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CD5- Need a Buddy! I am officially Despirate.

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So i've been stalking this website for the last 3 months. I've been able to calculate my cycle length (30 days).

My first day of bleeding in march was 3/21 and ended 3/24 (short bleeding this month). This leaves me at Cd5 (please correct me if i'm wrong, still getting the hang of this).

Last month I couldnt track O because of a cold I had, BD and I were taking penicilin before our anniversary trip to cut the infection and we both got a yeast infection (yikes). This was exatly during my O week and I had some icky thrush.

Going out to buy OPKs for the first time after work today. (so nervous)

Anyone want to join adventures? :-)

225 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hello ladies I'm back !!! It was a really tough well. The funeral was on Friday and I feel like I am finally now taking baby steps to get back to my "normal" self. Poor hubby hasn't gotten none in about a week. I didn't think stress could take such a toll on someone! I tested on Tuesday just for the heck of it. It was negative. Didn't bother testing in all week. I am now oncd17 .. Yup I had to look at my calendar for that. Before my uncles passing i knew what cd I was on like the back of my hand. Sigh.... I'm going to test this afternoon Incase I haven't o'ed yet. I'm also going to have a glass of wine tonight to loosen myself up. Haha. I'm from jersey btw woot woot ! How are you ladies doing ??? I really hope I haven't o'ed yet.........

10 years ago • Post starter

I got a half positive last night! And a temp jump tonite! FX temp goes up more to confirm <--- PLEASE CHECK THAT OUT 1ovulation, 1pregnancy, and 1 miscarriage 2012 :( Current cycle - femera TBD

10 years ago

Hope-- Glad you're back and condolences for your loss. Oh ya, stress can play a number on your body! Normally, I would say I hope you ovulate, but in your case, I hope you haven't yet so that you have the opportunity to catch your eggy lol.

Lynnie--I think we are in the same boat. My temp finally went up this morning, so fingers crossed they stay up!

Jenn--I think I've crossed over lol..just need a couple more days to confirm. All my other signs suggested that I had O'd except my temp, but thank God it was up this morning! I jumped online asap this morning to put my temp in FF and to write you guys

Lets all stay updated on each other! It's been a lifesaver having chat buddies on here!

10 years ago

I'm really concerned about my temps suspected O temps was 97.76 day two 97.91 day three was 97.89 day four was 97.90 and today which is suppose to be 4dpo shot way up to 98.60. I praying that I didn't O late and it makes me even doubled concerned with the constant positive OPKS which by the way are now negative. And FF hasn't detected ovulation. No cover line or anything. I'm bumming hard here. This site has a cover line tho

10 years ago

I wouldn't worry at all! I think that's a good thing! You probably just took a few days for the progesterone to really kick in. That happens to me sometimes...not all months but a few months that I've been temping my temp gradually went up and then just like you on about 3-4dpo it really shoots up. Asl long as the last three days "went up" I wouldn't worry

10 years ago

Take a look at my previous reply I added more info. Also check out my chart if you want . I also removed my set ovulation date and had the site put one in for me and it was for the same day I picked so IDK

10 years ago

Okay, I looked at your chart and I think it's right too. Based on the opk's and your CF, I think this site is spot on. I'm not sure about FF, but based on the info here, you look right on with CD 14. Besides, I think it's pretty rare for women to actually O 36 hours after a first positive opk. Don't fret..even if it was later than CD 14 your BD'ing has you covered. FF isn't always the best anyhow. I've tested the site out and every time you change the slightest thing it switches things out..just like it did to me the other day when I put in a second day of positive opk's. I think you're all good!

10 years ago

The only thing I put into FF is my temp. I think that site is stupid sometimes. With all my other months charting I always go a huge dip before O and then a major spike the day after. So this month is rather odd to me. I mean 4-5 days of pos opks that's not normal for me at all. Maybe 3 days but not that many. Idk we shall see I guess. Not really feeling it this month.

10 years ago

I'm feeling the same way. This month has really been odd for me too. I've never O'd so late and it's not like I had any crazy stress or anything either. I do agree with FF being dumb sometimes. I bet though if you added your + opk's and CF to it, it would change. That's what I mean should just go based on temps, but it doesn't. Pisses me off sometimes and I'm not convinced that it's always accurate. Anyhow, like you said, guess we shall see. Keep me updated though.

10 years ago

I added in all my opks and everything and it's still the same on FF

10 years ago

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