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Our clomid journey...

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This thread has gotten me through some of my most difficult days throughout TTC. I have learned so much from the amazing friends that I have met here, not only about TTC but about life itself. I hope that our sisterhood only expands and that we can continue to learn from one another and help each other. You ladies are wonderful. A big welcome to all the new amazing ladies that have joined. I am so glad to have found this thread. Our journey continues. Looking forward to getting some good news :) Love you all.

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299 Replies • 12 years ago



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101 - 110 of 299 Replies | Last Page

Jess - Haha My Dh is the same way. He is like "do we have an appointment today" every other day til a few days after I O and then he will say "can we have an appointment just for fun today" after O.. LOL

Love - YAY for !!! Get to 'ing!!!

Aloha - WOO HOO!! Keep us updated! Im so excited for you.

JL -

Shea - I hope this is it for you and you dont have to wait another 60 days!

im sorry if i missed anyone!!

AFM: 15dpo today and still no sign of the . My stomach still has a full feeling everyday; my back still hurts; and im still getting . Ive been on that stupid expensive Crinone 8% so idk if thats going to screw with my cycles or not since this is the first time Ive ever used it. I'm not giving up hope all together..yet! temps have been 98.1 for the past 3 days. So they are still above my cover (97.3) so I guess its just one day at a time til then. Sorry Ive been alittle MIA for a few days. Yesterday was a really big emotional day. Its just not fair sometimes and I hate the fact that Im broken! So I guess thats all for now!


TTC #1 - Since 2010 BFP #1 on 11/22/11 (ended 12.13 ectopic) I'm a home cooking, OCD (at times) cleaning, NASCAR watching, Drag Race Loving, country living (being classy is over rated), stay at home, spending some months alone, 4 wheel riding, proud union carpenter wife & I wouldnt have it any other way! Follow my journey in life:

12 years ago

Ok weird thing - thought af finally came about three hrs ago. Had what felt like O pain on left side, I usually have light cramping right when I start, went to bathroom and was more like ew cm with blood in it. now Nothing since then, dry as a bone, this is very unusual for me. AF was due yesterday could this be implantation this late or could I just now be Oing?
So confused.
I was already talking to DH about everything I need to do to get ready for O.
Now I dont know what to think, and still .
Thanks for your opinions.

Jess User Image

12 years ago

Jess: Ooooh, I don't know. Would you be opposed to testing again? Do you feel any of your usual pre-AF symptoms? FX for you!

Carolyn: I see the line! May I ask what brand of hpt you're using? I'm excited for you b/c you said that you see light pink. Keep testing again tomorrow!

Ashley: I would definitely get a blood test. You're currently taking progesterone so i don't think that you'll get AF until you stop taking it. I hope that you're just not getting AF b/c you're preggers! What does your doctor say?

Nat: Happy BDing!

Missing you, Victoria! Hope you're doing well.

Hi to everyone else. Please check in.

AFM: CD 6 and I'm so happy that AF is gone. Time for practice BD sessions!

12 years ago

Hello ladies,

So sorry I have been MIA for a couple of days. Dh and I ran a bunch of errands. Have missed you all.

Nancy- Glad AF is gone, time for ! I hope this cycle is it for you.

JL- I am a bit confused about what you were trying to say about the progesterone level test. What did the doctor mean when he/she said that it was just 2 levels under pregnancy. Do you know what level you got on the progesterone test?

Margaret- Miss you. Have fun! When are you coming back?

Lisser- From what I remember, you had mentioned something about clomid staying in your system for 2 extra cycles. Have you stopped taking clomid as well? I am asking because i have stopped taking. This is my first cycle TTC naturally.

Victoria- Miss you a lot! How are you?

Jess- So sorry you are not feeling well. I really really hope that you are feeling better. If you feel like your doctor is acting like it is not a big deal, try to get a second opinion if you feel that you need it. I would not worry about it interfering with TTC. I mean I am not sure but really don't think it is effecting it because you said that you had gotten pregnant when you were pretty sick. I remember. Huge .

Norms- Miss you. How are you?

Shea- so sorry AF showed. I hope that you are a bit happy that it is a new cycle. Are you going to do clomid or soy? I think you said that you are going to temp for now right? I am so excited for your new plans. ing for you.

littlemonkey- I love seeing the smiley face too, it is so fun, and until this day, I run around our room, saying I got a happy face. Crazy I know! I had tested 2 days after my last clomid pills one cycle and had gotten a false positive because it was too close to my last pill. That's just me though. You should definitely stay hopeful. . I do not know much about flaxseed oil but have heard some good things about it. Sorry not very helpful with flaxseed info.

Rachel- How is it going?

Ash: You know your body best but I think that there is still hope if AF is not here.

Carolyn- I see a line. Not sure if it is an evap or not. Either way I just have a really good feeling about you this month. How many DPO are you? I know you said that you wanted to try the more expensive tests this cycle. Hope you get your . Oh and about the other women responding to you like that, that is just horrible. If it makes you feel better I have tested at 4 and 5 DPO before. I know that it is scientifically impossible to be pregnant that early but sometimes you really want a miracle. Do not feel bad at all. We all have a goal. One that we want more than anything. We can all buy cheap hpts and test as much as we want! Do not even worry about it. Let us know if there are any new updates!

I am so sorry if I have missed anyone. Did not mean to.

AFM: So I got the smiley face two days ago in the morning. When I ejected the test though, one of the lines was really light. When I got the smiley face with clomid cycles, the lines were almost identical ( I know that you are not suppose to read lines on the digi opks but they were darker when positive on clomid). Plus I did not get the O pain that I get every cycle. I know what it feels like because it is pain like no other cramps or anything. I though that maybe O would happen today but still no pain. Had CM today though, way more than usual. Watery CM. Could that be a sign of O. I rarely have CM. Also had a huge temp dip tomorrow. Hoping temp goes over coverline tomorrow. I hope it happened. What put a huge smile on my face for the past couple of days is that dh is looking forward to "making love" TMI and trying. He is really showing determination, I always knew he was determined but it makes me very happy that he is showing it this way.

Sorry I wrote so much.

Good luck to all the ladies who are lh/hcg testing.


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12 years ago • Post starter

Jess, hang in there, not really sure what to tell you that will help but I will send positive energy your way.

Nathalie, good news. I never get a smiling face even if the Doctor tell me I o'd. Not sure what the deal is.

You guys are so much better at all the advice and cheering than I am so I'm sorry I didn't write to all of you. I started and stopped started and stopped but I am cheering for you guys and I like to read your thoughts its helps a lot. Thanks

As for my update, got a call from the doctors nurse yesterday after they ran my correct test (progesterone test) and I'm at a 12. I wasn't very happy the lab ran a pregnancy test the day before and I had to wait an extra day (the doctors office said my pregnancy test was at a level two which means not pregnant and is at a normal level). The doctors office said I O'd so I'm staying hopeful. One thing that drives me nuts is I have been using the Clear Blue Digital test and I have never got a smiley face only O. I told the doctors office that. I think I can tell when I O but I wish I new for sure. Because of this "TMI" my DH and I sure do get a work out for a long time span. LOL

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12 years ago

cd12 for me today. No temp change. No smiley. I am going to be sooo mad if i get nothing again this cycle. what is wrong with my body?! its so upseting. I feel like an old dried up lady. Seriously in the last year since I stopped taking the pill my boobs went away. my period went away. i lost a bunch of weight (not that i was overweight but now im 'skinny'). I had to start getting my upper liip waxed. I just wish my body would act its age and start making me eggs again!!!! I can't believe that clomid hasn't done anything. On a happier note, dh and i are thinking about planning our winter vacay!!!! We are thinking about going in Dec. Do you think its okay to plan a trip. I really dont wanna always think just in case. We are thinking about punta cana....anyone ever been there?

JL- How do you know when u O and if u O if you don't get a smiley? Do you take tempts?

Nat- No smiley face dance yet...but its day 12 for me so we BD just in case....gosh i hope i get one today.

carolyn- any changes in the test? do it again today!!! I use to take 3 tests a month before i started clomid soooo i understand!!! One time I went to the dollar store and all i got was 20 tests. LOL.

Shea- let me know what ur tempts are doing...mine don't seem to do much so im just wondering what urs are doing.

Jess- im not sure that was AF? did it come back or is it gone again?

sorry i cant write gotta shower and get to work. anyone in the South praying for a cold front for u!!! stay cool.

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12 years ago

Hey Monkey, they said that if my progesterone level is 10 or above on day 21 that means I O'd. I'm not very good at explaining sometimes. :(

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12 years ago

Well, I wish I had more to report but I really don't..... I did notice my calves were swollen/ bloated yesterday and today... what is up with that? I am still super thirsty, peeing alot, hungry, bloated in the tummy..... but not much else. I am just waiting for the days to pass more quickly so that I can know or not for sure whether this month was sucessful or not!

We have a borders going out of buisness here and I had gone a few months ago and found a very hungry caterpillar stuffed toy and blanket (our baby room theme) but couldn't buy it at the time and when I went back for it they were all gone:( But yesterday we went to see what was on sale and we found one !!!!!! And because we bought two other books we essentially got it for free because of the sale!!!

I have to tell you guys about a TTC story I heard recently....I went to a doggie birthday party with some woman I had met only recently at a dog park here.... well we got talking and one of them is expecting in a month and worried about some medical issues and losing the baby.... but the other lady there started telling us about her sturggles... and OMG I can't imagine going through what she had....

Her first baby was 8months along and (this was in the 70's... no ultrasounds) and the dr. told her "your baby is dead" she had to wait two more weeks and deliver the dead baby on her own naturally!!!!! Can you believe it? I felt so bad for her.... then she got pregnant again and the baby died at 6 months from hydrosyphellus (water on the brain) and then the third baby she also lost from a miscarriage! She adopted her daughter and has a wonderful grandaughter now.....

I just wanted to share to show how people you don't even realize also have amazing ttc stories and were survivors!!!!

12 years ago

Public Service Announcement...TMI alert!!

If your DH has eaten habenaro peppers with his dinner, don't let him lubricate with his saliva when you have bedtime fun later. Ouch.

In other news, (lol!) I only managed to remember to take another opk the day after my pos. It was neg. I forgot the next day, but stopped taking the EPO anyway.

Nat, yes, I stopped the clomid after the last IUI. It definitely seemed to last in my system for two, if not three more cycles. I think it's gone now.

Can't remember who asked about the flaxseed oil pills. They are safe to take all cycle long, until pregnancy, then it's advised to switch to omega 3 instead. My research on it has indicated that it is good for balancing estrogen and progesterone. I take it along with a B100 (or75) complex, and a regular multivitamin. I also take EPO until I O. The combo (when I take it regularly) seems to help my cramping and my mid-cycle spotting issues. When I don't take them I have very bad mittelschmerz, spotting from 3-4dpo till 8-10dpo, and very bad AF cramps.

Shea, even though a BFP is what is wanted, I'm happy that this hellish cycle is over for you, and you get a fresh start.

Anyway, I had my nephew (11 months) over- night, so we are off to the park to play.

Hugs and luck to all!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

12 years ago

Carolyn: What a story! It's so nice to hear that everything worked out in the end. Wow. So you haven't testd again? FX! Just a few more days, you can make it!

Little monkey: I would just plan your vacay b/c if you can't go, you'll be happily pregnant! A reverse Murphy's law of sorts... I loved DR when we went there a few years ago.

JLMarks: This may be mundane and boring but Nat & I had a long-winded discussion on opk over this past weekend. You could be missing your lh surge b/c your opk sensitivity could be higher and you might not have tested enough times per day. The good news is that you O'd!

Nat: Yay for lots of cm and an eager hubby! I won't worry about not feeling your O pain. Some months I feel it and not other months. Heck, when you feel it, you may have already O'd, about to O or you 're Oing at that moment! It's so confusing!

Hi Shea. Hope you're well. Anyone else around?

AFM: I had a little set back in my "going-all-out" approach. I'm out of flaxseed oil and the only store that carries it is sold out! I guess I'll replace it with fish oil. Oh well, I'm going to call it a night!

12 years ago

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