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TTC #1-Cycle 2

Hello Everyone!
I am on my second cycle of TTC#1. I thought we hit the jackpot this past cycle, but AF showed up today. I hope to meet other ladies on the same journey so we can obesses together and share our stories. Sending you all tons of baby dust!

-Valentine User Image

38 Replies • 13 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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Hey there!! My AF showed up yesterday 04/06 4 days EARLY!!!!! talk about big let down... this is my 3rd cycle TTC so glad to know there is someone else out there I can go crazy with!! now the first TWW starts waiting to ovulate!!! BABY DUST to us all!! can't wait for the madness to start!!

13 years ago


I'm on cycle #2 TTC #1 as well!

AF showed up for me on the 9th so we can be buddies!

I hate all this waiting - I wish our cycle was WAY shorter! haha..

I'm married to the most wonderful, supportive and loving husband! and I have a little cocker spaniel puppy =) My passion is pregnancy! I work with women who are trying to conceive by teaching them the influence that diet has on their reproductive health and how natural nutrition and their food choices can help reverse infertility. I also work with woman on proper nutrition and diet during their pregnancy and breastfeeding/post-pregnancy season.

13 years ago

yea the hardest part is waiting!! you have to wait to ovulate and then wait to pee on a stick lol... How old are you? is this your first time trying? I just like asking about everyone to see where everyone is coming from and to see all the different stories on people trying to make a family =) I'm supposed to start my fertile days this wednesday on the 13th soooo.. fingers crossed. i'm going to go buy some ovulation kits and i'm definintely drinking my robitussin this cycle to try it out... I hate cough syrup but since trying for 4 cycles i'll try anything once!!

13 years ago


I'm 19 - will be 20 on the 29th of this month! my hubby is in the Navy - we got married a little over 2 months ago and we are just family oriented people and can't wait to have children!

Yes, this is my first time trying to get pregnant - it's my second cycle though. We just had a miscarriage on Saturday, actually. Trying not to think about that.

Yeah, I am going to try some new things this month too! I got a pack of OPK's, a BBT thermometer, and I also got that special lub - preseed or something? I'm anxious to see how this month goes!

What about you?

What's up with the cough medicine? haha.. Never heard that before!

I'm married to the most wonderful, supportive and loving husband! and I have a little cocker spaniel puppy =) My passion is pregnancy! I work with women who are trying to conceive by teaching them the influence that diet has on their reproductive health and how natural nutrition and their food choices can help reverse infertility. I also work with woman on proper nutrition and diet during their pregnancy and breastfeeding/post-pregnancy season.

13 years ago

I'm 29, We have been on the "if it happens, it happens" trip for the past 4 years. This year we decided it was the year to get serious =) I hope all of us on this post get our BFP! I dont like cough syrup either, but... if it helps, lets do it!!! =) ~~~*baby dust *~~~

-Valentine User Image

13 years ago • Post starter

Been taking my daily does of nasty cough syrup!! YUCK! but I'm willing to do whatever it takes!! I really think I ovulated earlier this month on SAturday so i'm 2 dpo.. Fingers crossed this is the one. I have been trying everything.. My ovulation felt strong too. Sharp shooting pains from my right side for about 2 or 3 hours. We BD that morning and that night sooo I hope we hit the jackpot.. litterally LOL... Good luck to everyone.. let the TWW begin!! I can't wait to start compairing Symptoms!!

13 years ago

Robtussin is supposed to thin out ALL your mucus, which is perfect for your guys little swimmers. So take your shot everyday and it should get your CM in good shape for the long swim up! I' googled it and found some interesting stories on it, so can't hurt!

13 years ago

Hey ladies!

How's the journey going? I had some pain in my lower abdomen on April 19 (CD 15) which I believe to be Ovulation pain, I got my first and only + OPK on CD 14 .... I hope this is the month!!!!

-Valentine User Image

13 years ago • Post starter

I had some sharp pains that I believe to be ovulation on April 16th!!! So i'm excited about that.. every other day I have been feeling some twinges. my back hurts a little. No sore boobs tho. and i've been VERY emotional... so hopefully it's all GO O D news!!

13 years ago

YAY Joanie!!

-Valentine User Image

13 years ago • Post starter

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