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You might be a TTC lady IF ....

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So, I thought we could all use a little laugh at ourselves right about now.

This post is going to run a-la-the Jeff Foxworthy Redneck jokes, "You might be a redneck if ..." but instead, this is where we can come to find out "You might be a TTC lady IF ...."

Feel free to add your own "if's" afterward and lets have some fun!! :)

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

You can form a sentence that makes no sense to any of your friends and family, i.e. "Hoping AF doesn't come since we BD'ed when the OPK was positive and I am now at 12 DPO."

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

to you, the phrase "sticky bean" has absolutely nothing to do with cooking.

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271 Replies • 13 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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if you spend more time with your legs in the air after doing the BD then you do during :D

12 years ago

...buying HPT's automatically jump starts AF. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

If (to the tune of the folgers jingle):

The best part of waking up is peeing in a cup.


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12 years ago


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12 years ago

If.... whilst you're out on a saturday dragging your DH round baby shops you are caught holding your overly bloated tummy by the shop assistant whilst checking out a cot like a trading standards inspector in your tww, and she casually says to you "you are four months pregnant yes?" (due to the fact that you like to wear the baggy clothes that you have picked out of your wardrobe for saturdays that wil fit you when you're preggo and u might be anyway becoz it's your tww so it's not a crime) and you can't help but answer "no 3months actually" and feel strangely guilt free becoz you are sure that this is the month and you will be back here soon with a bulging bump and the shop assistant will know no better hehe! Actually happened to me and now I can't go back to that shop eeek!!!!

12 years ago

Most of your saved 'favorite' sites on your computer are TTC or pregnancy related.

12 years ago

Your habits (eating and every other one too) have totally changed "just in case". You constantly wonder with everything you do (down to the last detail) if it's safe, and if it will by any chance HELP or HINDER fertility. For example: (TMI but called for, for a laugh) "I wonder if saliva during oral sex will change my vaginal pH and make it difficult for the sperm to swim up later?!"

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12 years ago

if everyone on facebook says well it about time for her to think she pregnant again!

Bryson Alexzander Parker August 10, 2012 - September 2, 2012

12 years ago

you dont buy trousers or skirts unless they are maternity.
Friends cannot reach you on the phone cause you are dtd.
You allow your 10 year old to play endlessly PSP cause you and your hubby are in serious business.
Before going to sleep you dont count sheep only,1dpo,2dpo,3dpo...

12 years ago

This post made me feel like I wasn't alone....

You are concerned that DH keeps spermies safe and healthy.

12 years ago

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