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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thanks Rose16. No everything was normal this morning, in fact I slept in pants last night, which I never do, so I thought for sure I'd see a higher temp... I think this month and last month, my body is trying to ovulate but for some reason it's just not happening. I've yet to see a good temperature rise since I started temping. It's making me think something might not be working as it should. If this cycle goes the same as last month (and its looking almost identical) I'll see a rise tomorrow and then it'll jump up and down till AF shows next week. Either way I'm going to keep tracking so I can show my OBGYN this crazy pattern next time I see her. I'm still holding out hope, and we're going to BD tonight just in case, but I'm not as optimistic as I was. I'm really pulling for you guys though! Your chart looks great! Hoping you get good news soon.

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9 years ago

Hello ladies,

I joined this site over a year ago when I was PG but had MC due to no heart beat at ultra sound. Now been TTC for 1 1/2 years. I am 5dpo as of today and feeling pretty weird

Had HSG test on July 9th and was able to remove some blockage that was there. Hopeful now we will have success.

3dpo cramping, extremely dry mouth, sore boobs, creamy white CM(sorry tmi)

4dpo really tired, extremely dry mouth and no matter how much water I drink my mouth still feels so dry, sore boobs, really tired, thick creamy white CM (sorry tmi). cramping like pinching on and off

today 5dpo and have a headache, sore boobs, extremely dry mouth, slight cramping like pinching on and off.

I feel like I am going crazy and just want any clue that BFP is in my future!!

*I always have tender boobs before AF so not considering it a sign BFP is possible this month.

I figured I would finally try and find others going through this so I am not alone going crazy.

9 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Welcome blueheart523, babydust85 and armywife2014 to the April board!

RPope84: Sorry your temps and OPK's are showing differently after you thought was O time. They do say you need 3 temps rises to prove ovulation. I know I have had some wacky months in the past that I have no idea if I even O'd at all. I am sure that I too would have thought to check my OPK again out of curiosity to see if I had a second surge. You are doing the right thing however by making sure you BD again tonight. If today is your actual O date then from what I have read your egg is viable for 12-24 so BD'ing tonight you still have a chance. My doctor told me to make sure that DH and I BD EOD and make sure that once I see a +OPK we BD 2 more times after that. Which I noticed is basically what you did so I completely understand the concern. Hang in there and .

AFM: I felt awful last night. It was strange I don't usually get this clearing out type (TMI) Diarrhea till right before AF but instead I got it afterwards. So wondering if I ate something funny or maybe it's a bug going around. But wow my tummy/gut felt sour. And it made me feel very nauseous. I am pretty sure I am done with AF today...which is a good thing. So hopefully no more issues tonight.

Hope everyone has a nice evening!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Thanks Lolo1176. I appreciate the feedback and advice so much. You ladies have made me feel a lot better about what happened this morning and now I have more hope that I can still salvage this month. Lol. Hope your AF is done today and that's the last time she visits for a while!!

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9 years ago

Rpope: I hope it gets better. I wish I knew about opk and temping but I am very clueless on that matter.

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9 years ago

Officially CD1 .. here we go..

At least I know I'm ovulating and I feel like I learned a lot about charting in one cycle already.. again sorry in advance if I have obvious newbie charting questions hehe and thanks to those of you who have already given me insight!

Kind of hesitant to TTC this cycle just because DH has A TON of April bdays in his family already... but hey maybe it's just a lucky month ! Plus I don't want to have to wait any longer than I have to. Hoping, praying and leaving it in God's hands!

to all!

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9 years ago

Babydust: don't worry I am going through the same thing. My dh have two kids from previous relationships who is born in April and my birthday is in April then we have other family members birthday in April. It starts from the 1st to the 20th. 1, 7, 10, 15, 16, 19, 19.

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9 years ago

Thanks lola1176!!

I can't stop thinking about my symptoms. If I am pregnant I would be due on my daughters birthday!

We have been trying so long and she IS OK with it too.

9 years ago

Welcome blueheart523, babydust85 and armywife2014!

I had a dream last night that we found out I was pregnant and the doctor was able to confirm it on a sonogram. Very vivid dream. I've never had one that took place this early. I know it probably had nothing to do with possibly being pregnant and everything to do with the fact that I have baby on the brain. But that it is a good sign.

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9 years ago

So my temp went way up this morning and I've changed my ovulation date to yesterday. Starting the TWW again... That's ok though because at least I ovulated this time. Thanks again for all the advice I received. It really did help a lot!

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9 years ago

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