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Any Military TTC Families?

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A bit about me:
DH and I were TTC for 5 yrs before we got our 1st ever with our son; John will be 2 this September. DH went back on active duty in the US Army in January 2014, and we started TTC again then (DS was only 4 mo when we started TTC, since it took so long with him.) I have PCOS and DH has low sperm volume but the count, morphology, and motility were good. TTC one mo on Metformin alone, 6 mo on Clomid (increasing doses from 50 mg to 100 mg), 1 mo on Soy Isoflavones, then 1 mo (last cycle before DH left) I had an HSG and took Femara. Had a CP in May and July 2014, but nothing else. In September our TTC train came to a screeching halt for obvious reasons (kinda hard to make a baby with Daddy over 3,000 miles away!) Well.... DH is coming home in THREE DAYS!!! My next cycle is supposed to start on 10 June, and I've already got a 6 month prescription for Femara, my OPKs, my HPTs, and I've dusted off my thermometer to chart my BBT. I think I'm going to wait a cycle before delving into the BBT insanity though. Praying hard for a quick and a

Are there any other military TTC-ers out there who can relate and/or anyone who's DH has to go away on business for extended periods of time??


133 Replies • 9 years ago



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Congrats!! How exciting! Today is CD 1 for me ... I'm just gutted.


8 years ago • Post starter

Nuts, really... Did you do IUI at all?

8 years ago

No, just timed intercourse. And of course Matt graduates ALC on the 9th and then they're shipping him to the NTC on the 10th, which leaves me almost NO time to make a baby!


8 years ago • Post starter

Would your drs consider it?

8 years ago

Hello ladies!
I'm active duty army myself. I'm currently stationed in Belgium. Hubby seperated from the army last year December and now works with the Dod. We are currently TTC #1. I'm 5dpo now and have been having some twinges(not quite cramps) and been extremely moody and tired. DH is conviced this is our month since I've been taking naps everyday after work and our dog has been super protective of me. Hoping for a BFP. Good luck to all you ladies!

8 years ago

Audnaz, How exciting!! Not too much longer and you will be able to test!

How long have you been in Belgium for?

8 years ago

Any news Audnaz? What about you, 2frsty?

8 years ago

No news here. I'm stuck taking birth control for this cycle since I had a leftover follie from last cycle. DH is at the NTC anyways, so I'm not missing anything. How was your Valentine's Day?


8 years ago • Post starter

Cycle day 28 and still BFN :( still no af symptoms which I normally get. Hoping for the best!!

Sorry about that 2frosty, will he be back for next cycle??

I<3kids: I've been here for a little over 2 years :)

8 years ago

Sorry to hear about a BCP cycle, 2frsty. But, at least you aren't wasting a cycle while your husband is home.

My husband is away all month on a course. But he came home for the weekend. It was great! I had naps and he cleaned and we went to see Deadpool. I am very glad he could come home.

Audnaz, Is that very odd for you, to be on cy 28 and no symptoms? Are you usually very regular? We are hoping to get a posting to Brussels. We were slated for a premier posting and got bumped for crap reasons. But such is life.

8 years ago

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