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TTC A GIRL ne1 had anyluck need partner O day July 11th

I have a son thats almost 14. Yea, Yea I know I'm going to start all over and I just stopped my ortho tri cyclen BCP and I O on July 11th. I want to sway a girl, but a healthy baby will do. Anyone had any luck swaying a certain gender and who wants to be my partner in crime. Need some new friends.......


7 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi there, I was about to Start a discussion like this myself. I have 3 girls . Oldest is 14, and I want a boy! A healthy baby is good too but I was wondering the same thing. I od on the 10th so I'm in the dreaded 2ww. Didnt BD until the 10th ( shettles method) but the Chinese gender predictor says I would have a girl. I was wondering how accurate that was? I know with my girls I was very young, BD all the time to get a girl . Let me know how it turns out. If we get our bfp then it's 4 months to find out the sex... Aaaahhhhh. Like the 2ww isn't bad enough. Lol.

11 years ago

All I know is what I've read and yes if you want a boy you need to have sex the day before ovulation the day of and the day after and for a girl like what I'm doing is I O on the 11th I'm going to have sex on the 5th 6 7th 8th. refrain the 9, 10, 11, 12th n pray the y chromosomes have died and just girl X chromosomes are waiting.... when do you test? I hope you get your boy and I my girl. Good luck and keep in touch let me know what's going on

11 years ago • Post starter

I am 5 dpo. So I won't start my POAS craziness till about July 3. (14 dpo) if I don't cave and POAS sooner lol. How about you?

11 years ago

Hello. Like I said I am stopping my BC pills this month and this week is my period week I noticed some pink when I wiped Monday and some cramping Tuesday like I'm about to start, but to my surprise I haven't started fully at all yet. I am like clockwork when it comes to starting so I'm beginning to wonder. I never missed a pill took them every morning when I woke. Theres no way after ALL these years I could have gotten pregnant on the pill, I know I'm going to start, but I am being paranoid and I have been stressed, but other than that WHEN I start I will have to change my O date and then sway my girl then. It would be nice to already be preg, but then I wouldn't know how I swayed it and my luck. BOY again, lol. I know my body and if I don't start after 30 or 31 days I'm pregnant. So I'm not a POAS addict but if I think I could be pregnant NEXT month I'll test anywhere between 10 and up days since you can get them dollar tests that work just as good as a 20 dollar one. So I still wish you luck and baby dust and I will keep you informed on me. TTYL.... =-)

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Michelle.
Hi Kat.
I'm on cycle day 9 waiting to o in about 2-3 days. I'm swaying for a boy or tying to at least. I've read the book on the Shettles Method from front to back and going to give it a shot. Lets keep tabs on methods and see if anything works!

@ Kat. What are you doing to sway for a boy? I have 2DD and 1 DS and would like to even out my numbers as well as giving my son a shot at a brother.

The last two months we didn't try so I'm hoping this will be my month. I am a poas addict. I buy like 10 hpt from the dollar store I have a "cute" basket set up in the master bathroom with my opks, my pee cup, and hpts.

@ Michelle. The first month I threw out the pill I had spotting 4 days before AF finally started. I then had really painful o pains. I read it could've been a failed attempt at ovulation. My cycles were like clock work now they're 23 days cycles.

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11 years ago

Since it's my first month trying to sway for a girl, I'm going to go for it. I thought AF was coming on the 25th, but she showed up on the 26th instead which changed my O date till the 12th. So since sperm can live in you for 3-5 days or even longer depending on the surrounding in there. For a boy I would think its best to BD the day b4, day of of course and the next day, but for a girl I'm going to go at it for 4 days b4 every day. I also told my man that I want him to take a HOT HOT bath/shower so it kills a lot of the Y chromosomes and hopefully only X will be left. I'm very impatient and like someone said swaying for a girl is one thing but its another 4 months till you find out what it is, UGH!! I'm going to give it my best shot that's all I can do. I feel like I'm in the 2ww b/c I'm waiting on the big O and I'm not exactly CERTAIN to a T that it will fall on that day. I just know that in the past that If I didn't start my AF by day 30 or 31 I was pregnant. I wish you the best of luck Kat on your boy and the last comment your girl. You two keep me informed and so will I....

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,
Just checking in to see where everyone is in their cycles.
I'm at 4DPO

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10 years ago

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