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Any Military TTC Families?

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A bit about me:
DH and I were TTC for 5 yrs before we got our 1st ever with our son; John will be 2 this September. DH went back on active duty in the US Army in January 2014, and we started TTC again then (DS was only 4 mo when we started TTC, since it took so long with him.) I have PCOS and DH has low sperm volume but the count, morphology, and motility were good. TTC one mo on Metformin alone, 6 mo on Clomid (increasing doses from 50 mg to 100 mg), 1 mo on Soy Isoflavones, then 1 mo (last cycle before DH left) I had an HSG and took Femara. Had a CP in May and July 2014, but nothing else. In September our TTC train came to a screeching halt for obvious reasons (kinda hard to make a baby with Daddy over 3,000 miles away!) Well.... DH is coming home in THREE DAYS!!! My next cycle is supposed to start on 10 June, and I've already got a 6 month prescription for Femara, my OPKs, my HPTs, and I've dusted off my thermometer to chart my BBT. I think I'm going to wait a cycle before delving into the BBT insanity though. Praying hard for a quick and a

Are there any other military TTC-ers out there who can relate and/or anyone who's DH has to go away on business for extended periods of time??


133 Replies • 9 years ago



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2frsty, i wonder if your dr would do a series of blood tests following ovulation to find out what is going on. I don't want to sound contrary, but I looked at your tests and I didn't see what you saw. Maybe it was more apparent irl. But if you are having a succession of early miscarriages then they can figure out what is causing them. Maybe you need to be on either a different type of progesterone or a higher dose.

Amanda, how are you feeling?

AFM, we are now back from holidays. It was super wonderful. My husband finally relaxed for the first time in years. It was really hard for him, but once we got there we had some amazing conversations. We even drove 7 hours (both ways) to Boston to catch a Red Sox game, because, why not? So fun!

I am expecting my period today. If nothing, then tomorrow I will do a blood test.

8 years ago

OOOOH! Sounds like an amazing vacation! And I agree. I had 14 faint lines that came up in less than 10 minutes, but they were all false positives. My beta yesterday was 0.6 so there's no way they could have been pregnant readings. I also noticed that there was a temp that I had accidentally discarded with FF, so when I included it and changed my BFPs to BFNs, it changed my whole chart. Now it's saying that I didn't O until CD 16 which is AFTER I started the progesterone, and that makes me 9 dpo today. So I give the hell up. Excited for you! Hope for you!!


8 years ago • Post starter

That is super strange to have even the slightest of slight positive that early. My dr had me do blood work every other day to pinpoint ovulations, then again 7 days after ovulation. It made it so that she could get a better view of what my hormones were doing around that time. It gave us a lot of information. And if your dr did pregnancy tests each time it may show what is going on. Maybe you are conceiving early and there is an issue with implantation. What is your blood type? If you are negative then your body could be producing antibodies to stop anything from progressing and no matter how much progesterone you take, it won't matter. Especially if you have experienced a miscarriage and are a negative blood type.

Also, doing blood work leading up to O-ing, you will know exactly when to start progesterone.

8 years ago

I got my test results back, negative. I figured as much, and I told the dr that letrozole was unlikely to work. But what do I know about my body? ;)

8 years ago

Any news ladies?

My husband leaves for almost a month tonight. I feel kinda bad for him as he is going to the desert and it doesn't sound like a fun time.

Amanda, how are you feeling?

2frsty, how is this cycle starting out for you? Is your dr doing anything different?

8 years ago

Hey, ladies! Sorry I've been so absent, little man started school on Monday and it has occupied my every thought for weeks. First, I wanted to squeeze every drop out of the end of summer and then the preparations started (I'm an overpreparer...) and now I'm just trying to survive the first week of early mornings and pickups. My nausea is still kicking my butt, especially since pregnancy brings constipation (sorry for the TMI...) and there's no more room in there, but at least it has secluded itself to afternoon hours. I usually make it to lunch and then it's all downhill from there. I'm also up five pounds, even though eating is a luxury. This pregnancy so far is completely opposite of DS. But I had an appointment today and we're back to measuring ahead so my due date is back to March 1st.

I<3Kids: My husband leaves on Sunday but just for a week. It'll be rough but mainly because he's been doing the cooking, thanks to my nausea. He's only going to Texas though so he should have an easy time of it

Linda: I'm sorry about all the hassle your body is putting you through. I can't imagine but I still keep you in my thoughts daily. Plus, you've made me want to try purple potatoes (part of my weight gain is from eating starches... they don't make me sick...)

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8 years ago

Oh, Amanda! Morning sickness is the worst!!! Is there anything you can eat comfortably that you could make a big batch of so that it is all ready for the week? I hate food when I am pregnant. So I really feel for you!!!

8 years ago

Sorry for being so absent as well. I've been really having a difficult time as of late. Idk if I told y'all or not, but John's pediatrician thinks he may be slightly autistic; he's pretty social and vocal with good eye contact (most autistic kids don't) but he's NEVER pointed at/to anything, he doesn't mimic sounds or gestures, and doesn't have more than one word and gesture that is understandable to strangers, and that's Bye-Bye. At 24 months, he should have between 50-60 single words and be starting to combine words to make 2 word sentences. He doesn't. He screams all the time. ALL the time, and his tantrums are out of this world. He lost his shit for 20 straight minutes because his Daddy had to shut the bathroom door to shower. His Dr put in a referral for him to see a developmental specialist at the children't hospital locally. His speech therapist said she's seen some kids wait 6-7 MONTHS to get him evaluated with this doctor. Matt wants to get a second opinion by another Ped to see what she thinks. Anyways, long story short, I've been stressed to the max, and Matt and I have been fighting like cats and dogs. Between having a special needs kiddo (his Ped said that regardless of the autistic DX or lack thereof, he's considered a special needs child until he's caught up) and having NO IDEA how to treat him and/or what therapies might help him, Matt getting moved to a different company out of the blue, the fighting and all the damn chores he gives me to get done throughout the day (in addition to the house, the laundry, the dishes, and cooking + taking care of a 33 pound toddler who screams at me and tosses fits all damn day) - I have felt like I'm a gnat's eyelash away from a nervous breakdown for the last week and a half. I've felt very inadequate in every area of my life. I finally told Matt how I've been feeling about all of this, and he finally UNDERSTOOD! He said, "So ... you've been so irritable and hard of me and John because ... you feel like a failure as a wife and mother??" (I hadn't even used the word "inadequate" yet.) I said, "YES!!!!" Finally! I told him that I think we shouldn't try to have anymore babies since I'm not even doing what's right with this one. I told him that I wanted to get on the Mini-Pill birth control for a few months so my moods can regulate and I can unload the stress of TTC. He said he didn't want me to go on birth control, mainly because he feels that it takes God out of the baby making (or NO baby making) process. I haven't told him yet that I've already put in for a phone consult with my GYN to go ahead and have her call me in a script. Idk. Idk anything anymore. What I do know is that I feel like a crazy woman every day by around 3:00 pm. What should I do ladies? Should I take the pill to regulate my hormones and avoid the rage of the PMDD that makes the TWW so hard? What if I can't get Matt on board? I know it's ultimately my body and my decision, but I'd like to have his support. I really really really don't want to go behind his back.


8 years ago • Post starter

Wow, Linda.

Reunification can be stressful on a relationship. Well, not can be, IS difficult on a relationship. Throw in ANY toddler, let alone one who is experiencing difficulties as well can push any sane person to their limits. Maybe starting with cutting everything but your priorities back. Hiring someone to help you come and clean (I have used a teenage girl in the past because they are cheaper and help tidy, not just clean...) Where you are, are their any resources for you through the army? Utilize whatever you can right now. Have you heard of Wives of Faith? Maybe there is a chapter near you that would be happy to just come and drink some tea with you.

You have a lot on your plate. Maybe seeing a counsellor to help you find ways to articulate and cope may be a huge help to you and your family right now. You aren't alone! And you don't have to struggle alone either.

As for TTC, can you just stop without being on the pill? Let it go and relax a bit? I think trying to convince your husband for you to go on the pill will only cause more stress.... and doing it behind his back doesn't keep a marriage healthy. Secrets like that are a cancer to a marriage. If you can't NOT TTC without being on the pill it may be something the two of you need to talk about more so that you can both be on the same page.

You definitely have a lot on your plate right now.

8 years ago

I found this, Linda:

You know your child best. Trust in your inmate ability to trust him too.

8 years ago

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