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Due Feb 2014. looking for buddies to chatter with :)

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Got my bfp this morning and I'm looking for ladies due in Feb 2014 so we can compare notes. So excited. Hoping for a sticky bean for us all. So glad I found this site.

145 Replies • 11 years ago



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@usmcwife -glad to see your alright :)) i want to strangle my df daily !

10 years ago


Oh it's awful sometimes. He loves to annoy me, he thinks it's the most funniest thing ever and normally I don't get mad easy or frustrated. But lately that's not that case, & he's been getting under my skin to the point where I lock him outta the bedroom and I stay in there all day&night lol. Especially on weekends when it's his days off.

-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

10 years ago

Helllo ladies! Just got my results back from my comparative HCG tests last week and my number tripled in 48 hours. Feeling more and more confident that we're going to get to keep this little one! Doctor ordered first round of OB labs and gave me a slip for my first ultrasound. She said considering the first conception didn't end so well and it was a missed miscarriage, she wants to get eyes/ears on what's happening inside. I'm struggling with WHEN I'll schedule because if I go to soon, they won't detect a heartbeat. Of course the dr is dating me off my LMP which puts me in the zone of when a heartbeat should be noticed, but if I calculate using my ovulation date, I'm one week away from that critical start point! Since its a holiday week, the decision might be out of my hands anyway. Wish me luck and good vibes! How is everyone else doing?

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10 years ago

Best of luck with your little one :)))) @usmcwife -omg I make mine do the same thing .felt like you were speaking from my daily frustrations .I just don't care what u say or who's feelings gethurt .lolol

10 years ago

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We had our scan today!
Heart beat is 129! I am soo excited it was so much fun.

Baby is measuring 6 weeks 6 days, which means I was a few days off on when I ovulated...fertility friend predicted it a little early... I was thinking that it may have. MY LMP numbers had me at 7 weeks and 2 days. So not much off, they wont change my due date!

I have another appointment with just the doctor august 5th. They do not do another ultrasound until 20 weeks...very odd. Unless you want to elect to do genetic testing around 12 weeks. Which I think we will do because its just a great excuse to see baby again!!

Our First Baby due 2.16.13 Lilypie Maternity tickers

10 years ago

Ms.meg ----congrats :) 20 weeks !!!! I'm going nuts waiting two !!!! For my next u.s that's crazy !!

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

I went to US yesterday. According to LMP i'm 6 weeks 5 days but scan measures as 7 weeks 2 days. I don't know how it is possible. So puzzled. Just saw baby's heart beat. It was so cute. So excited and cant wait !! Also my CRL is 11.5. I dont know what does that mean.

Hi meg and ucmc wife its really great to see ur US pics..So excited after seeing urs..

I wish to all ladies.

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10 years ago

@waiting - how exciting! I'm looking forward to my ultrasound next week. Keep me posted on your progress!

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10 years ago

Meg that's awesome! That's a great scan :) how are you feeling?

Congrats waiting, its so nice to see the heartbeat :)

-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

10 years ago

Hi janel,

me too excited abt ur ultrasound. Let us know how it goes..
How many weeks r u pregnant?

@ucmswife: When is ur next ultrasound scheduled? how s ur morning sickness going?

[url]User Image

10 years ago

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