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2012 Bring Miracles into Our Lifes

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A new year
A new start
2012 will be the year we Succeed.

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107 Replies • 12 years ago



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In body yes but the mind has been overtaken by the tww monsters!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Hi elle! Hi krunchie!!

This thread has officially turned into a snoozefest... LOL

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12 years ago

ya right it is a snooze fest now. we need a new thread I think there's only 4 of us on here atm haha!

I am in 2ww now AND afetr 3yrs my doc is finally sending me to see a gynae!!! I am back next friday to have bloods taken to look at my hormone levels

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Good day!!

Im sorry ladies been so busy for month end report..

Elle_Im hoping you had powerful bding and waked the sleeping eggies...

destiny And Krunchie_ where are you in your cyle?

This ugly greet me this morning..

My first round of clomid is not succesful..
My doc checked the follicles are present...but then failed...Idk if it does not release the egg, or not fertilized or no implantaion happened...Too many things to reconsider..

And once again symstoms did the tricked.. I promise to myself not to listen or believe on this tricky sympstoms anymore, unless 2 pink lines will appear....***sigh

to all!!

12 years ago

hey Clive, sorry showed up
I know a woman who took clomid for 3 cycles and got pregnant twice on it so you get lucky next time

I'm just in 2ww now... roll on mid-march

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Elle - that is wonderful news about finally getting to see a gynae!! So long awaited. I will pray you get some answers!! :)

Clive - I was praying so hard for you this would be your cycle. i'm so sorry your first round of clomid was unsuccessful. Prayers it happens SOON!

Me 23 DH 25 TTC #1 since June 2011 5/25/09 - Blighted Ovum 07/10 - D&C 07/13 10/23/10(happy birthday present!) - Uterus over 50% full of blood on 11/17 MC on 12/02 lasted til 01/28 Diagnosed with MTHFR A1298C homozygous 03/07/11 - Believed Chemical MC on 03/21/11 01/05/12 - please be our sticky rainbown baby User Image

12 years ago

Happy Sunday ladies!!

Hope that everyone is doing well!

@elle -- that is awesome news! hopefully you can finally get some answers! or, even better, maybe your tww will end in a bfp and you won't need them! LOL I love this time of year... I too believe this IS the fertile period for the entire world, the awakening of spring, the rebirth of trees and flowers.....its your time, girlie!!!

@clive -- sorry to hear about ... keeping my fingers for your next cycle! I've always heard good things about clomid, so I'm sure it won't be long now!

@mrspw -- hey lady! how is the pregnancy progressing!?

AFM... I am 5w5d by my LMP. I have my first OB appointment on Wednesday and I am SO EXCITED!! I was a little skeptical for the past 4 days or so because I'm not really having any symptoms. When I first got my BFP I was somewhat fatigued, but that's it. Then some constipation got the best of me, but that happens sometimes when I'm not pregnant so I haven't really thought anything of it. I'd been so afraid of having another chemical.... anyways, I went and bought more HPTs yesterday "just to see" and something happened that I've never seen before. The test line was extremely darker than the control line! At first I thought the test was backwards ahahhahaha... but I looked in the gallery on this site, and I see now that my test line must've sucked ALL of the dye up because the control line (the line that would be there regardless of bfp or bfn) is FAINT! You could've knocked me over with a feather.

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12 years ago

hey destiny and mrspw!! our resident mums to be
it's awesome that little lives are created during these months of tests/charting and chatting isn't it?

I think I may be ovulating, my cervix is open and got a LOT cm and today I can feel 'twinges' in the lower right of my abdomen (ovary area) BUT I had them a day or two ago as well so maybe I'm just over analyzing things?

Anyway last intercourse was friday so tonight. Catch that egg if it's out and about haha

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

@elle... that sounds promising!! Time to get it on!!

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12 years ago

argh! too much or rough has caused me 'private area' injury and cystitis lol it burns to peeeee! I'm drinking cranberry juice like there's no tomorrow. Grr! so a week or so off sex for me, too sore I'm relly hpoing we caught the egg but don't want to hurt myself over it.

Hormone bloods on Friday

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

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