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Future Mommies-2-Be--TTC#1

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I started this board for ladies who are TTC #1. Not that ladies who are trying for #2-7 aren't important, it's just a totally different ball ground and I wanted a place we Future Mommies could come to and share are feelings since "we" aren't Mommies yet. We, Future Mommies-2-Be, do not know what its like to be pregnant/carry full term, or to have a baby in our arms. Therefore our journey is completely different by that one aspect and its a big difference.

Age/ DH's:
Cycles trying:
Cycle length:
About your journey so far:

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297 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi Ladies!! I'd like to join in the first-time-mommy-to-be club! :)

Name/Nickname: Kerri/
Location: Ontario, Canada
Age/ DH's: 27, DH 28
Cycles trying: 2+ years
Cycle length: "avg" 36
About your journey so far:

Hubby and I got married in July 2011, but in July 2009 we decided we wanted to start our family. We tried for a year and nothing; I used OPKs and got smileys but no sticky beans. For the next year we focused on planning our wedding and took a break from actively trying, it became stressful and we were living in a place where we couldn't get any quality medical help. We've moved back home, gotten married, and I've been to my doctor, gotten cleared (no thyroid problems, diabetes, u/s is clear, blood work looks good), and referred to a specialist (appt. in december); hubby has an appt. with his family doctor to get checked out mid november. This cycle, I started getting more into TTC, so right now I'm using OPKs (2 positives the last 2 days, today was a bit unsure), and observing CM, and now I've ordered a BBT thermometer online with OPKs and HPTs, waiting for those to come in!

Hubby and I are going to Jamaica on the 22nd until the 29th so that will help kill my TWW! I've been feeling really crampy the last few days, I'm hoping that's a good sign for the big O. I'm kicking myself and wishing I had started temping this cycle, but I'm new to the game (funny considering we've been trying for 2 years right?). I apologize if this is long winded, I'm sleepy but addicted to TTC so I had to join this group immediately! hahaha

Hoping sticky beans for everyone!

12 years ago

Hey new Ladies (Sarah and Kerri!)! Welcome!

Kelly - I was nervous to start clomid too. I am currently on my 3rd cycle. It isn't too bad, side effects are sometimes killer depending on how it affects you. I got mood swings this cyle, but hadn't before just hot flashes and the occasional headache. So we shall see...

Bug - Good LUCK! I hope you get your BFP!

Greekmum - I hope AF stays away and you also get a BFP! Also, you incident from the other night sounds scary! Are you going to go see a doctor? I would be freaking out! lol

Connie - I have a 14 day LP, so I understand the long wait, but bug is is better to have a longer LP! Hope your weekend at the inlaws wasn't as bad as you anticipated!

Clive - I hope the dizziness is a good sign for you and AF stays away!

Krunchie - I get that way too with each additional cycle. I am on Month 15 of ttc (with several months of breaks due to miscarriages...) Good luck!

Sorry I have been MIA been busy busy busy. I am in a dilemma right now. I don't know when I O'd or if I am Oing late! CD14 I had a darker opk, but then it got light CD 15. I only did one opk on the 14th so I could have missed my surge. I usually O today on CD 16. But it is light as can be. I know we are covered by BDing every day, but I wish I could know for sure! I might have to just do my progesterone test on CD 21 after all (I usually go 7 days past positive OPK, but going to regular OB and she says to go on CD21...but if I don't know I have to follow her orders...UGH).

Me-25 (PCOS, MTHFR, UU) DH-27 (perfect). Matthew 11/24/12 (born induced 36w5d due to low amniotic fluid) Our story: Began TTC July 2010, 6 losses: 11/14/10. Early m/c, 12/25/10 Blighted Ovum, 6/29/11 Early m/c, 11/11 early m/c, 3/8/12 Early m/c, 6/29/13 suspected ectopic. Currently breastfeeding and NTNP. hoping to lose weight And blessed with another miracle baby! Follow my blog :

12 years ago

Welcome Kerri & Sarah!!

So many new people are joining that I'm starting to forget faces lol!

Bug, I'm so excited, I just have hopes that I will get pregnant within the first cycle, (I'm tryin to have faith in God). I'm hoping that because I'm young that i have a good chance of concieving quicker, or t least thats what the doctor saids! I've just been trying to have fun and not stress myself about it.

If any of you ladies gets a BFP Please let us know!!!

Oh one more thing, I have been using OPK tests and I normally ovulate on the 20th of the month, but the line on my OPK test has gotten darker!! Could this mean that I will ovulate earlier?!! Any thoughts?

Thanks and many prayers to all!!

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12 years ago

Thanks Greekmum,

I really hope that this could be it for me lol!! I have a great history in my family of concieving quickly and so does my husband. I hope that means something for me, and the fact that I'm only 19 years old, 20 years old on November 6th, right around when I get my period so I realy hope that its a gift from God.

Keep your prayers up!!

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12 years ago

Hey ladies!

Just poping on quick to say hi and let you all know AF showed up saturday after very light spotting all day friday...

Very upset and dont know what to do with myself....really thought this was it but seeing as how I O'd later than expected, we didnt BD enough during that time. So I guess on to the next month. Going to be ordering OPK's soon. Hoping this helps. I will be on tomorrow to reply to everyones msgs. Thankx for the support and wishes for a BFP. Guess it just wasnt in the plan for me this month.

Have a good night ladies.

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

Sarah, welcome!!! Wow, I don't know if I could be a birthcoach especially since I struggle to get pregnant. Props to you girl. I love BBting because thats how I found out I O later than I thought and thought I was totally missing the mark. Now I know but now I fear because I have a short LP that it also may be an issue getting PG. Glad you found us.

kerri, welcome!!!Have fun in Jamaica. Glad to have you join us and glad you found us.

Jess, I have been very busy too. Glad you been getting BDing everyday and I hope your progesterone test is good.

Aby, I hope you conceive on the first cycle cause boy does it suck when you been going at it forever and don't know what the issues at. Your a head of the game if your doc is telling you so. Good luck and I pray your journey is short. If your OPK is as dark as the control line or darker then yes you haev OPk but you can't just go by it getting darker from day to day it has to be darker than or dark like the control line. If you have any doubts post it on the test pic voting site. I always do that when I feel a doubt in my head.

Beca, I'm so sorry AF showed up, boo on her. Just remember though and I have to keep telling myself this. A healthy person takes about year to conceive. That its very normal to take that long because there is only a 20% chance each month. I have only 4 cycles left till I will hit my one year mark. I'm hoping that I atleast Conceive within that time frame, causing I'm really going to worry if I don't. HUGS and you just keep your chin up.

Waiting on AF to either show up today or in a couple of days. I hope she stays away. I'm either 12dpo or 10dpo. IF I O'd on Cd19 like I thought I'm 12dpo and that means AF will come today if she's going to. If I'm 10dpo then I O'd on Cd 21 and Af will be a few days late. I have a 11 dpo LP short short. UGH. My temps are still above the coverline but it's close to it so I'm expecting Af to show up. BOO on her. I haven't tested because I'm afraid to see only 1 line. So, I'm waiting it out to see what happens today and in the coming days.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Oh, yea, I have had some really strange dreams.

First one, I was pregnant and so was one of my cousins and we was in a department store in the bedding section both of us going into labor and us trying to beat each other to have our babies first.

Second one, (last night), I took 3 pregnant test and there was 2 lines on them all but there was also blood dropping on them.

These dreams are freaking me out. Especially, since I'm seeing my temps drop and Af is suppose to be here today or in a few days.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Good morning fellow future mommies!

Sorry I wasnt able to respond yesterday to everyone but it gives me a chance to more thoroughly read everyones most recent posts!

Bug - Welcome back lovely lady! Hope you had an awesome time with fam. Hopefully you did catch the eggie and its snuggling in tight. I will be praying that AF stays away for you today.

Brads - It would be a great birthday gift to find out your PG! And hopefully the family history repeats its self with you! As long as the line on the OPK is darker then the control line then its a possibility. I was getting lines (although not darker) around my expected O date and I think my body was trying to O but didnt and thats why I ended up Oing later. So keep using the OPK's until it goes negative...or until after you expected O day even if they come out negative because then you will know for sure. But if your not already, I would start BDing tonight everyday until after your expected O day..that will be sure you didnt miss your fertile period. Good luck and I hope you get the BFP you have been waiting for!!!

Jess - Its possible that you did O on CD14, specially if on CD15 you got a negative. They do recommend starting OPK's from CD10 and on so you dont miss that surge. BDing every day or every other day will really help your chances. I keep getting told its only a 20% chance of conceiving each cycle so dont be upset if you dont become Pg this has nothing to do with the OPK, especially if you are BDing everyday! Good luck hun and I do hope that all that BDing pays off!!

mommy/kerri - Welcome to our not so little anymore TTC community!!!

We are always happy to have more future mommys TTC#1! we all are going through similar stresses and difficulties conceiving #1 and are a great support for each other as im sure you have read!
You are from my home province! I currently live in Mississauga with my hubby but hopefully I'd love to move up north to the country where its quiet!
Im sorry its been a struggling two years for you with TTC. At least you know that you O so perhaps now that you are back to TTC full time things will turn out a BFP for you :)

If you havent already ordered a BBT thermometer, Shoppers Drug Mart sells a Life brand (which works beauty) for under $20.00 and its a 00.00 degrees so you get a very accurate reading with memory from previous temp. Sending lots of baby dust your way!

momsheart - Glad to hear that you are purposefully TTC now. Im sure that BFP will come for you much sooner!!! Must be amazing to be a birth coach. Im sure there are many happy days with your clients. Id love a huge family too but kids are darn expensive and unless I won the lottery I will have to settle for two or three.

Wints - sorry about not O'ing. At least the docs know and now they can get you started on some meds that will help! hopefully that will lead to a BFP soon for you :) good luck dear

AFM - CD3 - AF is in full force...ugly ugly... doing a bit better today...not as sad...had a good weekend with the hubby and spent some time with my mom and younger bro shopping. hopefully will be able to order my OPK's soon because I want to know when I O before my temps tell me and its too late... Hoping the hubby will be a little more up to BDing this cycle since he is finally feeling better.

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

October 2011
18. Wints100 (kelly)
24. katie (krunchie29)
31. melissa (angelcutiemh)

Ladies make sure to copy and paste this with your name on the date you will be testing and let me know if you either get a BFN or AF shows!

Good luck to everyone!!!

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

Beca, Thanks! I think Af is coming. I feel strange cramps in my left side near the ovaries. I feel extremely sad right now because I keep replaying my dreams in my head and hope that it turns out to be turn but so far I'm feeling out already seeing how my temp dropped this morning to right above the coverline. I'm glad your feeling better and had a great weekend with the hubby and family.

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12 years ago • Post starter

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