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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi ladies! Thanks for all of the support. I know it is best to just make the appointments. Im not sure why im so scared to, I guess I just dont want to hear that something is wrong. But I guess if something is at least we will be able to start the steps to correct it.

It looks we are all really close this month again in our cycles. So good luck and baby dust :] Im going to try to take it easy this cycle. Try not to worry and stress about it too much. I will still use my opks but prob wont do anything else this cycle in hope to make everything a little more carefree. After a yr of trying it can all start to get monotonous. My dh is having one of his friends visit for a few days and monday we are having a cookout with some of our new friends. So hopefully alll of that will make the time pass by fast.

Sorry to hear about you being alone today dixieheart but at least its all for a good cause. It will all pay off in the future :]

And shelob you're right, Im sure with such strong cycles like that it wont take you no time at all hopefully :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies.......
I was just thinking the same thing about our cycles the other day amazing that we are so far apart but yet our cycles are very close. I'm really greatfull to have come to know you and Shelob, makes it easy to talk to someone who know exactly why you act crazy certain times of the month.

Yesterday was such a spectacular day, my brother is a model at Avent garde International. Last night he took part in our regents pageant Mr. Gauteng and won. We were so proud of him.

Well this month I only added the saliva testing and will stick to what we have done last month.....

I can't wait for Wednesday to get the sperm count back...I'm feeling really positive about the results....

Baby dust for this month ladies......

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10 years ago

Good evening! Thanks for the lovely words Dixieheart. I am also really happy to have got to know you two. It certainly makes this endless waiting so much more pleasant :)

Today I am still spotting. Temperatures have gone down quite a bit so I expect AF any minute! However, could be tomorrow or the next day based on previous cycles. Looking forward to getting started on clomid again.

Congrats to your brother Dixieheart! That sounds rather impressive :)

My Grandmother is so sweet. She came round for dinner the other night as we have my sister staying for a couple of days. She brought with her goodies to make my husband and myself "big and strong" to help us on this TTC journey and to recover from our miscarriage. It was so incredibly thoughtful of her and almost made me cry!

10 years ago

I feel like a broken record. Today still spotting. Still no AF. Spotting is increasing and temperatures dropped a few days ago so just waiting. It better come by tomorrow or that will be the longest luteal phase ever!

How are you two going?

10 years ago

Good morning ladies...hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Liz a cookout sounds like so much fun......what do you do during the cookout? I'm sure you guys will have a blast and make this terrible wait for O to pass quickly.....

Shelob that is so thoughtful of your grandma....shame I can just imagine how your heart must have felt.......for a while it feels like nothing can fill the empty space in your heart after the loss you have had....but Know it will get better....these things sometimes happen for a reason. Does not make is easier or bearable. All I can say is look to the future....try not to remind yourself of the past, only brings sadness.....but reach for the future and take hold if what is already yours....

This week we get back our test results......I'm actually feeling very excited.....I'm feeling good about this cycle too....DH and I spend half of our afternoon yesterday talking about us conceiving and having a baby.....I just love it when he is being so adorable....I can't wait for our little pinkvoet.....

Baby dust ladies!!!!!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies how's things going?

Well our doctor phoned me today about the blood test that was done on Friday.....everything came back irregularities....he said that in the
meantime we must continue with the way we are doing things....I'm very healthy and should get pregnant in no time...I'm just being we just need to hear about DH sperm count....which he also said should come back positive because we are doing everything right so far be having DH also taking fertility vitamins....

Now O just needs to show I'm cd 8 and will start using Opks from Saturday.....also still checking my saliva ferning every morning and nothing yet.....

Baby dust ladies!!!

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10 years ago

That's great news about the test results Dixieheart!!!

AF finally started properly yesterday. It was a heavy day, but no where near as painful as the previous cycles since the miscarriage. That is a relief! I was afraid they would be horrible forever! Starting clomid again tonight.

10 years ago

Hi Shelob good to hear AF is not so painful anymore....I must say I'm really lucky when it comes to that...some cycles there no mild cramps...and other cycles I can feel that they there.....

Good luck with your new cycle with clomid....keeping you in my prayers for your little miracle...

Keep me posted on how you doing.....

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10 years ago

Hi ladies
Sorry I haven't been on to update in a few days. I have been really busy for a change haha. My dh has a friend visiting and we have had friends over all weekend (well the weekend for us haha). Tomorrow all will be back to normal. So glad your test went well dixieheart and im sure your dh's sperm count test will come back positive as well :] And shelob Im glad to hear af isnt as bad for you this month. I hope this round of clomid is it for you :] Today I am cd 10 So before bed I will start my opks. I should have started yesterday but I have been so busy I have completely forgot! Hope you ladies are doing well. I can't wait to see how all of our cycles will turn out this month! :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies, mind if I join you? I've been getting to know you a bit reading through this post history, and you seem like mature, encouraging women - the sort of people I'd like to share my journey with.

This is my third cycle TTC #1, although I don't feel like I should really count the first one. That was immediately after getting off the pill, and the 79-day cycle was just my body remembering how it was supposed to operate on it's own. Since then, I've had approximately 40-day cycles, which is about the same as what I've had pre-pill.

I think I'm at 2DPO today, but I didn't chart my BBT faithfully enough this month to be super certain.

I have a bad feeling DH and I missed this month; we barely BD'd at all during my fertile period. I think it's because I had my wisdom teeth out on August 9th and took a long time to recover. My lip is still a little numb from a bruised nerve.

Me: 27, DH: 28 TTC since: March 2013 Irregular cycles User Image

10 years ago

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