Community post


December Testers Support Group!

Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



Pregnancy test calculator

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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Hey luv I'm still here! Cant wait to see all of you get your bfp's! I still keep up with yall :)

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10 years ago

I'm here:)

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

What is a drop in! I have been on here two months! Ttc since July! Nothing so far..... AF is due 12/9 maybe this month! We shall see....


10 years ago

Oh I lost you all for a little while. Didnt realise you move onto new threads oops :/ hope everyone is doing ok? Xxx

10 years ago

A drop in is someone who does not post regularly but joins the group to report the results of their pregnancy test, an action that doesn't contribute to the supportive environment. By "talking" with the other women here, who give/get support through sharing their experiences and giving advice/feedback, it shows that you're interested in being a part of this support system.

10 years ago

Hey ladies! Not much going on here--I have EXTREME ITCHINESS--so much so that I had to wake my husband up and have him rub alcohol all over my back and back of knees then i took a shower (at 1am) and still struggled to sleep. I've been awake since 5am for no good reason. DH was snoring really really loud last night so that might be a major reason I wasn't able to sleep.

10 years ago

Aw hope your itchiness passed? Xx

10 years ago

Law: Why are you itchy? Dry skin????? Allergy???
I wanted to ask you how did you go with your blood result for the jaundice? If you have elevated liver function then you can be itchy. Your beta result is just "wack" it is high. Awesome just awesome.

Sailor: Hey, glad to see your post. (((Hugs)))

Mill: Welcome. Do you use opk or temp?

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

Good morning all you beautiful ladies.
Happy Saturday to you all.

I'm off to bed.

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

Hello, ladies. Hope I can jump in as I've reached an all new POAS low. Little back story first...

I'm 36 and DH is 38. I have a 10-year-old son from a previous marriage. DH has no children. We've been trying to conceive since September 2012.

On November 14th I had my first IUI. I started with Clomid 50mg daily on CD's 3-7 and then Ovidrel trigger the day before the procedure. Learned after washing DH's sperm, they were only able to get 100,000 good healthy sperm. They like to see 1,000,000 at minimum. Doc even mentioned I might consider IVF before performing the IUI. I was crushed.

So, I'm in the TWW. I was advised to take a pregnancy test once daily until the trigger shot cleared. Was kinda weird seeing two lines and knowing for the moment that it meant nothing. The shot has finally cleared but I'm still testing every morning. The new all time low...taking those strips (internet cheapies) and holding them up against a bright LED light. Bright side AND dark side of the matter is it makes the positives and negatives more obvious.

So that's about it. How are you ladies this fine Saturday?

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

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