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March 2017

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Well CD1 again for me. I was hoping to stay in the February group but a late ovulation pushed me just out.
Last month was emotional as I had a lot of different symptoms than previous months. Also had some excitement at the end the to a longer cycle than I'm used to. I'm really hopeful for this cycle as it will be my 4th month trying and I will be doing natural insemination with my donor to hopefully increase my chances.
Anyone have any other tricks to try? Maybe epo or red raspberry leaf tea? Anyone used those? I used preseed last cycle and will be using it again this time.
Last month my insemination timing got messed up as I injured my back on expection ovulation day and ended up ovulating 2 days late. Hoping for no complications this month.

212 Replies • 8 years ago



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My apologies for intruding ladies but I do not know where else to go. My boyfriend and I have not been trying but so many weird things have been happening. My friend put it in my head that it is a possibility that there is a chance that I am pregnant. So yes me and my boyfriend did have unprotected sex. According to my period I should be 10 dpo. I have a period app that regulates me and it informed me that I should have ovulated on 06/17/16. We had relations on the 13th and really late on 06/17/16. I was unaware of me ovulating until I checked when he left. A week later is when my weird symptoms started. The following week I ha a really bad migraine. It was so bad that nothing at all worked. I am unaware of what dpo this would of been. Now I will do an estimation of the symptoms on each dpo that I remember

7 dpo - slight headache and shortness of breath. ( I actually thought that I was only 6 dpo there but it turns out I was 7dpo) I also had a sore throat and went to the emergency room and they informed me that my tonsils were inflamed and very red.

8dpo- shortness of breath, slight headache, pain in left bottom leg. Then it stopped and started on both legs a little later. Then it stopped again and started on the upper right leg.

9dpo - shortness of breath, very sore boobs, sensitive nips w/ pinch feeling in them. It felt warm to touch but that cannot be a symptom. Cried and was mad over everything. Even broke up with my boyfriend for something stupid.

10 dpo (today) - twinges on right side, really wet feeling, slight cramping, backache, terrible gas (sorry for tmi. Today I was laughing and I laughed so hard that it slipped out in front of people at work)

I also have been sneezing a lot. One of my friends believes that I may be pregnant and the other one things that I am just developing late allergies.

Please help me

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7 years ago

Ababy try testing in a few days. Symptoms are too hard to go by sometimes but only you know your body. I have tested bnp as early as 10 days but just to be sure try to wait closer to expected AF. Easier said than done, I never wait and waste 40-60 $ a month on test,lol good luck and keep us updated

7 years ago

Chicks- i bed share with my youngest (hubby works graveyard shift) and he always needs to be as close to me as possible! Sure will miss it as he gets older or we have baby #5 I'm 27 but my cycles are very irregular and have been out of wack since shortly before getting pregnant with our third. Mine usually are anywhere from 30-35 days but a few months ago i had one that was 28 days. I usually ovulate around cd15-18 but that cycle i believe i ovulated on cd13 and started getting ewcm on cd9. It was very unusual and i started using my opks and got my positive opk on cd12. I had massive amount of ewcm that entire time from cd9-14! We were able to BD last night and starting my TWW

Ababy- i agree. Wait 2-3 days and take a test. With some pregnancies i didn't feel much different until 11 and 12dpo but with my second i felt different starting at around 6dpo. Then rhere have been cycles where i wasn't pregnant and had every single early pregnancy sign! Good luck to you.

7 years ago

Cd8 Opk neg still. Haven't checked cervix this morning. temp 97.05 it was like 96.97 yesterday and 97.11 the day before. DH will be playing golf all weekend but he is fully aware our baby making time is this weekend. I'm going to start Mucinex today and maybe it will help with stuffy nose and headache I e been having. Another side effect of Vitex-headache. I have been taking 3 a day but I'm going to bump it down to 2 I can't handle the severe dry mouth it gives me.

7 years ago

Thank you everyone. Yeah I do not plan on taking any test anytime soon. I honestly don't want a baby at this point in time. My boyfriend does but I tell him that we are not ready. This would be my second and his first. Our relationship is still somewhat new, I'm about to start a new job, still in school, about to move as well. I have too much on my plate to even want a baby at this point. I'm hoping af actually shows. I never heard of some of my symptoms being "pregnancy" symptoms which is why I turned to this site to see if this would be considered as such. I used this site a year or two ago when me and an ex was trying so it was the only place I knew to corne to for an answer. I will keep y'all updated. Af is expected to come on Saturday.

Today I don't feel cramps, I feel a weird indescribable feeling on my right side. My boobs are sensitive but that is typical af. I also have a headache but I am known for headaches and migraines due to a prior car accident. I don't feel nauseous but when I cough I feel like I'm going to throw up. The shortness of breath is still there. When I try to have a conversation it seems like it takes a lot. My throat is still itchy and sore.

I googled my symptoms and I think I am going through a chemical imbalance and developing allergies at the same time. (I know google is not a doctor and I will go eventually. I just have so much going on right now that it is hard.)

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7 years ago

Oh and I have crazy indigestion. I have these burps that are stuck in my chest. Mind you I have not ate anything. I'm not a soda drinker. I'm not even much of a burper but it is like these burps come out of nowhere and because I cannot get them out they hurt my chest.

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7 years ago

Cd9 expecting O in next 2-3 days. Yesterday cm creamy and I have not checked today so far. Too early, smelling my DH coffee is making me jealous. I slept like I was dead last night. Temp 96.86 temps have been running around 97 this cycle. DD just woke up which means I'm about to lose my iPad.

7 years ago

3dpo today and not really anything to report considering it's still so early. I was peeing nonstop yesterday and had to wake up twice in the night. But i guess that could be chalked up to anything since i was trying to drink more water yesterday.

7 years ago

Cm has changed from creamy to watery today cervix the same, tilted a little lower. Open.

7 years ago

Sounding good for ov in the next few days chicks.
My temp is around 97.3 the last two days. No spotting anymore. Meeting with my donor on Sunday and Tuesday which will be cd10 and 12. I've been drinking lot la of water so hoping that helps with having more cervical mucous for the little swimmers. Haven't checked my cervix or mucous yet today. Had a pap yesterday which sucks and waiting for blood test results for my iron levels.

7 years ago • Post starter

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