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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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MissCarol- Hi Hi to you and all the best to you!

2More- Yeah, for me is more like pacing up and down. Whole day mind and body mis match... Spaced out.

Blushing- I am so glad that the ladies here in this forum are superb and supportive. All of us understand exactly how each of us feel. The agony, pain, happiness, excitement, all the different moods we all facing are all so connected. It will be awesome to think that all of us here can spend this holiday season having coffee together :)

Koti- I am still in the state of shock that OPK (+) actually on CD7 ( 24 days cycle this month ) should I even be shock? Well...... I supposed that I am taking good care of myself and thinking that this month DH and I taking a break considering witch came during our short trip so... BD-ing is very very limited :P ( TMI!! ) However, since yesterday I have the urge to test. Just that I forgotten about it. So do it this morning and solid smiley ( slap forehead ) Tomorrow gonna use normal stripe to test.
AND BIG CONGRATS to you!! Welcome back to the TTC race track... Sending baby dust.... Sending... Sending....

SMC- DOn't worry too much, witch is going to stay away from you! SHoo SHOoo!!!!!

Rebecca- ((HUGSS))) Still early 10DPO, no witch, race still on.... Hang on there!! I totally feel you. HAd I not had EP, my twins will be 8 this year.

GVMD- Hope so, by right it shouldn't be stress as DH & I thought to take a break this month. BUT .....let's attribute to stress first. I am going to call my gynae tomorrow to tell him that I have OPK(+) on CD7 instead of CD12 and see if he can arrange to see me for ultrasound to test for dominant. If he is available.... acupuncture to re schedule.

While - How are you doing? YOu will get your rainbow baby!!! Cheers!!

As for me- ranting seems to be my middle name since we decided to TTC... LAdies, please pardon me when I rant... as DH is always telling me to take it easy sometimes i feel like taking a boomerang to throw and him asking him to shut up: cos his soldiers are weak & old! LOL always not charging!!!!!! Next time he should shout - CHARGE!!!!!!!!! after we BD .... hahaha.....
Today is CD8 ( later in the morning I will test with FMU to see if its still OPK(+) and temp as well..
I missed out charting for 2 days consecutively. CD5 & CD6.... Missed out the trend again I supposed.. But anyway anyhow... Lets hope all of us here gets a September 2014 babies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you all....

Cristi- Are you alright?

And to the rest of the newbies... Im sugar!!! And hihihi and big ((HUGSS)) to all of you!

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Gv...thank you for always being so encouraging. I know youre right. I have 3 kids who need me focused on them.

While...i like your idea. But i dont know if im strong enough to face 5 reminders. All i have for any of them is the last babys u/s picture. Ive got it stuck in the frame of my dds baby picture. I do have a necklace with little kid charms on it. Maybe i can find something to represent the babies ive lost. That way i can have something tangible.

Thanks for listening. It helps to have such a safe place to talk. :)

User Image

10 years ago

Just found out about this and skimmed the entries thus far. What a great group of women! Since I'm a newbie, here's a rundown of my backstory:
With DH since we were 15. On BC for several years, took a break during graduate school while DH was deployed, cycles were perfect 28 days. Married at age 25. Finished grad school at 26. Spent time getting used to the 'big kid job' and bought a house. Went off BC October 2012. After 3 months of no cycle went in to OB/gyn Feb. 2013. Blood tests confirmed I was hyperthyroid secondary to Graves' disease. After taking progesterone in Feb I finally had a cycle. Met with an endo. Eventually while treating my hyperthyroid I went hypo. Cycles were 6-8 weeks long. Endo basically told me no chance of getting preggers until I'm straightened out, but I went on PTU in case I got pregnant during treatment. After being hypo from the PTU I looked into my family history more and decided to test for Celiac disease since my paternal grandfather has it. July 2013 diagnosed with Celiac (IgG and IgA testing and confirmed with an upper GI scoping with biopsies). Since then have been gluten free (GF) diet and also made the decision to jump ship from the PTU. Since then my thyroid and TSH have been sitting normal (we test every 5 weeks)! Graves' antibodies are low and I'm hopefully in remission! My last cycles have been 27-31 days in length, I'm worried my LP may be too short. Had a fertility appt early November. Decided we'll try naturally until Feb. 2014 when I turn 30. This month I am using CB digi as an OPK, measuring BBT, watching CM, and occasionally checking cervix. Also got preseed and may do softcup also. On CD11 today. Plan is also to get my progesterone level checked on 8DPO to make sure that's OK. Sorry for the long ramble! Wondering if any gals similar to myself.

Fx for a Christmas miracle and a positive HPT for the new year for all of us ladies!! My EDD would be 9-11-13.

@genie - any Q's on Celiac, shoot them my way!
@pbc - i'm interested in the lowdown on the HSG, since that will be the plan in February if needed, along with a SA and starting Clomid.

Thanks for listening to all that held on this long ;)

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Koti- 3-4 weeks? Ugh! But at least the procedure is over.
And yes, DH takes maca but refuses acupuncture, the big weenie!

SMC- All this trying sucks, doesn't it? The symptoms for pregnancy and AF are so similar and we get our hopes up month after month after month. We're doing IVF next and only because my insurance covers part of it. But this cycle and next, we're on our own so I'm going all out. OPK's, Mucinex, Preseed, the soft cups, begging the fertility gods....etc. I'm already exhausted!

Rebecca- Don't give up! You're still in the race! Also, a friend of mine had several miscarriages and she too only has their ultrasound pictures. So scanned them onto a disk, had them printed out at Walgreens, and made little frame ornaments for her Christmas tree. She made sure to scatter them around the tree so they'd be there but not constantly visible.

AFM...cheapie internet OPK sticks showing positive for LH surge but CBE shows faceless circle. Same urine sample....not FMU. BLEH! Just gonna keep up with the plan to BD every other day.

If anyone likes to chat in real time, some other TTCers and I have a chat room where we bemoan our cycle woes. Someone is almost always there to talk. I'm logged in now as I type. Come join us if you like!

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

Hi ladies, I have been's been busy around our house, my oldest stepdaughter is in town, birthdays tomorrow, Christmas shopping, woohoo!!! I have been following everyone and my positive thoughts are always with you all, even if I don't respond personally (and trust me, I want to but i would end up writing the longest posts ever)

Sugar - I understand all your feelings, they are exactly how I feel. I feel like ttc has made me into some uber bitch that is always depressed and unhappy. This is the first month since I can remember I was actually happy for someone getting pregnant (not on here, one of my friends) and it was hard to be that way. It still pisses me off that it's taking me so long but I guess there is some reason, maybe??? I also might be more positive since I am finally working with a RE! It's hard to be positive when its month after month of disappointment and honestly, don't know why I keep going other than I am super stubborn and I won't quit until I just can't do it anymore. Even if they said I needed IVF, which I cannot afford, I would still try! But I am hopeful for us all here!

Firsttimemommy - I am almost in the same situation as you, except I am hypothyroid due to Hashimoto's, the opposite of Graves. I'm trying to cut out gluten, only because gluten can affect autoimmune disorders (I don't have Celiac's). My tsh was 5.1 in November, which jumped from .5 in July. I hope its normal in January b/c I feel like it's really the biggest contributor to me not getting pregnant/. I also worry about my LP as you know since thyroid problems can really screw with all that. I have high prolactin as a result of my thyroid but I take medicine for it. I always hear that once your thyroid is regulated and there are no other issues, getting pregnant shouldn't be a problem. I hope that is true!

About the HSG too - it's similar to a pap smear except they insert a catheter into the uterus to run the dye through your tubes. I wouldn't categorize it as painful, but it was uncomfortable, especially whatever was near or on my cervix. I had brief, mild cramping when they ran the dye, but otherwise it was less than 10 minutes it seems. Some women have said it was the worst pain ever but I think it helps to go in there not being nervous. I was and my cervix was trying to close but once I relaxed it was ok. And you can see the results immediately, although they usually schedule a follow-up with your doctor so he/she can go over it.

AFM, CD 13...I have been so busy that I am not using OPKs and assuming that I will be ovulating around now. I've had tons and tons of CM since my HSG. At first it was brown and very similar to EWCM and then there was the discharge of the dye and stuff from the procedure. Then it has become very, very clear and stretchy. I've had it all day, every day for almost a week now. I hope that maybe if I had any mucus plugs in my tubes or anywhere, the procedure might have pushed them out. They say you are more fertile after it so we are trying to BD as much as we can this weekend and for the next couple of days. In January I am going to be more aggressive about trying. Maybe I won't have to be in this month turns out well!!!!!!!!!!!

[baby_dust] [baby_dust] [baby_dust]

10 years ago

Hi, ladies! Just trying to stay updated on everyone. I'm CD6 today. I should O on Christmas Eve or Christmas!!

Firsttimemommy - I also started TTC in Oct 2012, but have a whole other set of issues. LOL. I'm not too worried yet to seek assistance even though we've been trying for over a heart and head still say to keep trying! We really want to conceive on our own without assistance. Thinking about giving it about 4 more months or so before I consult my OB/GYN for further testing. My next step is an HSG and some blood work. Good luck and FX for you!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

@pbc I'm so over thyroid issues! I guess I'm lucky my prolactin was normal back in February. My TSH is sitting low normal and praying it stays there! Are your cycles regular at all? I hope the 'cleaning out the plumbing' does it for you! Part of me wants an HSG, but I kinda want to get pregnant without it. Oh well. GL!

@MLDK. I really hope we get lucky soon! I agree with you, really want it on our own, so we decided to try longer and set a deadline before getting medical help. Fx for us!

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Wow, so much to catch up on since I've been MIA. Hope everyone is keeping as sane as possible.

I was away for work for a full week which was great because it really took my mind off things. I did take clomid days 5 - 9 but I haven't been temping or checking my cervix or anything like that at all. Tomorrow is CD12 and I'm going in to the RE's office for a follicle check. I think we've decided to definitely try the IUI. I really feel like cervical mucus is playing an issue for me. Hopefully that will up our chances a bit.

10 years ago

firstimemommy - I want to rip my thyroid out and throw it in the garbage!!!! I knew I had thyroid issues since 2008 b/c it was big and my former doc told me she would run tests but never did so I didn't know I really had issues until Dec 2012. I am glad I don't experience any symptoms due to my cycles have always been normal. They have gone from 28/30 days to 25/26 but that was after starting the medication.

10 years ago

Hi All! Today I am on CD8. To my horror, oh well... basically still amazed... OPK test invalid ( as per the packaging ) you all may refer to the My HPT image.

Well... well... CD7- solid smiley on CB digital. Shucks! Should ditch digital?? CD8- invalid test on normal stripe. I am going to test on another stripe later in the noon. And see what happens.

Also, my temp was only 34.8 degree. I recalled I think its the lowest so far... I have also uploaded on my HPT image.


Pbc- I am too worn out today. Supposed to have appointment with acupuncture at 3pm today but becos of a solid smiley ( shrugs) decided to go look for gynae hopefully he is available to see me. YET!! Invalid test with FMU at 7.10am this morning. Now am stuck... Not know which to go so tired. Hence, give up BOTH i am not going!!! Makes me so sick. * PUKE *
Friends around me are getting pregnant.... All told me- TAke it easy.My gynae is the same... take it easy... :(

Penny- Welcome back... You must be looking great and feeling awesome...

Firstti- Hi Hi, long ramble is fine... This is the place to rant! HUGSSS to you...

Having said that... while typing, still trying to call gynae .... WOMAN!!!!!! fickle minded????? Stubborn?????

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

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