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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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AF finally came!! I never thought I'd be so excited for it, but it just means that things may get back to normal! Guess that's why my OPKs were sketchy (?)

@JayneB - I guess you were right! It has been exactly 28 days since that weird bleed I had mid month. Maybe our activity induced it, maybe it was a coinkidink, who knows.

@All that struggle with male libido - You are definitely NOT alone. Mine wants both of us to be in the mood in order to BD, which i guess is how it should be, but special consideration should be given during the fertile week at least right??

@Scooby - I'm so asking my mom for that yoga DVD. She will buy me ANYTHING that has to do with boosting fertility

@All that are about to O, starting a new cycle, or just waiting -

9 years ago

Thankies ladies. I think I will take a break and focus on us moving. I want to keep the bd and love making differe. I think we had enough heart breaks for awhile. I hope all of y'all get the bfp's that y'all are looking for.

And welcome new comers.

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9 years ago

So ladies, I lied. I told dh that we are bd'ing every day of my ovulation week.

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9 years ago

Sorry to hear AF has made the rounds lately. I do hope it's the last time you get to see her in a long while now. Yet, I had to giggle a little over your two last posts, Ababy2love. Best laid plans and all that.

Not much to report here. 4 DPO today, and a whole week left of waiting before I can realistically expect to see two lines on the tests. Luckily we get a friend coming to stay the night today, so that'll keep my mind occupied with other things the next 24 hours or so. And then there's the weekend, which is supposed to be warm and sunny in this neck of the woods, so I'll probably take my 3-year-old too the beach, which won't leave me a lot of time pondering the wait either. Or so I can hope.

9 years ago

Oldbiddie: it was meant to make y'all laugh. ( I mean we really are going to do it) but but saying the "I lied" part. This is very stressful for all of us so we need some random funny moments. After I cry my eyes out that af showed, dh holds me for a while and then say something to make me laugh . I hope the week last fast for you

Nicole: good question: Because it is ovulation week, should bf's and dh's take in consideration that we are ovulating so they should have sex with us when they know we are trying for a baby? You know you really did get me thinking on this one. I am between hell yes since I told my dh he was but then I wonder if it really should be no because of health reasons. I like the way you think .

Jayne: did you start round two of clomid as of yet?

Snowwhite: what is going on with your neck of the woods? How is the weight loss going? Is hubby finally providing you with the good good so you can have your April angel.

Just to let you all know, I am an April baby so I hope y'all all have an April baby.

AFM: CD2 I believe, I am not really sure because I don't know what that weird bleed was but my fresh blood didn't start till yesterday which was my expected af date. I have to find my basal thermometer. I also am thinking of taking fertility aid. I bought it for just in case purposes. Didn't plan on using it but I will see if it helps.

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9 years ago

Help please! I need some advice. Today I am 4 dpo and instead of seeing my temperature going up, I had a big dip this morning. I decided to take an ovulation tests because I never had a big temperature rise and I was just wondering what the outcome would be. It was an even darker positive than my original positive. DH and I BD'd the night before last, but there was no chance I was going to get him in the mood this morning. He's not much of a morning person. So now, I'm not sure what's going on with my body, and I kind of feel like it's let me down. Do you think that I'm ovulating today? I'm really confused and disappointed at this point. Thanks for all your help and baby dust to you all.

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9 years ago

Hey all.

Just coming over from the March board. I was so sure this cycle was it for us. Woke this morning to no af and had convinced myself that this was it. Of course four hours later and she's starting to show herself.

These are going to feel like the longest 6 days ever.

9 years ago

RPope84 -I believe that happened once or twice to me too before, When i first started using opk's i would take them continuously after my first positive and i would have a whole week of strong positives! Everywhere i read thy said STOP taking them after your first positive. Maybe it was just a fluke temp. Were you cold when you woke up? mouth open? blankets off? There's a lot that can affect the bbt outcome. If you got rid of the positive opk would the ovulation dotted line still be there? and you've been reporting dry cm I still think you ovulated the first time. Lets see what your temp does tomorrow. Good luck lady

9 years ago

With not being sure of exactly when I ovulated this month I already feel down. If I go by period tracker I should have ovulated on July 12th (cd 13), however if I trust the opk I got a positive on July 15th (cd15). Either way I should be at least a few days past ovulation and now the wait begins.

Trying hard not to symptom spot because it is way too early, but a few observations that I know for sure aren't in my head haha. Having pain on my right side today and last night. Wicked headache yesterday, and I feel another one coming on today - although that could just be work lol. Boobs feel full - I can see that my normally slightly loose bra cups are now full - but I believe this happens every month.

Today is cd 18 - so at least 9 more days to go before AF potentially shows her face.

9 years ago

Hi ladies.. jumping over from the March board.. had a temp drop yesterday and today so I'm expecting af any minute..

Quick re-intro for those I haven't "met" yet. I'm 28, dh just turned 29. TTC since Feb 2014. Had a CP in March @ 5 weeks and have been trying again since. Been using OPKs, started temping this cycle since my cycles are kind of everywhere (28-32 day cycles, 14 or 15 day LP, O on day 13 - 16) and still seem to be re-regulating. We are hoping for our rainbow baby soon!

Ababy2love: thanks for the laugh! We need a little comic relief to help with the stresses of TTC!

RPope84: Sorry you're feeling disappointed *hugs* My cycles are doing all kinds of irregular things too but I've learned to embrace it and just do what I can to learn it and understand it; it helped me to talk about it with my DH so he also understands what's going on with my body. I've read a couple things about luteal phase dips. It can be a secondary estrogen surge which is normal but I don't quite understand it yet, or maybe it is ovulation after all since you need at least 3 high temps to confirm O. And I read that sometimes if the egg isn't released during the first surge the body will retry to release an egg, hence a second lh surge. Any secondary O signs like fertile CM or cervical position? I guess you just have to see what your temp does tomorrow! GL!

to all!

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9 years ago

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