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June babies 2020

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Hi ladies thought I’d make a post for us ladies due with are bungle of joys due in June 2020 so we can all support each other

170 Replies • 4 years ago



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I’ve not had anything yet, but I only had my booking appointment on Monday so I guess it should be here sometime next week. I’m actually secretly in a strange way hoping for the 25th too haha. May sound odd but my sons birthday is the 21st and my youngests first birthday is the 23rd so would kind of be nice to have their birthdays before we announce the news, as I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold it in a few extra days if we have it earlier haha. Hope you feel better soon, the hormones should start to dye down soon a little. I feel on and off with sicky feelings. Although I’m in a permanent state of exhaustion, my baby has a cough and cold and is up multiple times in the night the last few days. Im so tired :( Fingers crossed that’s the last of your spotting. I don’t seem to have any since xxxx

4 years ago

Tuesday I had a drippy nose and then yesterday when I woke up everything has moved to my chest. Feeling horrible, but hopefully it will pass soon. We found heartbeat with Doppler last night. We go back November 22nd for another scan and genetic testing. We will know boy or girl by early December. Good luck on your upcoming scans ladies.

4 years ago

How you feeling now his_first? 11 weeks today for me and still waiting to get a scan date through really hope it hurrays up soon. All well here though, sicky feeling subsiding, still have an upset tummy in the morning, very hungry and how now find baby on Doppler very easily every time i try which is lovely and so reassuring too. Just keeping everything crossed all is ok on there with baby now.
How’s everyone else doing?

4 years ago

Doing better. Still coughing stuff up though. When is your scan lakar? I sent my ultrasound picture into gender pro for Ramzi theory and this is what they sent back. Really hope they are right.

user submitted image

4 years ago

So glad to hear your feeling better hopefully the coughing won’t last too much longer.
No scan date yet still waiting for a letter to arrive, very annoying. My early scan with ramzi theory showed girl too. I kinda hope they’re wrong though, personally I don’t mind what we have for my self. But id love to tell my son he’s getting a brother as he has two sisters xxxx

4 years ago

Same situation. I have 2 boys and 1 girl. She has begged for a sister for years.

4 years ago

Bless her, it’s horrible when they really want a specific gender, he’s only 5 and oh he sobbed his little heart out when his sister was born because he wanted a brother I think we will find out the sex this time so he has time to prepare himself if it’s another girl xxx

4 years ago

12 week scans on Tuesday, was supposed to be this Friday but my husband couldn’t make it, so now Tuesday instead xx

4 years ago

Going to get dating ultrasound done today, ladies have you had to pay for your photos? Says now you have to pay just curious what your experiences where. Live in ottawa Ont. btw if that helps

4 years ago

yes always here, for the last 7 years. Good luck for your ultrasound xxx

4 years ago

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