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What does this mean?

I've been with my husband nearly four years(here in April) and we've been married 2 months now. For all of these years, he has always been extremely cautious and not wanted to have any kids. We have talked about them and planned for them in the future, and while I have wavered back and forth about when that should occur. We settled on waiting for my car to be paid off so we could have the extra money for a baby. I still have about 30 or so months left to pay off. But suddenly he isn't being cautious anymore.

We have used many methods over the years, condoms, BC, and pull out. He has never released in me ever except when a condom was used.

Until about 2 weeks ago, and he went inside of me without any protection at all. It weirded me out at first because I was so used to years of using methods of protection. I was really confused. I asked him why? And all he said was 'we're married now'. So then I basically said something about how I could get pregnant and I thought he wasn't interested much in even having kids. And he said something about me being wrong about him and not listening. Blah Blah.

He's not one to be careless about this sort of thing, a good portion of our relationship, he didn't really want any children at all.

What does this mean?
That he wants to have kids? Right now?
We're married and he doesn't care if it happens?

I'm confused as to what he wants, and it can be a really touchy subject for us.

I've been just going with it, we've had sex several times now and he has done the exact same way.

Im fine with now, and I'm fine with waiting.

Does it seem like he may be withholding information from me?


3 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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I don't think he is exactly holding information from you, however I also think yep, your married, who cares... if you both are in this marriage for the right reasons and you can provide a home for a child, just go with it and let god do his work, if he chooses to. Many people I know are not trying, but not protecting... however, I do think if you have these TRUE concerns and questions, you need to be open and honest with him, weather its a touchy subject or not... that's the key thing about marriage. Get it out in the open so you BOTH are comfortable. Good luck sweetie, and Baby dust! <3

12 years ago

I think deep inside he wants a family but doesn't want the whole talking about it. Some man are that way.

12 years ago

Sounds like he's ready for kids since I'm sure he knows that's what unprotected sex leads to. I think you should talk to him about it before you get a positive test so you know you are both on the same page and ready to bring a child into the world. Good luck!


12 years ago

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