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Future Mommies-2-Be--TTC#1

I started this board for ladies who are TTC #1. Not that ladies who are trying for #2-7 aren't important, it's just a totally different ball ground and I wanted a place we Future Mommies could come to and share are feelings since "we" aren't Mommies yet. We, Future Mommies-2-Be, do not know what its like to be pregnant/carry full term, or to have a baby in our arms. Therefore our journey is completely different by that one aspect and its a big difference.

Age/ DH's:
Cycles trying:
Cycle length:
About your journey so far:

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297 Replies • 12 years ago



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Name/Nickname: Bug
Location: TN
Age/ DH's: 27, 29
Cycles trying: 8
Cycle length: 28-30 days
About your journey so far: My journey started before I did really. [On BC at the time and not married] Back in Dec 2010, I felt and thought I was pregnant, I was throwing up, sleeping alot, peeing in the middle of the night but when Af was due it was a couple of days late but when AF finally came she came with a vengeance and boy was I in pain and bleeding through everything. I never tested, but I believe to have what I call a miscarriage. So, in January, my DF at the time decided we wanted to start TTC got off BC and we eloped January 22, 2011. But when AF came, my DH and I decided to wait and I went back on BC. A month later on February 22, 2011, we decided to throw out the BC for good. I got my AF right on time and have ever since expect in July I was a week late. I have fought back so many tears because each time AF came somebody I knew was pregnant. It doesn't feel good each time either when they weren't even trying and they got what I want.
Hoping this 8th cycle brings me a BFP and a sticky bean. Being using BBT charting going on 2 cycle and OPKs. Also, using EPO, Vitex, B6, along with prenatals.

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12 years ago • Post starter

hello Bug-

Im angelcutiemh (old nickname)
TTC #1
DH and i married for a year last week
Cycle 31 -33 days

I have been married for 1 year 31 and DH is 39..for years i had ovarian cysts that were huge..starting at age was on BCP from age 14 - this april..came off bcp and cycles stayed regular 28-33 days..Decided september 5 to start ttc. tossed the condoms..started using CVS OV strips and had LH surg 9/16 and 9/17 and then nothing on 9/18 (OV?)
Had lots of symptoms since POD 2..cramps, back ache, gas, bubbles in belly, extreme fatigue..mood swings..I have never TTC before and in the past few months have never felt this way mid month..i found this site googling my symptoms..Ive been taking vitamins for over a year..started Omega oils in may..and just started having fun..i would be so happy if it worked on C1..but even though i have still so nervous..good luck to you bug! i am here to share the journey..i have seen many friends go through infertility (and now have babies) but its hard and scary..

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12 years ago

Welcome, angelcutiemh, Sounds like your journey will be a short one. Keep positive because thats the only thing that will help you survive if you end up not getting that BFP this cycle. I sure hope for your sake it is a BFP and that you do not have to experience the woes of TTC.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hello Bug and Ladies

Lovely idea!


Name/Nickname: Kelly
Location: MO
Age/ DH's: 30/30
Cycles trying: 6
Cycle length: 22-30
About your journey so far:
I have been married to my DH for 6 years (together 9) I was on Depo Provera for a good 11 years.
I loved it but now we are ready for a family it has been very frustrating. I came off it March 2010 and got my Period March 15th 2011 6:30pm She was a welcome sight! But shes remained irregular up untill the last 2 months or so. I couldnt even tell if I was O!!
I have been taking PN's and this month im tracking my bbt and I have bought some opk's.
We are ready baby, we all are ready!

It feels really good to talk about my journey, thanks for listening xx

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12 years ago


Also Im the last of my close friends to have a baby xx

My best friend just had her 1st 11 days ago, a beautiful baby boy.
She wasnt even trying xx

She has been crossing her fingers for me ever since she found out and blowing baby dust my way

From her to all of us

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Nickname: Emmy
Age: 26 DH 27
Location: England
TTC for 2 cycles on cd 4 of 3rd cycle
cycle length: 31 days

Have been married 14 months but together 8 years.
Decided in May we would start thinking of trying. We were holidaying in New York in the July and didnt want to fly if pregnant. So started trying end of July.
Everyone around us seems to have just announced they are pregnant and so feeling a little down as we really want a child. Finding it all a little stressful atm. I am a teacher and am always so busy.
Really hope this is our month!

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12 years ago

Hello everyone! this is such a good thread to start!!

Name/Nickname: Ashley (Ash)
Location: O-H-I-O :)
Age/ DH's: 28/30
Cycles trying: 12
Cycle length: 30-32
About your journey so far:

Dh and I have been married for 3 years and have been TTC for one year (and almost a month). I was on the devil (depo) for about 3 shots, didnt like how it was making me feel and the weight I was gaining with it so I stopped. Still didnt get AF for another 6 months and when she finally showed it -- wow she didnt know when to come or for how long! (super irreg.)

So after trying for about 8 months, DR finally decided to start paying attention to my cycles and such. I was put on 3 rounds of clomid to help me O. (50mg, 100mg and 100mg). I was supposed to start round 4 this cycle but AF just decided to show up 2 days ago (after being almost 3 weeks late!!!!) and I'm switching Dr's right now so I have an appointment with the new dr on monday (3rd) so I havent called the current dr to get a 4th round started b.c cd 5 would be on monday (since I spotted 2 days ago, nothing yesterday and now AF is here but light today so I'm making CD1 today). this new doctor does more then the current doctor!
Sorry its so long!! :)

to all!!

TTC #1 - Since 2010 BFP #1 on 11/22/11 (ended 12.13 ectopic) I'm a home cooking, OCD (at times) cleaning, NASCAR watching, Drag Race Loving, country living (being classy is over rated), stay at home, spending some months alone, 4 wheel riding, proud union carpenter wife & I wouldnt have it any other way! Follow my journey in life:

12 years ago

Welcome, Ladies! I'm so glad you all think this was a great idea. Thanks for joining. I was tired of hearing women complain day after day and jumping for joy when they get pregnant with their second, third, fourth,but the most recent their seventh. I just feel selfish about this and a lil envious. Cause at least they have one already, I know that they might have gone through it the first time around but now its our turn to have the first timer blues. The two things that bug me the most (no pun intended) is ladies who get preggo without the trying or ladies who get preggo with child #....

Kelly, I totally understand you and hope that your find out if your Oing or not. Last cycle I found out I O later than I thought and it was a joy to even know I O'd. However, I think I have been missing the mark the whole time I have been trying. Last month, I actually knew for the first time and BD around the right time of the month.
Glad to hear your best friend is being a positive vibe for you. FX'd

Emmy,I totally understand what your saying. Stress is not a great factor when TTC but its hard to avoid. Atleast you are staying busy. Good LUCK!!!

Ash, I sorry the devil depo got to you and I hope your body responds better to meds or just having it clear out your system. I hope your new doctor gives you a better plan of action and that this will be the only cycle you need them.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Bug..thank you for starting this forum...I think we all do need eachother..Its so hard when this is something i have dreamed about my whole life...and i didnt realize how it would make me feel now that we are trying..we spend half our lives trying to prevent this..

AF is due in 2 days..and i had dreams again of testing +, so i was wide awake at 530am and had to i used my last test of a 3 pack..and still a BFN...i was reading on other posts about BFP by this its disappointing..and i have not been on this journey as long as any of you other do you keep your chin up? I have 2 docs that think i have PCOS..but my GYN thinks i wont have a problem we shall see..

Kelly, emmy and ash! nice to meet you all..i am melissa from NJ..(i forgot those 2 things in my original post)...

what has everyone tried so far..i just started with the test friend had success with preceed (pre seed?) lubrication..

I just want to figure out if it O. I had the LH surg for 2 days around when my calander said i should be fertile..and then the day it said i should O the surg was maybe??

still have cramps and fatigue..but im losing hope...trying to prepare for disappointment..

hope you all get your sticky bean this month!!!!! baby dust to all!!!!!

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12 years ago

Melissa, I know exactly how you feel. I was the one who grew up wanting kids all my life and being a wife. My other cousins who are around me and my big sis didn't want to have kids they wanted to enjoy single hood well all 3 of them got pregnant at 18 and all 3 of them have 2 kids. Along with all my other younger cousins and younger sis. I'm 27 and out of all of the 18 grandkids, I'm one of the last grandgirls to be having a kid. It sucks big time since it was my dream and not theres really.

I'm sorry that you got a BFN but just remember its not over till Af shows and some ladies don't get BFPs till later. Those ladies who get early BFPs are just lucky to have HCG levels to be high enough. But EVERYBODY is different, you can't compare yourself to others.

It's hard to keep your chin up but I personally have to keep saying to myself that it will ALL be worth it one day and hopefully sooner than later.

I have been using preseed for 2 months now. At first, I was just using a lil of it on the outside but last cycle I start ejecting a lot inside before BDing.
I'm using EPO to help with CM. I am also taking Vitex its suppose to help with luteal phase lengths.
I also do BBTing and have been for 2 months now.

Just because you didn't get a LH surge on the day you actually O doesn't mean you didn't. You got to remember a LH surges happens before you O. It doesn't tell you the exact time but that its about to happen. and a LH surge can happen for 12 hours or last up to 48 hours once again everybody is different.

Don't lose hope my motto is your not out till AF shows her ugly face.

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12 years ago • Post starter

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