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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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acrichton, thanks... yeah we are enjoying not trying... with no meds I don't foresee me ovulating but we will see! The Christmas lights are doing great.. our electric bill should be interesting next month. Ha! People are always stopping in front of our house. Hubby loves it! Woohoo to the the shopping finishing up.. we finished ours Thursday... so now it is just baKing! :) How did it go telling the best friend? I have 2 friends I can tell and they won't say a word.. so they are always the first to know after the DH!

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10 years ago

Welcome Meme! I'm sorry TTC has been so long and hard for you :( It's the worst, really. I remember during my IUI treatments I had a lot of symptoms. It was from all of the drugs. The progesterone mostly. But I really hope you get good news on Friday from your blood work! It makes it really hard to know when you succeed, because progesterone symptoms and pregnancy symptoms (for me, at least) were exactly the same.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Hello everybody!!! Its holiday season!
Cristi- How are you?
Wifey- Hi hi
koti- I am good at least for now. Today CD6, this month af came early so will still start to do testing. In fact, hasn't been charting a day or two. Cos been oversleeping a few days. Will try to temp more frequently so that I can catch the trend. Am thinking if I should go for ultrasound to see which ovary is dominant for this month. If its Left side then maybe..... Sighing away.... will just enjoy our sensual nights. As I have no left tube.
Archi- How are you ?
Blushing- How are you doing today?

I am actually having mixed feelings. I am getting hopeless, although I know that normal couple take 8-12 months. I am trying to talk myself into Im just really trying for 3-4 months taking OPK into consideration. Still in negotiation terms with my BRAIN. ( sorry for the ranting)

And to all the new ladies in this forum. BIG HELLO! And sorry for rattling on and on.
Please do not be discourage for those who are TTC, it will happen!!

Baby dust to all including me! ((HUGS)) & ((BIG HIGS))

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Hey ladies! I just wanted to stop in and say hi to everyone. I'm still reading the threads every day so I'm staying up on all of ya'll!! Welcome to all the new-comers!!

GVMDL - sorry AF is here! :-( I just know that you're going to get a BFP soon! Still praying for you hun!

Cristi - Sorry to hear about the truck! My husband works in insurance, and always tells me awful stories about vehicles vs. animals. I hope that they get it fixed up real quick and everything goes smoothly!

gds - my brother had childhood leukemia (diagnosed in 1995 at the age of 14) so I know it's a hard thing to go through. My brother went through almost all of it (chemo, radiation, bone marrow transplant, spinal taps, had a central line, and endless tests). I also know that the medical staff involved in that field are, in general, AMAZING people that choose that field because they genuinely want to help those children. We met so many people that changed our lives and helped my brother during his treatment time! The advances they've made in the last 20 years have been tremendous, and I'm certain she will get the best of care! I will be praying for her! Also, I hope you are pain-free soon and that they can figure out what's going on!

myluckyduck - sorry about AF getting you! FX'd for you this month!!!

Sending tons of baby dust to all you wonderful ladies! I hope you have a blessed and perfect holiday!! *hugs*

10 years ago

NY- Thank you!

aclark- Wishing you a great month as well.

care- Good for you that AF is gone. Now you can concentrate on catching that egg!

Mylucky-hope AF gets going soon.

gds- OMG! I'm so sorry your ODS is having to deal with this right now. Definitely adding them to my prayers. I�¢??m praying that precious baby will make it through. I hope you get answers soon as to why you are having such pain.

fiverson- FX'd for favorable results. I got pregnant with natural progesterone cream within 3 months. It ended up being ectopic, but that had nothing to do with the cream. I used Source Naturals at the time. Since then, I've tried other name brands, but I liked that one the best. GL!

Koti- I hope your procedure went well and we get to see some favorable results. I decided not to temp. But, my thought process was that I could speculate whether or not I had O�¢??d based on where my temps were. I know before ovulation, my temps are always in the 96-97.2 range. After O, I'm always 97.4-98 range. I wasn't looking to catch an egg just wanted to see if I could figure out if AF was coming or not before I start progesterone.

GVMD- Honestly, although you didn't get a BFP, it sounds like things are getting regulated for you. Considering just a few months ago you were told your chances were not that great.

Cristi- I hope this cycle is pleasant for you as you take a break

wifey- catch that egg!

sugars- trust me, I understand exactly how your feel.

acrichton- how are you doll?

Jenna- How are you?!

Welcome newbies!

AFM:I think I'm CD 40 or so... Still no AF. I started my progesterone three days ago. I'm hoping AF shows soon after I'm done taking them (10days). Other than that, nothing to report.

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10 years ago

Gds â?? have you had your appointment yet? I hope you are feeling better.

Meme â?? I had a IUI a few years ago and had a little cramping. I think I only took Clomid that cycle though, so you might be getting the other symptoms from the injections?

Sugar â?? I know what you mean about talking yourself into things. I go back and forth too.

Blushing â?? Saw you took progesterone cream. Did you have a short luteal phase? I am looking for ways to help with my BFP, but donâ??t want to over due to or cause damage if I donâ??t need it. I think my last LP was more than 14 days and I have not really had any short ones, but if progesterone can help, Iâ??ll do almost anything! When do you use it and how? Have you tried soy iso? I heard it is suppose to help regulate cycles.

I am on soy iso 80 mg CD 2-6 for the first time. Taking it at night and have not had any side effects that I notice. I have had a headache, but not sure if that is from sinuses or stress or lack of sleep. Feels like sinuses. OPKs still 2nd cycle. Sperm Meets Egg Plan 2nd cycle. CD 4 right now. VR was in May, so not sure when the swimmers were up to task. They said it could take 1-3 years to get pregnant, but it can happen with the first cycle. Itâ??s been 5 cycles, but if it takes an average of 3 months for sperm to return to normal, then this will really be our 3rd TTC cycle, 6th overall with this partner. Hereâ??s hoping he can still get girls pregnant â??just by sneezingâ?? as he says (something I had cringed at when diagnosed with unexplained infertility with the last partner).

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10 years ago

Hi, ladies! I'm CD5 and just a little spotting. Hoping to get this show back on the road soon!!

FX and baby dust all!!


TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

blushing - so far so good! I'm still truckin' along...still have HORRIBLE nausea and throwing up daily at 15 weeks. lol...I'm making it through though! One day at a time!

10 years ago

GVDML: How are you? I hope you had a great birthday party for your baby girl :)
Sorry AF got you, lets make Sept. our month! :)
Thanks for the prayers, the colposcopy was painful and results will be available in 3-4 weeks. But in the meantime the doctor said we can continue TTC because he sees nothing that cannot be dealt with when I am pregnant, so that is great news :)
Other than that, still no AF, spotting 8 days now, maybe it will show up today or tomorrow.... Excited about a new TTC cycle :)

rebecca: I lived in a big city so I know there is a lot of everything, we do have doctors about 45 minutes away but I hate starting from scratch and driving there, I'll have to do that when I get a BFP anyway because if I want my doctor to deliver it has to be there because that is where the hospital is.
For now I will just convince the doctor to send me for testing. My doctor is back from vacation, I will prepare a good argument :)
How are you?

Cristi: Missed you here, although I am missing a lot too lately. Sorry you are having a bad week, people hit deer here all the time too, so glad your DH and son are fine.
How are you doing now?

gds: How did the doctor appt go?
I had similar symptoms turned out to be stress, never found anything but the pain and symptoms were horrible.
Now I take chlorella and b complex everyday and it helps the stress.
Sorry about the BFN, maybe it is still early.
Praying for Helen.

Fiverson: How are your results?

Wifey: I hope you started BD, I really hope this is your month!

2more: Welcome and baby dust. What did you guys try so far?

acrichton: Best wishes for the u/s! Grow baby grow!

MissCarol: Welcome and baby dust.
Did you try acupuncture for DH? I heard it helps sperm motility and production. Also there are supplements that help renewal like maca and fo-ti, need to be taken for at least 3 months (sperm life cycle is 3 months).
Good luck!

Sugar: How are you? Baby dust!
I know it is hard, I had my first breakdown after 6 months of trying, it starts to look further and further away and become more stressful. I know it is super hard, but you have to try and stay positive and take good care of yourself. It is way to early to worry!

Blushing: The colposcopy was painful but I can continue TTC now, the results will be in 3-4 weeks.
How are you?

Kara: Baby dust this cycle!

AFM: CD38, still no AF, spotting 8 days now, AF should show today or tomorrow I think.
Colposcopy was painful, but fast. We got the green light to TTC, so excited for a new cycle!
Results in 3-4 weeks. Once the new cycle starts I will go insist on progesterone cycle for after ovulation, 3 of last 4 cycles had spotting for 7 days or more, pretty sure progesterone is low. Which may be the result of stress and lack of excercise, will try to do better with that this cycle.
Wishing baby dust to all here!

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10 years ago

Koti- AWESOME! Because you guys have the green light on TTC it sounds like your doc expects positive results from your colposcopy. That makes me very happy for you!!1

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10 years ago

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