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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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gds3 - I'm so sorry to hear about Helen! We'll pray for her and her family, and your son. How awful.

Koti - Have you mentioned to your dr how long you spot before AF comes? I read something recently about that, wish I could remember what it was! It was a sign of being low in something, I think, but I can't recall if it was progesterone. I know having to wait is frustrating - if you feel you need to switch doctors, don't hesitate. Find the one that's right for you. Also, I'm praying for you tomorrow - hope it all goes well and swiftly.

fiverson - I'm praying for your test results too. My RE was going to put me on the progesterone cream, but since they thought it was too expensive they switched it to the pill form and I insert it every night after I O until a few days before AF. Then I have to take a HPT to see if I'm pregnant or not, and stop taking the pill if I get a negative. I don't know if you're taking progesterone for different reasons than I am, but whatever it is, I hope it works for you.

It is bitter cold here today. Hope everyone stays safe and warm.

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10 years ago

I didnt realize you took all of them...I thought you were just naming them off lol. Doc said it could take 60-90 days for my body to regulate. I will take some of those into consideration though. :-)

Good luck all!

10 years ago

rebecca: Yeah I mentioned it, I will go in again once I have the green light (hopefully I do have a green light).
As for changing doctors, lol, I wish it was that easy here, there are no doctors here to take new patients, I got this one by a favour from someone... Althought the one that said no was the replacement while my doctor was on vacation, so I hope he will let me test.
I read about it too, it can be several reasons, one of which is low progesterone. This is one of the easier things to rule out by a simple blood test, and now that I am spotting for 6 days already I kind hate the replacement doctor now that this is one of the cycles that should have been tested...

carebear: Lol, to name I can name a lot more, depending on your specific situation.
I feel better since I started taking them, so for me it is worth it. Especially since we cannot nearly get the nutrients we need from our food.
Some pople are less affected/sensitive than me so they feel they don't need supplements.
Each one and their methods :)
Good luck!

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10 years ago

fiverson: I just did some research online about progesterone, I am now pretty sure that all the crap I have been going through lately is a result of low progesterone, which is probably low due to stress, poor nutrition (I eat good food but not regularly, my meals are all over the place), and lack of excercise. Here is a link to progesterone info and natural cream info:

Ok, anyone has ideas on how to make myself eat better and exercise?

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10 years ago

Kot: im praying for tomorrow dear! Im sure everything will be just fine!

Rebecca is cold here too!

Gds im praying fir your sons half sister. Will think of her everyday!

Afm, i now heard from my obgyn saying that after a cp is normal to have an irregular cycle. My lmp was 11/10. My cycles are 26-28, so indeed im late but BFN. I tested a bit ago.

Im ok with it. I didnt think otherwise. Mu gut feeling was no. But not sure why i got an yeast infection now. Which i only have it when pregnant ...


Baby dust n sticky vibes ladies!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Gvmdl- ((hugs)) sorry girl, I was really rooting for you.

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10 years ago

Bam i know u were!!!

Sucks to disappoint my girls but there is always another month :o)

What stinks is the symptoms. I have nausea off n on, bouts of fatigue, now the infamous yeast infection n bfn... oh well...

I wasnt going to test until monday but talked myself into being brave n testing. Hope the witch shows up soon!

Tomorrow my oldest turns 7! Im excited!

Time flies...

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

I know I said I wouldn't worry about BFP, and I'm not worried but wanted to post. Have been fine all day then this afternoon my abdomen starting hurting. Backache has gotten worse. Now I feel nauseated as heck. Abdomen hurts in between belly button and breasts. Have had an every day craving for ambrosia fruit salad and cubed cheddar cheese - 5 days now. Not sure what the abdominal pain is from. I'm totally exhausted and ready for bed and it's only 7:36 pm. DH is working late tonight so I may just go to bed.

Update on Helen (oldest son's half sister). Her platelet count dropped to 7,000 so they had to give her a blood transfusion - 2nd one since last night - and they will hold off on the spinal tap, chemo port, and chemo treatment. Please continue to pray for this sweet little girl and her family!!!

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

GV - darn it! I'm so sorry hon! Many hugs your way. Enjoy your daughters bday...I know you'll have a great time celebrating.

Koti - I'm sorry it's not easy to change doctors. We live in a big city here in MA, and Boston is only an hour away, so I guess we've gotten spoiled with the multitude of doctors. Hope you can get them to give you the progesterone if you need it.

gds3 - hope the pain goes away and you can rest.

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10 years ago

Hey ladies. So sorry I have been MIA... things have been crazy. I got sick (some stupid cold or something) Saturday and here it is Thursday night and I still have it. UGH! So I decided not to even do Letrozole.. a full cycle with no OPKs, meds, vitamins anything! I think I am like CD 7 or 8. Ha! Then Monday, my husband went to pick my son up from practice and on their way home, about 2 miles from the house, (we live in the country) my husband hit a deer... got into the driveway and the truck was smoking and spitting oil. So the insurance nightmare began. Thank God both of them were okay and unharmed... but his Baby (his truck) was damaged badly! It is in the shop and he is going crazy. I drive an Impala so we use his truck for 4wd in the winter... praying it gets fixed quickly! Anyways, wrestling season is over and my son did amazing (we will get his stats tomorrow). Now things calm down a little until Baseball season starts! That is my long winded update. Did ya miss me? Ha ha! Welcome to all of the newbies and baby dust to you all! I will try to be more active on the board soon! Miss you ladies when I am not on here! Hugs!

GVMDL, thanks... we got some snow but nothing much.. probably about 4-5'. We are getting ready for this weekend... looks like the storm will stay to the south of us... praying they are right!

Kot, I know what you mean about feeling a little disconnected... praying you get great results from your colposcopy tomorrow.

While, it sounds like she is being very proactive and the suppositories is a great "won't hurt and could help" method... sending many prayers your way.

gds, sending many prayers for Helen and her family and for your son.

Fiverson, sorry... I didn't mean to abandon you... we have had an eventful week! (see above). LOL

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10 years ago

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