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Miscarriage at 7 weeks 3 days. Taking a break.

I just had a miscarriage for the second time. I think I'm done for a while. My husband and I talked about it, and he's encouraging me to focus on things I enjoy for a bit and get emotionally ready to try again. I feel so numb now, but sometimes it becomes so real and I just break down. I know I wasn't that far along but we were so excited and I was so ready. Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice?

4 Replies • 12 years ago



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I am so sorry for your loss!!!

TTC #1 - Since 2010 BFP #1 on 11/22/11 (ended 12.13 ectopic) I'm a home cooking, OCD (at times) cleaning, NASCAR watching, Drag Race Loving, country living (being classy is over rated), stay at home, spending some months alone, 4 wheel riding, proud union carpenter wife & I wouldnt have it any other way! Follow my journey in life:

12 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss, but I can relate to your feelings. I feel the same way right now.

Last year January I miscarried at 10 weeks (US showed baby died at 7.3 weeks). I finally fell pregnant again in October, but this lasted only a few days. And in December I was pregnant again, but I lost it at 9 weeks (US showed baby died at 6 weeks).

I feel numb and exhausted. Where I thought it would be a joyful journey to become parents, I am really disillusioned right now. So we have decided to take a break, a few months, to get my energy back before we try again. And to focus on the good things in life, which of course are still there!

I don't have any advice for you, other than to take your time. You, and you alone, can decide when you are ready to try again.

Big hugs

12 years ago

I just saw that you opened this topic already in November, oops... How are you doing now?

12 years ago

I had a MC in Sept. at 9 1/2 weeks. I know how you feel. We waited 4 1/2 mths. before trying again. I felt like I needed a break too. We just tried this month and we should know by this weekend and I'm terrified. I hope I don't MC again. Good luck to you!

12 years ago

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