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Beyond Ready for an August Baby

Here is the August's listed under TTC My First but I know we have many members trying for another. Wish there were more options..

719 Replies • 10 years ago



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There are so many new members so here is just a bit about my journey:

Trying since Aug 2011, no pregnancies, no m/c, nothing. I am 30, DH is 35, he has 3 kids, they live with us. He has slightly low motility and I have a thyroid issue that is controlled with medicine. I also had high prolactin due to my thyroid but also controlled. I ovulate normally and have fairly regular cycles. I spent 1 yr trying naturally and 1 year treating my thyroid. I meet with all my doctors in the next few weeks and HOPE we start further testing. I try to be positive but it's just getting to be overwhelming, everyone around me is having babies, 3 births in the last week. I try to be strong but I just am crumbling because all I want is to be a mom, especially being a stepmom and helping raise kids. Actually I didn't really want kids before, it was only after meeting DH and experiencing being a stepmom that I wanted to try.

I used to post a lot but recently I've been so down I didn't want to be negative. But I am here every day, checking on you all. If you don't hear from me, always know I am sending my best, wishing everyone BABYDUST and congratulating all the BFPs.

10 years ago • Post starter

I was a new poster this past October cycle so I'll give a bit of my story, too.

DH and I are both 32. Married in 2010. Went off birth control in the spring of 2010 since it was the depo shot and i knew it would take a bit to get out of my system.

Diagnosed with PCOS the summer of 2011 (which I have a theory was caused by the depo, but that's another story) but I do not have actual cysts. I do have the insulin resistance part so am on Metformin ER.

So since we got married in 2010 we were not trying, not preventing. Then this January I got serious about it and started with the temping/opk-ing etc. My OB/GYN referred me to an RE right away because of the PCOS. He did all the standard tests, tubes clear, uterine lining good.

I did have a chemical pregnancy in July while doing a clomid cycle. After that, mostly because of costs we went back to trying on our own a bit. I started acupuncture last cycle and am back to clomid for November. They will also give me an HCG trigger shot to hopefully help me make more progesterone to support a pregnancy and lengthen my 10/11 day luteal phase.

So, August here we go!!

10 years ago

Thank you for showing me the August post! I'm here for
Moral support if any of you would like. My husband has deployed so I think I'm
Out for a couple of months so I am gonna live vicariously through you guys and your amazing soon to be news! Keep up the positive vibes!

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10 years ago

Hi Guys,
Thank you for starting this board, if we're already sharing our story, here is mine:
I am 29, DH is 32, married since Jan 2006. I was in school until November 2012 so we were trying not to get pregnant until then. Sometime in Dec 2012 we stop trying to prevent and started trying but I am pretty sure I was too late in Dec 2012. So in Jan 2013 we started trying by trying to BD as much as we could. We did not get pregnant and in July I started tempting and in August started supplements. I was sure I was pregnant in August as I got tons of symptoms and 3 people dreamt of me pregnant one of which did not even know I wanted kids. But by the time testing came it was but I had a brutal so it was probably chemical.
Last month I went to the doctor and now will be doing blood work and ultrasound and acupuncture and see where that takes us.
I don't know if I have any issues but it seems reproductive issues run in our family.
But I have 2 fertility specialists in the family (despite them being in a different country it helps), they said that I am crazy to even think about it before trying for a year because despite having any issues most people will get pregnant within 1-2 years without intervention. So here I am trying to only go the natural way for as long as my mind will let me .
Sorry for going on and on.

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10 years ago

Pbc: im here!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

I'm here too.

10 years ago

I'm still following you gals :))

10 years ago

I'm here... I bet you missed me... LOL

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10 years ago

Hello ladies! I'm pretty much in the same mode as pbc in that I get on these boards to follow everyone's stories, but I usually don't post. I just really don't feel like I have too much to say after all this time. I'm not officially out for July yet, but I'm not feeling too confident about my chances.

I'm 26 and dh is 27 (will be 28 in 2 weeks). We have been married for 3 years and trying for our first for a year and a half. My blood work and ultrasound came out normally and dh's SA came out normally. I've gone through 5 rounds of clomid and have had one chemical pregnancy. I'm scheduled to see an infertility specialist next month.

Good luck and baby dust to all of you and here's to hoping none of us need to even create a September board!

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

10 years ago

I'm here!

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10 years ago

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