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Loss of some symptoms a bad sign? MC???

I've been rather nauseous the past few days, with only short spurts where I wanted to eat. Today I'm hardly nauseous at all. A little "background" nausea, but nothing overwhelming, and mostly after I eat something. My boobs are still sore (even without something touching them), I'm still tired, but that's eased up so much right now I'm kind of panicking. Is it normal for some symptoms to come and go? I'm also not cramping as bad, but my belly is still sore to the touch and the muscles are still sore feeling. Should I be worried about a miscarriage or just enjoy feeling a little better while it lasts?

3 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

1 - 3 of 3 Replies

HI, how many DPO are you today? did u get a BFP?
If yes, then i don't think you have anything to worry about... maybe you should consult with you doctor?
I am 9 DPO today, i had sore boobs and awful tiredness, but these 2 days my tiredness has gone away, so i am scared to death that i had only been imagining things. Now the only symptom left is the sore boobs, but i hope this is my month, because my first pregnancy passed perfectly without ANY symptoms. So i thing there may be pregnancies without any symptoms.
Good luck!

12 years ago

Hello there - I am hoping I can share some light. The symptoms of ovulation and early pregnancy are very similar - we can sit and symptom spot from a couple of days after O however if implantation won't occur until between 6dpo and 10dpo roughly. When we are tryign to concieve we are far more in tune with our body and notice symptoms early on - some women will say that they absolutely knew from a few days after but in comparison so many others say they thought they were and then turned out now. I would say symptoms you have had so far have been down to ovulation however if in the next few days other symptoms come or the same ones come back these are more likely to be pregnancy ones. Good luck

12 years ago

I got a BFP, so I know it wasn't ovulation. My symptoms came back full force later on yesterday. The nausea is back and forth, but everything else is consistent, or increasing, so I think we're all good. Thanks for the help!!

12 years ago • Post starter

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