF-time if you hadn't know that the first O was just your body trying but not succeeding to O! Fingers crossed for you guys.

Sorry to see new people from the March bunch in here, but I do hope this is the last time you have to change month. Fingers crossed for all of you.

I had two short cramps in my uterus last night, right before falling a sleep. In my tired state I though perhaps it could be implantation, but then I woke up, put my brain back on again and realised it's still too early for that. Oh, well ... The TWW continues.

9 years ago

Rpope: hope you get your bfp this time. Sending you lots of baby dust

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9 years ago

I need help with temping, please ladies....

So i have a few questions about temping. Keep in mind today I am CD3.

1. I just found my basal thermometer so I was wondering if it is even worth temping today. As of tomorrow I will be taking it around 5:30 am.

2. Is it even worth temping this cycle since my cycle is only 5 days and I have 2 days left?

3. Can you explain what dip under cover line is and how do I know when I have it?

Thank you ladies for your future cooperation and answers.

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9 years ago

Hello Ladies, well I am back from Vacation. Had a wonderful time, and glad to be home. Hubby and I are going full force this month LOL!!

We are using OPK's, Evening Prime Rose, Soft Cups, PreSeed, and BBT.

Also, we sat down and talked about our BD'ing. I showed my chart to hubby and I think he understands now about our timing issues. We have agreed to BD every other day this cycle and he has promised not to "help himself" until three days after I O. :) LOL!! What a strange conversation.

Ababy2love: I am a little confused. You said is it worth testing now that you are on CD 3?? You temp your entire cycle from day 1 until your next period comes. You can start now, it is a great time to start. Just make sure you try to temp the same time every morning. Also make sure you temp prior to doing anything, and when I say anything I mean anything. Don't move, get up, go to the bathroom, kiss soon to be hubby :), just roll over grab the thermometer and stick it in your mouth. Make sure that you get at least four hours of sleep. SO if you wake up for a late night bathroom break make sure that there is four hours between that and the time you temp. You probably wont see a coverline until about mid cycle. You will see a temp increase right after ovulation. Take a look at my page if you like, and you can see that your temps will go up and down. You will see a dip to your CL after ovulation right before AF shows up. I have told friends to BBT even if they aren't TTC. It is a great way to know about your body and your cycle. Good luck and if you have any questions always ask everyone is happy to help :)

9 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Hope you are having a great day. I sadly am fighting a headache but hoping it goes away soon so I can finish up my day and go home.

Ababy2love: I am so glad you are asking questions and not just trying to figure it out yourself. And Randall0123 couldn't have said it better. I will try to answer it too but within your question #'s.

1. Don't bother testing today. Only because you have been up and running around. The point of taking your BBT is to get the base reading for the day. That is the best reading to get. When your body is completely relaxed. Leave it in a easy to reach location by your bed and before you even think to pee or even open your mouth to say anything to your partner take your temp. It only takes a few seconds before it beeps. Then you can record it. I always set my alarm on my phone to go off at a certain time 6:30am. This way while I am reaching for my thermometer I quickly swipe the alarm off too. Then I take my temp and record it.

2. For at least 3 straight months or at least it's suggested for 3 months...You are supposed to temp the entire cycle. From CD 1 (which is your first full flow day of AF) to the next AF and so on. You need to learn how your body works. When you typically ovulate. Some women ovulate at different times. Some women ovulate on CD14 every month. And some don't ovulate all the time. I am sure I had some anovulatory months in there. You will know when you ovulate because you will have 3 consecutive temps that rise. CTP will typically help you with that too. Reason I said above "supposed to temp the entire cycle" is because some women, myself included, have been temping for over a year and get tired of it but by now we know our bodies pretty well. Now I only start to temp early on in my cycle until I see that I have ovulated and then I have stopped. Some months I will temp the whole time again...but it does get tiresome after some time.

3. I have never quite understood the temp dip. If it happens between 6-10 DPO some say it could be implantation dip. But I have seen it a lot and I have never seen a BFP.

I hope that helps. I did lots of research on BBT'ing and I found it exhausting. I tried to post some helpful links but I guess CTP considers it spam but you can find it by googling "how to BBT".

Hang in there it does get easier.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

I'm set to ovulate tomorrow. I checked my cervix. Its pretty SHOW. A little bit of EWCM, not as much as last month. So, hopefully it picks up tomorrow. (Could be monday too.) I usually have some o pains by now. So, it might be monday. or its going to O on the right side.

Lots of bding tomorrow though. Ill try to bd on sunday night/monday as well. Wish me luck girls!

(I still have a good feeling about april)


me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Thank you lolo. It definitely helped a lot. I am going to do it every morning at 5:45am.

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9 years ago

Best of luck @snowwhite for us this cycle.

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9 years ago

Snowwhite: I wish you lots and lots of luck

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9 years ago

OldBiddie-thanks for the good luck wishes. I'm still crossing my fingers for you. Who knows what those twinges were but hopefully it was something good! Definitely keep us updated. :-)

Randall0123-Glad to see you're back and that y'all had a good vacation. DH just planned a cruise for our wedding anniversary, and I'm hoping I'm prego by then (November). It sounds like you're covering all your bases this month and then some lol. That's awesome!

Snowwhite-Good luck this weekend! I hope this is your month!

Ababy2love-I couldn't have given you better advice. These women on here have really helped me learn so much about temping. Just really make sure you do it as soon as you wake up and before doing anything at all! Good luck!

This morning my temp went way up again. I'm hoping that means I released a really good egg. Lol. What's funny is now my DH is asking me every day what my temp is doing. I love that he's getting involved. The only thing I'm worried about is that I ovulated so late that my AF might start before the eggy has time to get implanted... I guess we'll see next week. Thanks again everyone for all the support. I'm SO glad to have this site and all you ladies to work through all this with. Baby dust!!

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9 years ago

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