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CD5- Need a Buddy! I am officially Despirate.

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So i've been stalking this website for the last 3 months. I've been able to calculate my cycle length (30 days).

My first day of bleeding in march was 3/21 and ended 3/24 (short bleeding this month). This leaves me at Cd5 (please correct me if i'm wrong, still getting the hang of this).

Last month I couldnt track O because of a cold I had, BD and I were taking penicilin before our anniversary trip to cut the infection and we both got a yeast infection (yikes). This was exatly during my O week and I had some icky thrush.

Going out to buy OPKs for the first time after work today. (so nervous)

Anyone want to join adventures? :-)

225 Replies • 10 years ago



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Ok what the freak ladies...!!!!!! It's way to quiet in here

10 years ago


I'm here. Finally confirmed ovulation this morning! I was so nervous lol. So 3 dpo today. Jenn--are you testing yet? I'm on CD 20 so I'm thinking you must be close! I did want to let you know that today when I put my temp in FF I got those damn dotted lines too! Maybe you get those until the entire cycle is over? Not sure because all my past cycles have a solid red line. Maybe I never noticed that before? Who knows but I'm going to upload everything to this site and see what happens bc after your experience with FF, I'm starting not to trust.

Where's everyone else at? I'm hoping everyone has crossed over to the dpo side

10 years ago

Actually my temp dipped hard today and now the site is saying I ovulated on Cd17 I'm SO pissed right now. How the frig could I ovulate 3-4 days after my first positive opk!?!?. Now I'm Stuck with two line and no cover line. I totally give up So I'm suppose to be 6dpo and now I have no clue

10 years ago

Holy crap! How much was the dip? I've heard that that could be an implantation dip though and if that's right, 6dpo would be spot on! Try to stay positive. I read about that, so it's possible?

10 years ago

Yesterday was 98.45 and today dropped to 98.14 and I'm calling bullshit on this site for ovulation day because I got a "peak" on cd13 on the CBAD. Take a look at my chart. It's crazy and I'm flipping pissed. Now I'm second guessing everything because yesterday I had some weird off the wall cramps that I've ever had before. And they sure as heck didn't feel like ovulation pains

10 years ago

That's not too bad of a dip and the cramps are a good thing from what I've heard. I bet your temp goes back up tomorrow and if that happens, then it's even more of a better thing. I wouldn't get to worried about it. Everything that you've said and your temps and opk's suggest O to be CD 14. Bottom line is that this site and FF are just "guessing" our O dates. We know our bodies better than some damn software.

10 years ago

I just wish there was a way to get that stupid blue line off my damn chart!!!

10 years ago

LMAO! Did you completely delete FF? If you didn't, I would try to put in temps and compare the two.

10 years ago

I did but I can retry lol. Stay tuned :)

10 years ago

Ok I guess I didn't completely delete the app lol. Anyways I'm gonna post my FF chart in the gallery just for opinions. It will be under " Member" but you'll know its mind cuz I looks retarded lmao

10 years ago

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