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March IUI 2014

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I just wanted to start another board on March IUIs.
My first one in February failed and here's to hoping that this second one will be the charm. Can't wait to see some BFPs and some Thanksgiving babies!! If I conceive this cycle my EDD is Nov. 26th.
I'm CD2...

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486 Replies • 10 years ago



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Ok, just got my trigger shot- 10,000-ml; will be doing my 2nd Iui tomorrow. My doctor does the IUI 24 hours after the shot. I asked about 36 hours but she will not do it. I was reading online that wash sperm only lives 6-12 hours but the doctor told me up to 72 hours. Has anyone asked their doctor about sperm? How many hours after the trigger shot do you do the iui? I think I'm thinking way to much into this!

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10 years ago

The sperm life depends on whether or not it was frozen. Live sperm lasts a few days while frozen sperm last less than 24 hours in most cases.

As for the trigger, I usually get inseminated 36 hours after the trigger but I did one round where it was 24 hours after. It all depends on your bloodwork. Your progesterone has to be juuuuuust right before they get to work!

 IAmPregnant Ticker

10 years ago

As for me, I called me RE today to report the BFN for this round. Boo! They said that they'd like for me to take a month off and then begin IVF protocol. The first step is going in for a two hour appointment to meet with the doctor, then the IVF nurse, and lastly the financial people (gulp). I'm not looking forward to the big bill but I AM looking forward to better odds and possible more answers!

 IAmPregnant Ticker

10 years ago

Thank you Pabbey! We will be talking to the doctor about IVF next month if this IUI doesn't work. Good Luck and please keep me post it.

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10 years ago

Pabbey, Good luck with IVF and please keep us posted. We should just change this topic to IUI or IVF in April. I'm planning on two more rounds of IUI, then IVF or adoption, I'm leaning toward adoption, but hubs is leaning toward IVF. Who knows.

Today was CD1, I had cyst scan with RE this morning (clear) and I'll start meds tomorrow. I'm a super fast responder, so fast that I'm worried that my eggs aren't doing what they are suppose to be doing to get mature. So the RE prescribed Synarel, it's a nasal spray that is suppose to suppress follicle growth. It is more commonly used for IVF cycles to help clinic arrange their schedules (slow some women down so they don't have too many retrievals on the same day). But RE thinks it may help my cycles slow down too. She actually said there's a 50/50 shot. I can't tell you how much confidence that inspires. I'll start Menopur on Wed (CD3). Has anyone else ever take Synarel? for IUI or IVF? Any side effects? Did it slow your follicle response down? Did it give you more follicles? When do you stop taking it? (Sorry, I have a lot of questions.)

10 years ago

Hey ladies. Just stopping in to say hello.. checking on everyone.. I feel great things happening in march for everyone. im loving it.. im hoping to get lucky the natural way this month.. no meds.. no injections.. no nothing.. just good ole fashion love making lol.. keeping fingers crossed.. man.. my boobs are stillsore and all that nonsense, headaches, hunger nausea.. blah blah blah.. i am not looking into those symptoms any more.. it impossible.. so just waiting to O again and start over again. Hmm who knows

10 years ago

Hello Ladies! Well today I am on CD1, not like I haven't been there before. Let the games begin.....again.....

~ Nissy ~ User Image

10 years ago

Hugs Juba. We all hate CD1. I'm right there with ya. What do you have planned this cycle?

10 years ago

Hey all,
Juba and TX- sorry ur at cd1 again, but with this new cycle brings new possibilities. FX for you guys.

Amommysluv- you never know what's cookin, fx.

Pabby- sorry this cycle was bfn, hopefully the IVF will give you a greater chance.

Tcmc- good luck on ur IUI today. Fx.

Tubal- sounds promising thus far. Keep us updated on your symptoms.

Miracle- all the best on your IUI today.

For me I'm 5dpo, so far so good. Had spotting 2dpo with bright red blood heard it could be left over blood from ovulation. Also full boobs began 1dpo. So far so good, I test on Sunday 10dpo. Looking forward to many BFP's in March. Cheers all!

After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

10 years ago

Tcmc- Good luck on your IUI today!! I just had mine a couple hours ago... boy this time it killed me. He had to pinch inside with these pincher looking like clamps and it killed me... I was Thanking God my hubby was there to hold my hand! Last time it was a walk in the park compared to this time. He told me that I may start spotting (probably because he pinched the heck out of me in there)! Hope yours went well!!!
Also, Pabbey is right... it depends on how close you are to ovulating. Last time they gave me the trigger and less than 24hrs later they wanted to do IUI cause my progesterone level suggested I was going to ovulate. This time they told me to take the shot on Sunday night and do IUI on Tuesday morning... I felt ovulation pains while I was there and they doc even said that my blood work suggested that I was ovulating like right NOW! So they want to catch it as close to ovulation as possible. He said my timing was perfect. I'm sure you'll be ok... they know when to time it perfect!!

Newly- thanks hun!! 5DPO! Good luck.. everything sounds promising!!

Juba and TXkadams- Good luck this cycle ladies! It could be your lucky one!! Hang in there! New possibilities this time around.. try to see the positive! Hugs!!!!!!!!!!

amommysluv- maybe a stress free cycle natural style could be your ticket... you never know! Where are you in your cycle now?

Chrissy- did you test?? Well if you test too early and it's a positive, it could be a false positive... so keep that in mind... What does Gonal-F do? My RE only has me doing the Ovidrel... I wonder if it's something I could ask for next time if this round doesn't work.
Good luck 3 follies is great!!!

Tubal- no worries, I get mixed up between the two forums too!! It's my 2nd IUI... how about yours? how are you feeling???
My hubby had 10.5 million this time (woohooo.. better than last time, he had 10million) with 95% motility. Doc said that was great!
I thought of you immediately! Thanks for your well wishes!!!

Texas- I hope you find the perfect donor girl!! Good luck with everything!!

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10 years ago • Post starter

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