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AF due today :(

It's not here yet but my is due today. I don't really feel any symptoms of it though. I was so sure I was pregnant due to all the symptoms I had but I just don't feel it though. I seem to have bored my husband with all my pregnancy chatter so maybe that's why I don't seem so aware. I've gotten two and if I don't start today I will take another. It was only our first try this time around.

11 Replies • 11 years ago



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On the same boat as you... I might be 7 days late or 1 day late.. .not sure since after stopping BC my cycles got messed up. First cycle was 23 then 35 and this cycle is apparently already 37 days. Somehow i didn't test yet, since i know it will just be negative... No AF symptoms but I feel tired, I drink lots of liquids and have light headaches...Don't know what it means.... but I am so emotionally drained I don't even want to pee on a stick anymore, bc I know it will be negative.. So i will just wait and see what happens.. ;) Baby dust to you!!!!! ;) Sorry I used your post to brag...hehe

11 years ago

Don't be sorry! I too have stopped bc recently but I had the egg white discharge and was cramping like crazy so we tried anyways. My symptoms seem to have disappeared.

On another note my never showed so I tested and got I think. Sounds weird I know. I think all I was seeing was the place where the line was supposed to be. I noticed it last time but forgot to look before I used it this time.

I wish something would happen soon so I can quit worrying about it. I am so drained.

11 years ago • Post starter

I know your post was two days ago, any update? I am 1-2 days late too.On dpo 15, CD 30. This is my second month TTC #3.Went off BC 2 months ago. My cycles used to be 28 days, like clockwork. I have aged 5 years since lest pregnancy, which could attribute to the longer cycle? But,the not knowing is crazy. Took test this morning and Saturday morning, both BFN. I wish I would either get AF so I could start next cycle or finally get a bfp (preferably the latter). :) Sorry to vent! Your story is very much like what I'm experiencing. I have also been nauseas for 4 days, been peeing a lot and have been sooo tired!! Could be AF syptomstoo, just tired of these days feeling like I'm hanging on every feeling!!

11 years ago

I still haven't started and I've taken more tests and of course . Thought I saw a line but maybe not. Like you, I just wish something would happen. I had a dream that I had a mc, maybe it's a sign.

11 years ago • Post starter

I don;t think your dream is a sign! I think its your mind playing tricks on you, though. I have been having some strange dreams too,but mostly about bizarre subjects,like dogs. Isn't there a rule somewhere about having 18 dpo days of temps over cover line meaning pregnancy is pretty sure true? Maybe I read that wrong. But, if not a few more days of this and I'm going to the doctor a blood test.

11 years ago

I just realized my signature is very wrong, but I don;t know how to change it, oh well.

11 years ago

I've also read that 18 dpo temps over cover line is a true sign.

Just when I come to terms that I'm probably not pregnant I start feeling sick again. I've felt fine all day until 30 min ago and I got really hot, dizzy, queezy and some mild cramping. I wasn't even thinking about pregnancy until I realized I better add it to my tww.

11 years ago • Post starter

I hear ya. I have been nauseated for 4 days! I have never had any pms symptoms other than pms cramps and mood swings, so I have no reason to believe this sickness is anything other than pregnancy. I have no mood swings right now. In fact, I have been in a great mood, despite the exhaustion and tummy nausea. The only thing that keeps pulling me back to no pregnancy is that drop in BBT this morning. I can't wait to see what my BBT is tomorrow morning. If it is low again Im going with no pregnancy. Although my temp this morning was low-ER it was still above my cover line.

11 years ago

This morning I woke up coughing and felt a little wetness. There was a couple spots of blood. It wasn't like my normal period though. My period is usually thick and full force but this was brown and thin/diluted looking.

My pms usually included heavy cramping and loose bm (tmi). And it just has a distinct smell. I know tmi again but I think it's important to look at every little thing. I've had some loose bm but I just don't feel the same.

I'm still nauseous so I don't know what's going on. I've spotted with my last pregnancy but not until I got a positive hpt.

I'm so CONFUSED! And of course now my hubby knows I'm bleeding and thinks I'm CRAZY after all! LOL

11 years ago • Post starter

Well, I ended up starting my period last night around 7:00. At least I know and can start a new cycle. I feel so silly! I know the nausea was real, and I guess I can chalk it up to a pms symptom. So, if it happens this month I won;t be freaking out thinking I'm pregnant when I'm really not.
I also have loose bm's right before period and was never constipated at all throughout last month. I kind of knew that was a tell-tale sign, but I chose to ignore it. I swear I can convince myself I'm pregnant, even when I'm not.
I'm so surprised that we aren't pregnant this month. We did everything perfectly(or as much as we could). The first two times I got pg, it was really quick. Now, I'm concerned that since my husband and I are both 36, that we may be facing some fertility issues that haven't been uncovered yet.I'm going to go through charting this month but if it doesn't happen again I'm not sure this is worth it! The tww is way too consuming.
I hope your spotting is short lived and you get you bfp this month!! I think its so funny to hear what everyone says about their husbands on this site. My husband felt a little bad for me since I was so bummed last night. But, at the same time, he was really happy that he gets another fun filed week full of BD!!

11 years ago

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