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Ovulation + PCOS ???

Has anyone managed to successfully track ovulation with PCOS?
My partner and I are considering TTC but my cycles are all over the place. My last cycle was 78 days and I needed to take pills to induce a bleed in the end.
For the past couple of weeks I've started doing daily ovulation strips and tracking my BBT. The strips are always negative and my BBT is always normal (between 36-37) with no peaks.
I'm now on CD 42, not unusual but frustrating. Sometimes I go through spells where I'm more regular (between 30-34 days) but then this happens again. Have done home pregnancy tests for the past 10 days just in case but always a clear BFN so I'm sure it's just another PCOS related delay.

I'm worried that I won't be able to work out when or if I ovulate when we TTC!

Has anyone been in a similar position and successfully worked out their ovulation dates?

1 Answer • 11 months ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 1 of 1 Answers

hello my period is always long or short sometimes i'm lucky and it's only 30 days but i have had days of 60 or more

before i didn't know much about ovulation and was too much charting and tracking everything
first you need to learn to relax all this charting and stuff is just stressful

just use opk and try to learn to feel your cervix opening that's all and cervical mucus all these extra things no need

i finally after using opk for a few times regardless if short or long cycles i noticed i'm always fertile around 17-18-19 and this cycle as well too

read about cervix position and ovulation and you have to feel it a few times to know the difference make sure your hands are clean
i really wish you the best
i also got pregnant and have a 8 year old while on pcos and without taking it tracking but when i was stressing and tracking no luck until i learned to relax and enjoy

and read a lot don't trust what dr say i noticed they lie a lot or barely say enough

11 months ago

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