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January 2016 Babies!

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I'm starting up the January board! ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

184 Replies • 9 years ago



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9 years ago

Querdoodle - FX for a

xomandyxocheyxo - for testing on Friday!!

ashleybrooke87 - you catch the egg this month!!

Kirbcat - Im sorry for the loss of your mum. I think its beautiful that you all went out to celebrate her birthday. I hope your day got better xo

AFM - I caved and bought some OPKs (they were on sale... that makes it a sign or something right?!?!?! lol) Today is CD13 and the OPK was super negative (only the slightest shadow of a line) so I'm guessing I'm still a few days away from O!! YAY for that!! DF will be home tomorrow and hopefully we can get BDing

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9 years ago

CD 20Temp dipped again today. My opk this morning was darker than it has been, but still negative. I have hopes that this afternoon it will be much darker. And hopefully my first true positive.. time will tell. Will keep you posted FX

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9 years ago

I was impatient so I tested last night instead of this morning, but I made sure to not drink much throughout the day and hold my urine for over 4 hours before testing...

I'm thinking if I was pregnant, it should have shown un with FRER by now. still no sign of yet this morning either. today makes cd 30 which is a bit unusual for me. I guess we'll see what happens but I'm pretty sure I'm out for this month, I just wish would hurry and come so that I can get on with the next cycle.

Good luck to everyone else who is still going for a January baby!!

9 years ago

CD 20 I think I finally got a positive opk or at least darn close. I uploaded more pics...This is the darkest one I've seen since cd 13 (if you been seeing my other pics you would agree) Feeling hopeful ?

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9 years ago

Kelley - that's pretty close. It doesn't look as dark as the control line, but I'd guess you're probably within hours of getting your surge.
I think I will order some of those strips for my next cycle the only thing I would find frustrating is that I've read that some women may only have a surge lasting a few hours, therefore, unless you test inside that mystery window, you'll miss it and never know when you've O'd. While others have a surge lasting a couple of days.
I bought a box of 7 clear blue opk for this cycle and I tested in the mornings and I never got a positive during the time I should have ovulated. (also, i drink a lot of water/tea during the day) I later read that you shouldn't test in the morning, and high fluid consumption can dilute the urine too much to see the surge. That experience left me feeling a little disheartened with opk's.

9 years ago

Hello All

I got my positive yesterday afternoon. Retested that night and this morning and it's still positive. Praying that this baby sticks!!! Baby dust to all

9 years ago

nharty09: Hey girl! You know even though I didn't say anything during the months after my MC's I still chart stalked periodically and peaked on these forums to see how you all were doing. Just not as much as this month. I just don't get the chance to reply except a couple times a week. But you are right it is nice to see people on these forums that you have gotten to know during this rough journey. Hope all is well

kelley828: You know after I had my first mc. The month DH and I were trying on our own, my temps were really weird and I never got a +OPK that month either and we still got lucky that month. Granted that's the month we ended up having our 2nd mc but at least we still O'd, obviously. So even though your temps are acting weird it's smart that you are still BD'ing...because you never know.

kirbcat: So sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is very tough, but I can't imagine losing my mom. If you need to chat know we are all here for you. I think it's wonderful that you still go out and celebrate her bday. Hopefully today is a better day for you.
And don't pay attention to the rude people. I always say what you put out you will get 3 times back. I would hate to be that person.

AFM: I started spotting Friday. Which is weird for me because in the past when I was on BCP's that never happened mid-cycle. I am thinking these must be different type of BCP's. Or because of the reasoning I am on them maybe that is why. That or it only happens the first month and when I started them before, well, it was so long ago I just don't remember. Yesterday it seemed to be more of a really light AF. I might call the doctors office and just confirm that this is normal. He did say spotting was normal...but for this long? Not sure if I can really call it AF...another reason I am going to plan to call the doctors office. I can't wait till this week is over then I can stop taking them.

Everyone: To the newbies... Welcome to the boards and I hope you see your BFP real soon...

To those of you waiting to O I hope you catch your egg and to the BFP's...

So sorry to those of you the showed up. See you in the next months board.

I am heading over to the February board since hopefully that will be my lucky Valentine's month.

I will check back periodically.... to you all!!!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Well I took another opk and its lighter than the previous one :( but it was only a 3 hour hold. So debating on whether or not to bd tonight or wait until tomorrow. Really hate having to time bd. Having a hubby with ED doesn't help either.
I had a temp dip this morning so I thought for sure I was going to ovulate today.....

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9 years ago

Lolo - I don't ever remember spotting on BCP ... I would definitely call the dr just to make sure all is okay. Glad you are around

kelley - I know it seems crazy, but I am on CD 24 and still no positive OPK. I use the cheapies and have found that I just don't ovulate around the same time every month. I can definitely tell you even with my internet cheapies I know when I ovulate. The test line has always been as dark or darker than the control line when it finally happens. Maybe you will ovulate late this month. Hang in there and don't stress too much, it can affect fertility!

Bfurlow - Congrats!! to you!

Querdoodle - I use cheap OPKs from amazon and have always had luck with them. I test in the evenings after I get home from work and it always catches them. I definitely don't get anything close to positive until the couple days leading up because of my water intake as well. I recommend testing of an evening instead of in the morning. Sorry you got a

Mistique - Glad to hear you will get to BD at the right time! Hold off O so she can have a sticky bean!!!

kirbcat - I am still waiting to O, actually. I thought by now I'd be in the TWW, but I'm still negative on my opks. My guess is I will see a positive in the next day or so. CD 24 already! I'm WAY off!! Are you doing better?

ashleybrooke87 -

AFM - I have no clue what is going on with me. I woke up today with major vertigo and I am still dealing with it. Went to the DR and they ran some blood work. They aren't sure what is happening, but it happened twice now in the last 6 weeks or so. I am wondering if it has anything to do with ovulation?? I don't know why, but I think that's when it happened last month. They did a CBC, blood work on my kidneys, and checking my thyroid. Pregnancy test negative and UTI test negative. Only time will tell. I am ready to be well again!!!

and to all!!!

9 years ago

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